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Will of Harriet Gill
Estate of Harriet Gill Probate granted to George T. Rendell one of in the Will the other Executor Estate sworn under $38,000 Volume 5
To the Honourable the Supreme Court The Petition of George T. Rendell of Respectfully Sheweth as follows-
Petitioner therefore prays that probate of
the said Will may be granted to him. G. T. Rendell LS
Paper writing marked A referred to in Affidavit This is the last will and testament of me Harriet Gill of
Saint Johns , Spinster.
Signed published and declared
by the said Testatrix as and for her last
Will and testament in the presence
of us who in her presence and in
the presence of each other have hereto
subscribed our names as witnesses
this 25th day of July AD 1892.
(the words and figures (numbered 147-161)
being interlined at top of page 3) and
the word dollars being added to the ????
time but one of ???????? |
Harriet Gill LS | |
Arthur C.F. Wood LS
G. T Rendell LS |
Paper writing marked B referred to in Affidavit of Drusilla Coffin ??????? Codicil to the last Will and testament of Harriet Gill of St. Johns Nfld. I direct that before paying any legacy provided for in this my will My Executors shall invest in Government securities out of whatever money shall be in my possession or due to me at the time of my death such a sum as will yield an annuity of Forty dollars annually for the educating or otherwise offered it at their discretion for the benefit of Frederick D. B. Gill son of my late nephew Leander N. Gill until he attains the age of twenty years or until his death if it occurs before that time and that they then divide the said invested sum equally between the said Frederick D. B. Gill and the children of my late nephew Ernest Gill or the survivors of them.
Signed published and
declared by the said Testatrix
as and for a Codicil to her last
Will and Testament in the
presence of us who in her presence
and in presence of each other
have hereto subscribed our
names as witnesses this sixth
day of November 1893 - being
first read over and explained
to her |
her Harriet X Gill mark |
G. T. Rendell Drusilla Coffin |
Volume 5 In the Supreme Court In the matter of the Petition for the Letters issued to On his own To the Honorable the Supreme Court or to One of the Honorable the Judges thereof. The Petition of George T. Rendell of Saint John's Merchant Respectfully sheweth as follows: -
G. T. Rendell LS In
the Supreme Court In the matter of the Estates of Mona Wedershandt Gill, Theodore Nicholas Gill and Helen Kitty Gill infant children of Herbert Gill Upon reading the Petition of George
T. Rendell and upon learning W. Morison Q. C.
of Counsel for said Children I do order that Alexander J W McNeily
? Esquire Chief Clerk and Registrar of this Court be appointed
Guardian of the Estates of the said infant Children. G? J? Winter LS On motion of W Morison QC for said Children
Page Contributed by Geoff Martin
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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