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Will of Rosina Goodfellow In re This is the last will and Testament of me Rosina Goodfellow of St. John’s, widow, hereby expressly revoking all wills and Codicils by me heretofore made and declaring that these presents express my latest and binding intentions I give devise and bequeath to my Executors hereinafter named all the Estate real and personal of which I shall die possessed Upon Trust to administer and distribute the same in accordance with my desires and bequests hereinafter set forth, that is to say Firstly I give devise and bequeath to my dear niece Alice McNeily all my freehold interest in the property held by me on the south side of the Harbor of St. John’s consisting of waterside premises, Stores, wharves, Cottages, and lands appurtenant thereto And also all my interest whatsoever the same may be in the rent or royalties payable to me by the Glenwood Lumber Company and its assigns whosoever the same may be, but I expressly declare that this bequest does not carry with it any rent or royalties in arrears, accumulated, due, or accruing at the time of my decease but such arrears accumulations or debts due, and likewise the first complete payment accruing after my decease shall go to my general estate as provision for the bequests and legacies by this my will devised Secondly I give devise and bequeath to my dear niece Jessie McNeily all my right title and interest in and to the leasehold Land Dwelling House and premises situate on Church Hill in St. John’s aforesaid and assigned to me by Alexander J. W. McNeily Subject nevertheless to the mortgage thereon for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars payable to the Estate of James A. Whiteford deceased and also all my household furniture now at “Dunluce” Subject to certain small bequests of which I shall inform her and of which I know that for my sake she will have regard. Thirdly I give and bequeath to my nephew James Alexander William Whiteford McNeily all my household furniture and books now in my Queen Street residence or wheresoever the same may be at the time of my decease reserving thereout some specific gifts which I may make to my said niece Alice McNeily Fourthly So soon as in the discretion of my Executors it shall appear to them expedient or advantageous it is my will and desire that they shall realize such portion of my estate as shall require to be realized in order to the effectual carrying out of the true intent and meaning of this my will Fifthly out of the moneys of my Estate the proceeds of such realization I give and bequeath to my nephew Alexander Robert Goodfellow McNeily the sum of one Thousand Dollars and to my nephew James Johnston Rogerson McNeily the sum of one Thousand Dollars Sixthly I give and bequeath to the several beneficiaries herein nominated the following sums, that is to say:
Seventhly I give and bequeath to my said nephew James Alexander William Whiteford McNeily Fifteen shares in the stock of the “Newfoundland Consolidated Foundry Company” Eighthly I give and bequeath to my nephew James Whiteford McNeily my shares in the stock of the Neptune Whaling Company. Ninthly To Robert Gerrett I give and bequeath my gold watch. Tenthly I especially request and desire my Executors to permit and suffer Bridget, Ellen and Annie Bambrick and the survivor of them to occupy jointly and free of rent the land and premises which they now hold under me; and I further request and desire my Executors to pay them as soon as possible after my decease the sum of Sixty Dollars for which the receipt of any one of them shall be a sufficient discharge. Eleventhly I give and bequeath to Maggie Neil Kehoe the sum of Sixty Dollars: and I request and desire my Executors out of the funds of my Estate to invest such a sum as will provide her an annuity of Twenty Four Dollars during the term of her natural life Twelfthly all she undistributed rest residue and remainder of my Estate (should there be any) I give devise and bequeath to the said Jessie McNeily and Alice McNeily share and share alike Thirteenthly. I hereby appoint Alexander
J. W. McNeily of St. John’s aforesaid, one of His Majesty’s Council,
Alexander McDougall of the same place Merchant and James
Alexander William Whiteford McNeily also of St. John’s
aforesaid, barrister at Law to be the Executors of this my last will
and Testament This is a Codicil to the Last will and Testament of me Rosina Goodfellow of St. John’s widow which was made by me on the 19th day of August A.D. 1905 whereas my beloved niece Jessie McNeily died on the 12th day of February now present and in consequence of the several legacies to her devised by me have become lapsed, and I am desirous of making disposition of the same I therefore by this Codicil do make this testamentary disposition of the same 1. I give devise and bequeath to my nephew Alexander J W. McNeily and to my grandnephew James A.W.W. McNeily all my right title and and interest in and to the Leasehold Land Dwelling House and premises situate at Church Hill in St. John’s aforesaid and assigned to me by the said Alexander JW McNeily (subject to the mortgage thereon for the sum of $3000.00 to the Estate of the late James A. Whiteford) also all my interest in the Leasehold premises No 2. Queen Street to the said Alexander JW McNeily and James A.W.W. McNeily To Hold the same to the said Alexander J.W. McNeily and James A.W.W. McNeily in equal shares and jointly during the natural life of the said Alexander J.W. McNeily, and it is my will and desire that after the decease of the said Alexander JW McNeily the whole of my interest in the said several leaseholds and the remainder of the several terms shall pass to my grandnephews the said James A.W.W. McNeily Alexander R.G. McNeily and James J.R. McNeily share and share alike. 2. As touching the Household Furniture Books Pictures, Plate China and Ornaments which are at “Dunluce” I give devise and bequeath the same to the said James A.W.W. McNeily, subject (as was the Household Furniture in my said will) to certain small bequests of which I shall inform him and of which I know that for my sake he will have regard 3. As touching the bequest of the rest residue and remainder (if any) designated “Twelfthly” in my said will it is my will and desire that if there be any surplus unappropriated and distributable after the complete realization of my Estate the same shall pass to my nephew Alexander J.W. McNeily and to his three sons my grandnephews share and share alike 4. Except in so far as my said will is altered by the provisions and bequests of this Codicil I hereby ratify and confirm the said will in every respect and particular. Rosina Goodfellow Signed published and declared by the above named Rosina Goodfellow as and for a codicil to her Last will and Testament at St. John’s aforesaid this 22nd day of February A.D. 1907 in the presence of us who in the presence of the said Rosina Goodfellow and of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto Sarah B. Ayre Leonard C. Mews Certified correct, (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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