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Will of Minnie Furlong
Page 1. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND In the Estate of-------Minnie Furlong--------Deceased LETTERS OF PROBATE BE IT KNOWN that on the 19th day of February 1937 Signed (with Seal) W.F. Lloyd Page 2.
VOL. 9 Folio 451 IN RE: EXEMPLIFICATION LETTERS Entered February 19th, 1937 Folio 451 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND BE IT KNOWN that Letters of Probate of the last Will and Testament and Codicil of MINNIE FURLONG late of St. John's in the Province of Newfoundland, gentlewoman, deceased, were on the 19th day February 1937 granted to ROBERT STAFFORD FURLONG of St. John's solicitor. as it appears of record in the said Court and that I have caused the herein to be set forth a true and correct copy of the said Letters of Probate. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my name and affixed the Seal of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, Trial Division, at St. John's, in the Province of Newfoundland, this 26th day March 1996. Signed Page 3 To the Honorable the Supreme Court or on of the Honorable Judges Thereof. The petition of Robert Stafford Furlong of St. John's, Newfoundland, Solicitor. HUMBLY SHEWETH
Your petitioner therefore prays that Letters of Probate of the said Will be granted him. Dated St. John's this 19th day of February A.D. 1937 Signed, Newfoundland SWORN before me at St. John's R.S. Furlong Page 4 In the matter of the estate of MINNIE FURLONG deceased Newfoundland I. Mercedes O'Keefe of St. John's Newfoundland, clerk, make oath and say as follows:
SWORN before me at St. John's (Signed) (Signed) PageS 5-9 (contributors note: the next Pages are handwritten (except where noted) on what appears to be common stationary with the inscribed heading "Winterton, St. John's"): Annex: "A" (typed at top of page:) "A" This is the paper writing marked "A" referred to in the petition of R.S. Furlong dated the 19th day of February 1937 and sworn before me. Robert Alsop (note below is in handwriting:) In case of accident I wish Bob to have the Nfld. picture & Nfld. books. All other, except Legal ones, books and pictures to be divided equally between my three daughters. My toilet silver between Marion and Joyce. Dressing bag to Caroline. Solid silver for table use to be divided equally. Also fish and fruit knives & forks. The Mother of Pearl set to go to the first daughter married. The house and furniture to remain intact whilst the girls require it. The furniture to be sold when it is absolutely necessary. Each member having the choice to buy any piece required by that member. Choice of selection to go by age. The desk in Drawing Room as Caroline's. The one in sitting room is Marion's. Piano is Joyce's. Small writing table in Dining Room is Joyce's. Content's of Bob's Study his. Also clock for which he paid me. My afternoon silver- 2 pieces, Caroline's. Teapot, Marion's. Silver Tea Caddy to Joyce. Drawing Room Silver to divided amicably between you four. Caroline's content of bedroom, hers. Marion's, her and Joyce. Bob's,, his. Caroline to have my small dressing table which was really bought for her. My personal things, Jewelry etc. to be divided between the three girls. Don't disagree and make the division with justice. The interest Bob can buy for what he paid, money to be invested, and as well as my other small amounts for the girls. Bob to have it for the amount he paid: $2700 Bob to guide and guard you. $100 to go to B. Committee interest to for care of burial plot. $100 to be invested for Masses for me. (below is type written at bottom of page) This is the paper writing marked "A" referred to in the affidavit of R.S. Furlong dated 19th day of Feb. 1937 and sworn before me. (signed) (below type written at top of page:) "Aa" This is the paper writing marked "Aa" referred to in the affidavit of Mercedes O'Keefe dated the 19th day of February 1937 and sworn before me. Robert Alsop Below is handwritten August 25/30 I forgot to mention that Caroline owns the little dressing table in my room. It was bought for her. Also dressing table with glass, the old fashion one. Signed, Minnie Furlong (note: the following is typewritten at bottom of page;) "Aa" This is the paper writing referred to in the petition of R.S. Furlong dated the___(left blank) day of February 1937 and sworn before me (no signature) PAGE 10 (contributors note:) The following was hand written by Minnie Furlong but is not indicated where it fits in the official Will: "Be kind and fair to each other I beg of you and Bob do the best you can for the sisters unmarried. This is done (the writing of the Will)in haste right the remainder between yourselves. (signed)Minnie Furlong (continues) My pictures, one to each child, my oil paintings from house to go to girl unmarried except the lamps on my dressing table to be kept by the eldest unmarried daughter. The foot machine to Marion and the hand one to Caroline. If the girl's don't want to have anything here they can pas over to Bob, or they can have house divided. Marion must get 2 bookshelves and Joyce ditto. Caroline to take her own bits of China and Silver spoons etc. Each to take Christening set. Page 11. (Note: Supreme Court Document) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND INVENTORY AND VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY OF THE SAID DECEASED GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY VALUE 1. Lands, Houses, Stores, and any Interest in Land $2000.00 2. Household Goods and Furniture $500.00 3. Money Secured by Mortgage $5000.00 4. Bank and other Stock, Share in Companies Etc. $6396.00 Total: $13896.00
Page 12. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND I Robert Stafford Furlong in the District of St. John's, Solicitor, make oath and say that Minnie Furlong, late of St. John's deceased died with a Will, that I am sole executor therein named; that I will well and faithfully administer the estate of the testatrix by paying her just debts and the legacies contained in the her Will and Codicil so far as the same shall thereto extend and the law bind me, and by distributing the residue (if any) to the said estate and effects according to law; that I will exhibit under oath a true, full and perfect inventory of all singular the estate and effects of the testatrix, and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law to do so; that the testatrix died at St. John's on the 8th day of March 1934 and the gross value of the estate and effects of the said testatrix is $13896.00 and no more, according to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Sworn at St. John's Signed before me:
Page Contributed by Paul Furlong
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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