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Will of Herbert Fowlow In re I, Herbert Fowlow, Fisherman, of Trinity East in the Island of Newfoundland make this my last Will and Testament. First I give and bequeath to my sons Peter and Maxfield my house and
contents and land on which house is built Also I give and bequeath
to my two sons Peter and Maxfield my share in all land, Stores, Stable
and live Stock owned jointly with my brothers. Also I give and bequeath
to my two sons Peter and Maxfield my share in all fishing property owned
by me jointly with my brothers, John and Thomas
Fowlow. All monies
owned by me at the time of my decease I desire to be divided as follows.
My wife, Elsie Fowlow to have her dower rights and the remainder to be
divided equally among my three children, Peter, Maxfield and Marguarita.
This includes monies that may come to me from my Life Insurance Policy. HERBERT FOWLOW. Signed by the Testator in our presence this twelfth day of October
nineteen hundred and twenty Martin Fowlow Ralph Fowlow (Priest) CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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