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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Leander Gill


Will of Leander Nicholas Gill
from Newfoundland will books volume 5 page 650 probate year 1892


THE PETITION of Minnie E. Gill, widow of Leander N. Gill, late of Tilt Cove, Merchant, deceased,


  1. Your Petitioner's husband, Leander N. Gill, late of Tilt Cove, Merchant, deceased, died at the said place in the month of March, 1892, having previously made his last will and testament, which is as follows:-

    "In the name of God, in the year of our Lord the 28th of January, eighteen hundred and ninety two I, Leander Nicholas Gill, being of sound mind, but in a weak state of health, deeming it necessary to settle my earthly affairs, give and bequeath to my dear wife the sum of one hundred pounds currency, and to my dear son Fred D. B. Gill the balance of all estate now coming to me, also all estate or estates that may hereafter accrue to me, on the condition that he, the said F. D. B. Gill, shall provide yearly for his mother's wants to the extent as such my executors to my estate do require and deem necessary, until such time as the said Minnie Gill may take unto herself a second husband. The executers to my estate I request shall be R. Jardine Freebairn, George A. Hutchings, Wm. Hayward, and Harrison Hayward, in whom I request all my property shall invest. I leave entirely with Mr. T. R. Smith, Merchant, of St. John's, the settlement of the moneys which I owe to him after closing my current accounts, which accounts I ask him to pay out of my private accounts. The balance of my estate then accruing will, I feel assured, be invested to the best interests of and child. H. R. Hayward to be appointed Solicitor to the Estate. Thanking my executers in advance for their best interests in my behalf. I remain (sgd) L. N. Gill Witnesses (sgd) W. G. Martin I. A. Freebairn R. J. Freebairn T. R. Smith by request L. N. Gill R. Jardine Freebairn ."

    I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and testament of Leander N. Gill

    Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
    J. I. Little J.
    granted to
    Geo. A. Hutchings
    Harrison R. Hayward

    sworn under
    30 May 1892

  2. Probate to the said will was on the 30th day of May, 1892, granted to Harrison R. Hayward and George A. Hutchings, two of the executors therein named, with whom R. Jardine Freebairn, also named as executor in the said will, was afterwards joined, but the estate has not yet been fully administered.

  3. The said deceased left him surviving him his widow, your Petitioner, and one child, the said Frederick D. B. Gill, who is at the present of age of 15 years.

  4. The said Frederick D. B. Gill is living with Petitioner, and is her only child, and he has now arrived at an age when expenditure is required for his education beyond the personal means of your Petitioner, who has little or no income beyond that derived under the will of the said Leander N. Gill.

YOUR PETITIONER THEREFORE PRAYS that your Honourable Court or your Lordship may be graciously pleased to appoint her Guardian of the estate of the said Frederick D. B. Gill during his minority.

AND as in duty bound she will ever pray, etc. etc.

Dated at St. John's the      day of January, 1899.

Minnie L. Gill


In the matter of the foregoing Petition of Minnie E. Gill.

I, Minnie E. Gill, of St. John's aforesaid, widow, make oath and say as follows:-

  1. I am the Petitioner in the foregoing Petition named.
  2. The several matters and things therein contained are correct and true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

SWORN at St. John's aforesaid
This 21st day of January, 1899, before me,     Minnie L. Gill

D.? T.? Kent?

Note: When Minnie signed her name the middle initial looked like an L and not an E. (C. Haynes Dec. 2003)



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Transcribed by Colleen Haynes

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Saturday September 08, 2018)

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