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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Harriet Gill


Will of Harriet Gill
from Newfoundland will books volume 6 page 126 probate year 1894




Estate of Harriet Gill
late of St. John's
      Central       District
      Spinster      deceased

Probate granted to George T. Rendell
of St. John's
      Central       District

one of
      the Executors       named

in the Will    the other Executor
having died since the execution
of the said Will
           6th. January 1894

Estate sworn under $38,000

Volume 5
Folio 81


     To the Honourable the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland or to one of the Judges

The Petition of George T. Rendell of
Saint Johns , Merchant

Respectfully Sheweth as follows-

  1. Harriet Gill late of Saint Johns Spinster died here on the day of November last past having previously made and executed her last Will and Testament and a Codicil thereto which are hereto annexed marked A and B respectively.

  2. Petitioner is the surviving Executor of said will. The other Executor named Frederick J. H. Rendell has died since the making of said will.

  3. The said deceased at the time of her death was possessed of property of the probable value of Thirty seven thousand dollars.

     Petitioner therefore prays that probate of the said Will may be granted to him.
Dated at St. John's this Twenty second day of December AD 1893.

G. T. Rendell LS


Paper writing marked A referred to in Affidavit
of Arthur C. F. Wood ?????
     Com. ???

This is the last will and testament of me Harriet Gill of Saint Johns , Spinster.
     I revoke all former and other Wills by me made and declare this to be my true last will and testament.

  1. I desire that all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses shall be first paid out of my estate.
  2. I desire that subject to the conditions as to death before attaining the age of twenty one years hereinafter provided, - the whole of my share or interest in the property and estate of the late Nicholas Gill (now being equal to one fourth of said estate) shall go to the five children of my nephew Ernest Gill and Frederick D. B Gill son of my nephew Leander N. Gill in equal shares to each per capita .      I desire that no division of the said property among the legatees shall take place until the youngest survivor of them shall attain the age of Twenty one years, and in the meantime the yearly income shall be divided among them, the shares of the minors being applied to their support support and education. In the event of the death of any of the said legatees before he or she shall attain the age of Twenty one years his or her share shall go to the survivors equally and subject to the same conditions as to yearly income and survivorship.
  3. I bequeath to Carrie E. Gill daughter of James D. Gill Three thousand dollars
  4. I bequeath to Ida Maxfield daughter of Adolphus Gill One thousand dollars.
  5. I bequeath to Elsa, daughter of Ida Maxfield One hundred dollars.
  6. I bequeath to the children of Herbert Gill who shall be alive at the time of my death One thousand dollars each.
  7. I bequeath to Elizabeth and Maria A. Anguin daughters of the late Revd. Thomas Anguin One thousand dollars each.
  8. I bequeath to Mary Rendell wife of Frederick J. W. Rendell Five hundred dollars.
  9. I bequeath to Emma, widow of the late Noel Hanmer (provided she outlives me) Two hundred dollars.
  10. I bequeath to my faithful servant Ann Hearn One hundred dollars.
  11. I bequeath to Mary Ward wife of Robert Ward Eighty dollars.
  12. I bequeath to my Executors in trust 15 Debentures of Four hundred dollars each bearing interest at the rate of four (numbered 147-161) four percentum per annum, and direct that they shall pay the interest thereon to my brother Frederick M Gill during his lifetime, and after his decease the interest of Twelve of said debentures is to be paid to Frederick D. B. Gill son of Leander Gill and the five children of Ernest Gill until each of them attains the age of twenty one years when each of them is to receive two of said debentures.
  13. To the Trustees of the various funds and purposes below named I bequeath the following sums and amounts: -
          To the Church of England Clergy Sustenation Fund one debenture number Thirteen bearing Interest at five per centum per annum, said debenture being for the sum of One thousand dollars.
          To the Church of England Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund, one debenture Number fourteen, for One thousand dollars bearing interest at five per centum per annum. -
          To the Church of England Asylum for Widows and Orphans towards the erection of the New Orphanage and fences (or if not required for that purpose, towards the annual maintenance of the institution) One thousand five hundred dollars -
          To the fund for the redemption of the Mortgage on Jersey Lodge, made on account of Cathedral Completion Fund One thousand dollars -
          For the restoration of Church of England property destroyed by fire on on 8th. July 1892, One thousand dollars -
          To the Church Wardens of St. Thomas's Church, towards payment of the debt thereon (or if not required for that purpose then towards ordinary current expenses of Church) One thousand dollars.
          To the Church Wardens of St. Thomas's Church towards repairs of Parsonage Five hundred dollars.
          To his Lordship Dr. Power, or his successor, the sum of Five hundred dollars for the general purposes of the Belvedere Orphanage.
  14. All the rest residue and remainder of my said estate after the decease of my brother Frederick M Gill I direct shall be divided equally between Carrie, Theodore and Herbert children of late James D. Gill - Ida Maxfield, Daisy Gill and Ella Street, children of late Adolphus Gill, share and share alike per capita.
  15. All legacies to married women, or to those who shall be married at the time of my death, I direct shall be free from any control of their respective husbands.
  16. I appoint the Honourable George T. Rendell and Frederick J. W. Rendell of St. Johns Merchants, Executors of this my will


Signed published and declared by the said Testatrix as and for her last Will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses this 25th day of July AD 1892. (the words and figures (numbered 147-161) being interlined at top of page 3) and the word dollars being added to the ???? time but one of ????????
Harriet Gill LS
Arthur C.F. Wood LS
G. T Rendell LS             


Paper writing marked B referred to in Affidavit of Drusilla Coffin ???????

Codicil to the last Will and testament of Harriet Gill of St. Johns Nfld.     I direct that before paying any legacy provided for in this my will My Executors shall invest in Government securities out of whatever money shall be in my possession or due to me at the time of my death such a sum as will yield an annuity of Forty dollars annually for the educating or otherwise offered it at their discretion for the benefit of Frederick D. B. Gill son of my late nephew Leander N. Gill until he attains the age of twenty years or until his death if it occurs before that time and that they then divide the said invested sum equally between the said Frederick D. B. Gill and the children of my late nephew Ernest Gill or the survivors of them.


Signed published and declared by the said Testatrix as and for a Codicil to her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses this sixth day of November 1893 - being first read over and explained to her
Harriet X Gill
G. T. Rendell
Drusilla Coffin


Volume 5
Folio 110

In the Supreme Court

In the matter of the
estates of the infant
children of Herbert Gill

Petition for the
appointment of a

Letters issued to
        A.J. W. W. Neily?
            c.c & Reg.
Dated 21st. Nov. 1894

On his own

        To the Honorable the Supreme Court or to One of the Honorable the Judges thereof.

The Petition of George T. Rendell of Saint John's Merchant

        Respectfully sheweth as follows: -

  1. On the 6th day of January last probate of the Will of Harriet Gill late of St. John's spinster deceased was duly granted to Petitioner the sole surviving executor thereof.
  2. The said will contains the following bequest: -
    "I bequeath to the children" of Herbert Gill who shall be alive at "the time of my death one thousand "dollars each"
  3. The names and ages of the children of said Herbert Gill who were alive at the time of the death of said testatrix are as follows: -
    Mona Wedershandt Gill now aged 11 years
    Theodore Nicholas Gill now aged 10 years
    Helen Kitty Gill now aged 6 years
  4. The said children reside with their father the said Herbert Gill at Washington      in the United States of America.
  5. Petitioner is desirous of paying the amount of the said legacies to the said children and prays that the Chief Clerk of this Honorable Court may be appointed as Guardian of the estates of the said children.
         Dated at St. John's this 14th day of November 1894.

G. T. Rendell LS

          In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Estates of Mona Wedershandt Gill, Theodore Nicholas Gill and Helen Kitty Gill infant children of Herbert Gill

     Upon reading the Petition of George T. Rendell and upon learning W. Morison Q. C. of Counsel for said Children I do order that Alexander J W McNeily ? Esquire Chief Clerk and Registrar of this Court be appointed Guardian of the Estates of the said infant Children.
     Dated at St. John's this 10th Day of November AD 1894.

G? J? Winter   LS

On motion of           W Morison QC for said Children



Page Contributed by Geoff Martin

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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