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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Axel Walter Francke
Will of Axel Walter Francke
from Newfoundland will books volume 13 page
427 probate year 1926
I, AlexAxel Walter Francke of 203 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale in the County of London hereby revoke
all former Wills codicils and testamentary instruments made by me and
declare this to be my last will I appoint my brother Paul Mortimer
Francke sole EXECUTOR of this my Will I give the
following legacies duty free namely
- To my friend
Herbert Wrigley Wilson Two hundred and fifty pounds
- To
my brother Victor Ernest Francke One hundred pounds
- To
my Godson John Richard Dawes Twenty five pounds and
- To
Marion Winterton housekeeper to my said brother Paul
Mortimer Francke in recognition of her invariably kind attention to me Twenty
five pounds provided she shall be in the service of my said brother
at the time of my decease and not be under notice to leave given or
give all the residue of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever
subject to and after payment thereout of my funeral and testamentary
expenses and debts and the legacies bequeathed by this my will or
any codicil hereto and the duty on any legacies bequeathed free of duty
to my said brother Paul Mortimer Francke absolutely
IN WITNESS whereof I the said AlexAxel Walter
Francke have to this my Will set my hand this nineteenth day of June
One thousand nine hundred and twenty four - AXEL WALTER FRANCKE -
Signed by the above named testator as his last Will in the presence
of us present at the same time who in his presence and at his Request
and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
as witnesses
REG B. BIRD 2 Craven Road W.2. Bank Accountant.
W. E. Brandson 2 Craven Road W. 2. Bank Clerk.
William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Sept
Warren J.
Re sealed
Sept 14/26.
Estate sworn
at $2754.00
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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