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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Edward Clench Gallop


Will of Edward Clench Gallop from Newfoundland will books volume 6 pages 519-520 probate year 1899

Last will and Testament of
Edward C. Gallop of Harbor Breton

      This is the last will and Testament of me Edward Clench Gallop now of Harbor Breton Fortune Bay Newfoundland about to embark for England. I request that at my decease all my funeral and testamentary expenses and all my just debts be fully paid after which I give and bequeath to my sister Mary Ann Gallop at present living at H. Breton Newfoundland the sum of fifty pounds sterling for her sole and absolute use and benefit for ever and to my son Edward Stuckey Gallop full right and possession to all that piece or parcel of land belonging to me situate at Rocky Point H. Breton to be held by him as long as he shall live and at his death to his eldest son and if he dies without any male issue the same to belong to my second son Bertram Powell Gallop and if he dies without any male issue to belong to my third son Harold Clench Gallop and from him to the next male heir Also to my son Edward Stuckey Gallop my gold watch and chain
The residue of my Estate comprising all my personal effects of every sort and description and all monies in my possession at the time of my decease or that may become due to me from any source whatever including the sum of one thousand and twenty three pounds fourteen shillings and sixpence sterling invested in shares of the National Provincial Bank of England the interest of which is paid through the Cheltenham Branch. Also the sum of two hundred pounds sterling due from my brother Henry Joshua Gallop as per promissory note. Also one hundred pounds invested in the Steam ship Dolcoath of Goodriff Berthen per register 1650 tons. Also balance due to me from the liquidators of the Union Bank of Newfoundland both on deposit and on account % Also all interest accruing to these amounts also some pieces of land at Pass Island Hermitage Bay as per grants and Bills of sale duly recorded registered in the Colony of Newfoundland unto my brother Henry Joshua Gallop Sen of Cheltenham Gloucester England and my sister Susan Stuckey Gallop now residing at Wimborne in the County of Dorset England in trust for my children as follows Minnie Eliza Mary Gallop, Edward Stuckey Gallop Ethel May Gallop Agnes Mabel Gallop Mabel Agnes Gallop Bertram Powell Gallop Harold Clench Gallop Beatrice Gallop and Florence Lillie Gallop the interest accruing to these sums to be used toward the maintenance of the aforesaid sons and daughters until the youngest child shall be of age to earn her own living at which time the aforesaid sums to be equally divided between them share and share alike and further in case all of my children should die without any issue the interest on the aforesaid sums to be paid to Mrs Susan Gallop now of Wimborne Dorset England as long as she shall live and at her decease the whole of the aforementioned sums to be equally divided between my sisters Mary Ann Gallop and Susan Stuckey Gallop share and share alike and all articles of jewelry to be divided between my surviving children as they shall deem prudent and I hereby appoint Henry J. Gallop and Susan Stuckey Gallop my Executor and Executrix. (Sgd) Edwd. C. Gallop (LS) witnesses to the signature and seal of the said Edward Clench Gallop at Harbor Breton Newfoundland this sixteenth day of January A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety six who in his presence at his request and each of us in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. (Sgd) W. T. Rive (LS) (sgd) James Hardy (S)

      I certify the foregoing to be a correct copy of the last will and Testament of Edward C. Gallop deceased

D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
in accordance
with the
provisions of
56 sic cap 19
Nov. 22: 1899



Page Contributed by Sheila Tiberio, Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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