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Will of Ann Forristal In re In the name of God Amen, I Ann Forristal of Saint John’s, in the Island of Newfoundland, Widow, of the late Patrick Forristal, being weak of body but of perfect sound mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament in manner following, that is to say first and principally of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and the interment of my body I leave to the discretion of my executors, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in his life (all my lawful debts being paid) I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form:- I give and bequeath to my beloved son Michael Forristal, the tenement over the one I now occupy in my house in New Gower Street for the unexpired term of its lease the said Michael Forristal paying his proportion of the ground rent of the said house. The interest arising out of the residue of my money, rents and all other property that I may be possessed of at the time of my death I give and bequeath the same to be equally divided between the above named Michael Forristal and my deceased son William Forristal’s children- namely- Mary, John, Thomas and his child yet unborn (if it should be alive at its birth) until the youngest of the above-named children shall come of full age, Then the residue of my money and all other property (less the tenement to my son Michael above named) shall be divided equally between the above legatees, but should any of my deceased son William Forristal’s children die before the become of full age his or her portion or share shall be divided equally between the said William’s surviving children, It is further to be fully understood that if the above named Michael Forristal do not return during the term of five years after my death to Saint John’s in the Island of Newfoundland his claim to the above bequests shall become null and void and the said bequests shall be divided equally between the the surviving children of my deceased son William but subject to the proviso as is in my former bequest to the said children. I hereby nominate and appoint Mr. Edward Flaherty and John Nagle, their executors, administrators or assigns, executors to this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two- Ann her X mark Forristal (LS) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of William M. Blake, Edward O’Flaherty, St. John’s 13th April 1872. Certified correct,
Note: The wills in those will books are NOT actual wills. They are either hand-written copies or in later years typed copies of a, "last will and testament," written or typed by the court clerk, after the death of the testator, when the executor presented them to the court for probate. The court clerk didn't list the signatures at the bottom, he (or she) just put them in the book in whatever order they were in, on the original document, no spacing most of the time, no punctuation. The originals were kept by the executor. We who have typed these wills, have made every effort to include all the errors that were on the microfilm, in order to avoid destroying the integrity of the originals, where ever they may be. |
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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