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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
James Goodfellow


Will of James Goodfellow from Newfoundland will books volume 6 pages 424-426 probate year 1898

Last will and Testament of
James Goodfellow of St. John’s
Merchant deceased

      This is the last will and Testament of me James Goodfellow of St. John’s in the Island of Newfoundland Merchant. I hereby revoke all wills and codicils ever by me made, and appoint my nephew James Goodfellow Gerrett and my wife’s nephew Isaac Robert McNeily to be the Executors of this my last will. I give devise and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Rosina Goodfellow the sum of Twenty thousand dollars together with the whole of the household furniture, plate and plated ware horse and carriage.

  • To my sister Jessie Redpath I bequeath th sum of Two Thousand dollars and to her daughter Margaret Wright the sum of Two thousand dollars.
  • To my sisters-in-law I bequeath to Marian Reynolds the sum of Two thousand dollars
  • and to Isabella Whiteford Rogerson one thousand four hundred dollars.
  • To George Liddell son of my late sister Margaret I bequeath the sum of Two thousand dollars for his own use, and in trust for his sister Margaret the sum of Two thousand dollars.
  • To the sons and daughters of my late brother Thomas I bequeath the sum of eight Thousand dollars to be divided share and share alike.
  • To the sons and daughters of my late brother John I bequeath the sum of Eight Thousand dollars to be divided equally share and share alike.
  • To the sons and daughters of my late sister Isabella I bequeath to James G. Gerrett Two thousand dollars, to his sister Margaret Two thousand dollars and to the other members of the family the sum of Four thousand dollars to be divided equally share and share alike.
  • To my brothers in law James A. Whiteford and William M. Whiteford I bequeath the sum of one thousand dollars each
  • and to my wifes two nephews Alex J. W. McNeily and Isaac R. McNeily the sum of Two thousand dollars each.

To my said Executors I give and bequeath all my right title and interest in the lands tenements and premises belonging to me situate on the south side of the Harbour of St. John’s and known as the south side premises, and all my shares in the Commercial Bank of Newfoundland upon trust to pay the rents issues and profits of the said land and premises and the interest, dividends and profits arising from said shares unto my said wife during her natural life and after her decease the said property and shares to be transferred as follows, to my nephew James Goodfellow Gerrett the whole of the premises on the south side above described and five shares in the Commercial Bank and to his sister Margaret four shares, to the sons of Alexander J. W. McNeily four shares say William one, Alexander two and James one, and to the family of Isaac R. McNeily four shares say Olivia two, Margaret one and James one share.
To my said Executors I further give and bequeath the sum of Three thousand six hundred dollars upon trust, to be deposited in savings Bank or otherwise safely invested at interest the said interest arising therefrom to be paid over to my sister in law Isabella Whiteford Rogerson for her sole use and benefit from time to time as she may require the same, during her natural life and on her decease the aforesaid principal sum of Three thousand six hundred dollars will be divided equally between the three children of Alexander J. W. McNeily and the three children of Isaac R. McNeily it being intended that those now living should each receive six hundred dollars, but should any of them die before the said Isabella W. Rogerson such share or shares shall be subject to the disposal of the said Isabella W. Rogerson and be transferred as she may direct.
To Margaret Neill the housemaid I bequeath the sum of four hundred dollars and to Ellen Spinckin the cook the sum of Two hundred dollars.

The foregoing bequests are to be paid free of all charges, but it is my will that my Executors in consideration for the faithful performance of their duties as such Executors, for the realization of my property and management of my affairs be paid a commission of five per cent on the whole amount realized to be divided equally between them, but this condition shall not apply to the rents or interest or the dividends arising from the property money or shares held in trust for the benefit of my wife or my sister-in-law.
The remainder after paying all lawful debts and necessary funeral expenses is to be divided equally between my nephews and nieces share and share alike A. J. W McNeily and I. R. McNeily being considered as of the number. And I hereby expressly declare that it is my will that in the event of any one or more of my nephews or nieces or of either or both my nephews-in-law above named, having died before me, leaving lawful issue who are then living, that such share or shares as would but for their death have accrued to him, her, or them, be reckoned and the amount of the respective share or shares divided equally in the respective families if there is more than one child and I leave it to the discretion of my Executors either to pay the same over or to hold or place the amount on trust for the benefit of such child or children.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at St. John’s this twenty sixth day of July A.D. 1883 - Eighteen hundred and eighty three. (Sgd) J. Goodfellow (LS) Signed Sealed and declared in the presence of (sgd) William McKenzie. (Sgd) George A. Scott witnesses.

March 31st 1884 - As my nephew James Goodfellow Gerrett has left the Colony and not likely to return I hereby revoke his appointment as an Executor to my will and I appoint in his place Alexander McDougall to act as Executor with I. R. McNeily heretofore appointed (sgd) J. Goodfellow.

      I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of James Goodfellow deceased

D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Geo H Emerson
granted to
Alex.. McDougal
one of the
Feb 26: 1898
sworn under



Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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