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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Theodore N. Gill


Part 1 - Contributed by Geoff Martin

Will of Theodore N. Gill
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 page 292 probate year 1915


In the Supreme Court


In re
     Theodore N Gill


Administration granted to
Francis E Rendell
On the 19th day of January

Value of Estate $ 3492.36
Sureties   Geo Shea
               Ches? W? ? Harvey

Vol 6
Folio 585


To the Honorable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or to one of the Honorable the Judges thereof.

The Petition of Francis E. Rendell of Saint John's Merchant.


  1. That Theodore N. Gill late of Washington in the District of Columbia in the United States of America , Gentleman, deceased died there on or about the 25th day of September A. D. 1914 having previously made and executed his last Will and Testament of which he appointed his brother Herbert A. Gill of Washington aforesaid, Real Estate Agent, sole Executor.*
  2. Probate of the said Will was granted to the said Herbert A. Gill by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia aforesaid on the 29th. day of October A. D. 1914 an exemplification and certificate of which are hereto annexed marked "A".
  3. Said deceased at the time of his death was possessed of property within the jurisdiction of your Honourable Court of the probable value of $3492.56.
  4. The inventory and valuation hereto annexed marked "B" is to the best of Petitioner's knowledge information and belief a just and true inventory and valuation of the property estate and effects of said deceased in Newfoundland at the time of his death as far as Petitioner can at present ascertain.
  5. No Probate of any Will nor Letters of Administration to the Estate of said deceased have been granted in Newfoundland to any person.
  6. Petitioner is the Agent of the said Herbert A. Gill in Newfoundland in the management of all matters connected with his property in Newfoundland under a duly executed Power of Attorney.


* Written to the left margin of point 1. at right angles were the words
Fiat W H Horwood CJ
Jan 18/15



        and makes this application on the instruction of the said Herbert A. Gill.

          Petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Administration with the said Will annexed to the Estate of said deceased may be granted to him.
          And as in duty bound he will ever pray etc.

Dated the 16th day of January A.D. 1915

F E Rendell LS


          I, Theodore N. Gill of the City of Washington , District of Columbia make this my last will and testament.
          I make my brother, Herbert A. Gill, my sole trustee and executor.
          I give and bequeath to him, Herbert A. Gill, all my property, wherever situated, real and personal, for his sole use and benefit, subject, however, to the following legacies and conditions.
          I give to my sister, Caroline Emily Gill, one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars a year payable quarterly.
          I give to my nephew, Theodore N. Gill, one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars a year payable quarterly.
          In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 18th day of March A. D. 1914

Theo N. Gill (seal)

Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for his last will and testament by the above named testator, Theodore N. Gill, in the presence of the subscribers, who, at his request and _ his presence and in the presence of each other, have signed our names as attesting witnesses hereto on this 18th day of March A. D. 1914 in the City of Washington, District of Columbia.
John P. Earnest,      323 John Marshall Place , Washington , D. C.
Chapin B Bauman    "     "       "           "          "                  "   "
Charles D. Wilson    "     "       "           "          "                  "   "

Note: Theodore Nicholas Gill (1837-1914) was an eminent ichthyologist and professor of zoology at George Washington University . He was associated with the Smithsonian for over fifty years.

Theodore was a son of James D and Emily W Gill. Current research indicates they had eight children.

James D Gill was a son of Nicholas Gill Jr. and Elizabeth Mary Burton Gill of St. John's, Newfoundland.

Nicholas Gill Sr.was one of the three sons of Captain Michael Gill, who traded from Charlestown , Massachusetts . Michael Gill fought an historic battle against the French at Bonavista in 1704.

Nicholas Gill Sr. served as a Justice of the Peace from 1771. He was a naval officer, notary public and a judge of the vice-admiralty court. In his later years he was Chief Magistrate of St. John's .

Theodore refers to his brother Herbert A Gill and his sister Caroline Emily Gill. He also mentions Theodore Nicholas Gill, the son of his brother Herbert A Gill.

The transcribed will for Theodore's grandmother Elizabeth Mary Burton Gill is located at
The transcribed will for Theodore's sister Caroline Emily Gill is available at
The transcribed will for Theodore's father James D Gill is available at

Part 2 - Contributed by Judy Benson as part of the wills project

Will of Theodore N. Gill
from Newfoundland will books volume 10 page 292 probate year 1915

In re
      THEODORE N. GILL       deceased.

      I, Theodore N. Gill, of the City of Washington, District of Columbia, make this my last will and testament.    I make my brother, Herbert A. Gill, my sole trustee and executor.    I give and bequeath to him, Herbert A. Gill, all my property wherever situated, real and personal, for his sole use and benefit, subject, however to the following legacies and conditions.     I give to my sister, Caroline Emily Gill, one thousand ($1000.00) dollars a year payable quarterly.    I give to my Nephew, Theodore N. Gill, one thousand ($1000.00) dollars a year payable quarterly. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of March A.D. 1914.    Theo. N. Gill (Seal)     Signed, sealed, published and declared as and for his last will and testament by the above named testator, Theodore N. Gill, in the presence of the subscribers who, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have signed our names as attesting witnesses hereto on this 18th day of March A.D. 1914, in the City of Washington, District of Columbia,
John P. Earnest, 323 John Marshall Place, Washington, D.C.
Chapin B. Bauman ..    ..    ..
Charles D. Wilson ..    ..    ..

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Jan. 18/15
Admn c.t.a.
Jany 19/15
granted to
Francis E.
Geo. Shea
Chas Ken ?
Estate sworn
at $3492.26



Part 1 - Contributed by Geoff Martin

Part 2 - Contributed by Judy Benson as part of the wills project

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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