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Will of Ernest Godden In re This is the will of me Ernest Godden of Hr Grace At my decease I hereby direct my executors to cancel the extra credit in my favor on the books of C & E Godden by placing the said amount to the credit of my mothers indebtedness to C & E Godden My share in the business of C & E Godden subject to the foregoing paragraph I leave to my brother Charles A Godden as also my share in the business premises occupied by us provided that the said Charles A Godden pays all the liabilities of the firm of C & E Godden The balance of my estate shall be held by my executors during my mothers lifetime and they shall pay her thereout the sum of Three hundred dollars per year during her life. At my mothers death the balance of my estate remaining shall be equally divided between my brother Charles A Godden and my sister Mrs W E Wood and if either of these should die before my mother the share of the one so dying shall be equally divided amongst his or her children I do hereby ask my brother Charles A Godden and W. E. Wood to act as my executors Hr Grace March 6 1915 ERNEST GODDEN CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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