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Will of Garland C. Gaden In re This is the last will and testament of me Garland C. Gaden of Harbor Grace, first I desire that all my just debts be paid out of my estate I leave to my beloved wife Matilda Gaden the two oil Painting one a likeness of myself and the other that of Mr. Perchard- my late wife's wedding ring I leave to my daughter Annabella The two drawings of the Schooner Gazelle I leave to my son George- I leave to my daughter Emma the broach with my father's likeness in it- I leave to my daughter Jessie my mother's "Guard Ring" to my daughter Mary Jane I leave my silver snuff box- my mother's snuff box I leave to my daughter Maggie The two pictures hanging in my bedroom I give to my son Garland- also my pistols- my gun I leave to my son George- I leave all the residue of my furniture to my family who may remain living together- All the rest and residue of my estate both real and personal I leave to my executor for the benefit and support of my wife and unmarried children- I hereby appoint John Munn, Esquire, John Hayward, Esq. And my wife Matilda Gaden executors and executrix of this my last will and testament- I leave the old family watch to my son George- The picture of the Horse hanging in the sitting room I leave to my daughter Emma- Paley's Sermons I leave to Jessie and Blair's Sermons to Annabella- my Prayer Book I leave to my son Walter- The large Oil Painting of Fruit I leave to my daughter Leila- The small picture in Gilt frame in my bedroom I leave to my son Robert I leave my old arm chair to my old servant Mary Brown- and the Family Bible I leave to my daughter Annabella I also leave to my daughter Jessie my mothers wedding ring I give to my son-in-law William Rabbits my Backgammon Board- to my son-in-law Robert Brewner I leave my game called "Steeple Chase"- My game called "Regatta" I leave to my son-in-law Thomas Robinson- The picture of Mary Queen of Scots I leave to my daughter Mary Jane- and the likeness of Mr. McConnan I leave to Emma- In witness whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal at Harbor Grace this thirty first day of March A.D. 1868, G. C. Gaden (LS) Signed sealed published and declared by the said Garland C. Gaden as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who in his presence at his request and in presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as witnesses the same having been first duly read over and explained to the said Garland C. Gaden before he signed it - the interlineations on first page having been first made, Lewis W. Emerson, Geo. W. Gaden. Certified correct,
Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are either hand-written copies or in later years typed copies of a, "last will and testament," written or typed by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor. We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be. |
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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