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Will of Patrick Fitzgerald from Newfoundland will books volume 5 page 481-482 probate year 1890 Last will and Testament This is the last will and Testament of me Patrick Fitzgerald of River Head Harbor Grace being of a sound disposing mind memory and understanding. First I give devise and bequeath my dwelling house outhouses and all the land situate lying and being on the north side of Hard Path Road, also all that piece of land south of Hard Path aforesaid lying and being to the westward of the fence beside the well unto my wife Anastatia Fitzgerald for and during her natural life and from and immediately after her death I give devise and bequeath to my son James Fitzgerald the said dwelling house outhouses and that portion of said land which is situate lying and being east of the lane in front of said dwelling house and all the land lying and being to the east of a line extending from eastern corner of western meadow to the northern corner of the garden north of my son Michael's house and thence to Mrs. Tool's eastern boundary. And also I give devise and bequeath to my son Michael Fitzgerald all that portion of said land situate lying and being on the north side of Hard Path aforesaid and bounded on the east by the land bequeathed above to my son James aforesaid and all that piece of land south of Hard Path aforesaid west of the fence beside the well aforesaid. And also I give devise and bequeath to my daughter Honora Fitzgerald that piece of land situate lying and being to the south of Hard Path Road aforesaid and bounded on the west by the fence beside the well aforesaid and on the east by the lane between said land and land belonging to Patrick Laughlin on north by Hard Path aforesaid on the south by land belong to Edward Kelly Registrar
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Saturday September 08, 2018)
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