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These transcriptions may contain human errors.
As always, confirm these, as you would any other source material.
????, 1750 |
Acton, Mary |
Leased property to : |
Jones, Lieut. Nathaniel |
???, 1750 |
Acton, Mary ( Late Roberts) |
Widow of : |
Roberts, David |
September 7, 1787 |
Adams, John |
Given a grant of land in Jonathan’s Cove, Cape Broyle. |
August 2, 1753 |
Aldridge, Captain |
In a letter to this Ferryland J. P. asked for a list of all residents distinguishing English and Irish who had remained over last winter |
Benger, John |
August 11, 1755 |
Aldridge, Christopher |
Gave a report of the garrison in Ferryland |
August 27, 1750 |
Allen, John |
Accused of living with a woman not his wife |
July 24, 1776 |
Allen,??? |
Blacksmith in area of land owned by: |
Weston, Catherine |
October ??, 1788 |
Anguetil, Thomas |
Signed petition for protection: |
August 2, 1768 |
Audley, Michael |
Ordered to pay the expenses incurred in executing malefactors from Ferryland the previous year as this person had entertained 2 Dieters: By order of: |
Pallisser, Hugh |
July 24, 1776 |
Audley, Nicholas |
Has beach front land adjoining : |
Weston, Catherine |
October ??, 1788 |
Baker, John |
Signed petition for protection: |
October 24, 1788 |
Baker, John |
Member of Ferryland Protestant court house committee |
September 4, 1766 |
Ball, ??? |
Ordered to pay sixty pounds owed to the estate of : |
Ludwick, Mary |
September 4, 1766 |
Ball, ??? |
Ordered to pay half of his debt to: |
Ludwick, William |
September 4, 1766 |
Ball, ??? |
Ordered to pay half his debt ot : |
Ludwick, Mary ( Now named Fitzwater) |
July 24, 1776 |
Ball, ??? |
Has land adjoining : |
Weston, Catherine |
August 27, 1750 |
Ball, D. |
Occupied "Point of Beach" plantation in Ferryland |
September 2, 1749 |
Ball, Richard |
Appointed Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District |
August 26, 1754 |
Ball, Richard |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
May 26, 1752 |
Ball, Richard |
Admiral’s court held in his house in Renews |
May 26, 1752 |
Ball, Richard |
Witness to a survey of fishing rooms in Renews |
October 2, 1752 |
Ball, Richard |
Admiral’s Court held at his house in renews |
September 22, 1755 |
Ball, Richard |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
October 6, 1755 |
Ball, Richard |
This JP and the other Jps are ordered to stop bothering the Govenor with their disputes and settle them amongst themselves |
June 19, 1764 |
Ball, Richard |
Appointed Justice of the Peace for Renews. |
August 25, 1750 |
Ball, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
September 4, 1759 |
Barnaby, James |
Said he was owed 6 pounds 10 shillings by: |
Hogan, Moses |
October 22, 1788 |
Barry, William |
This Agent was granted piece of ground in Cape Broyle for his company: |
Kough, Thomas and George |
September 24, 1757 |
Batten, Elizabeth |
Petitioned that she is burdened with two small children who are orphans and cannot support them |
August 27, 1750 |
Bayley, Robert |
Agent for : |
Thompson, Peter and Co. |
?????, 1750 |
Bayley, Robert |
Appointed to handle the estate of : |
Brewer, William |
????, 1750 |
Benger, , ?? |
Has a plantation to the South East of Pigeon’s Plantation |
September 2, 1749 |
Benger, John |
Appointed Keeper of the Rolls |
August 25, 1750 |
Benger, John |
Appointed Keeper of the Rolls |
August 27, 1750 |
Benger, John |
Ordered to survey land for Carter’s proposed new store |
July 7, 1752 |
Benger, John |
Justice of the Peace in the Quinn murder trial |
August 26, 1754 |
Benger, John |
Appointed Keeper of the Rolls |
May 27, 1753 |
Benger, John |
Has property at the backside of the shiproom called "Priveledge Boatrooms" |
September 22, 1755 |
Benger, John |
Appointed Keeper of the Rolls |
September 24, 1757 |
Benger, John |
Appointed Keeper of the Rolls |
June 8, 1758 |
Benger, John |
Took deposition from: |
Tucker, Philip |
August 27, 1750 |
Benger, Richard |
Has plantation on the beach next to Carter’s proposed new store |
September 4, 1766 |
Benger, Richard |
Ordered to choose an arbitrator to settle dispute with: |
Ludwick, William |
October 15, 1776 |
Benger, Thomas |
Ferryland merchant has no room to spread his fish to dry and applied for a grant betwwen his land and Point Beach Store. |
October 20, 1795 |
Berrigan, Edmund |
Licenced to sell spiritous liquors in Renews |
October 2, 1752 |
Bonfoy, Hugh |
Govenor of Newfoundland |
October 21, 1778 |
Bonnett, Dominick |
Signed petition for: |
Land, William |
September 24, 1784 |
Boswell, William |
Seaman belonging to brig "Elizabeth and Kitty" cannot get his pay from master. |
September 2, 1792 |
Brand, Nicholas |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
June 17, 1770 |
Brand, John |
Charged with villainous behaviour. His assets were ordered seized by : |
Carter, Robert |
October 24, 1788 |
Brand, Nicholas |
Member of Ferryland Protestant court house committee |
October 11, 1793 |
Brand, Nicholas |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
August 20, 1794 |
Brand, Nicholas |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
July 31, 1757 |
Branscombe, Arthur |
Master of the schooner "Surprize" |
September 4, 1766 |
Brathwaite, R. Esq. |
Surrogate to the Govenor for Ferryland District |
September 4, 1759 |
Brazell, Mr. |
Accused this person of stealing his seine: |
Redman, John |
August 2, 1768 |
Brine, John |
Ordered to pay the expenses incurred in executing malefactors from Ferryland the previous year as this person had entertained 1 Dieters: By order of: |
Pallisser, Hugh |
September 28, 1776 |
Bromley, ???? |
Renews planter complained about : |
Sparkes, James |
October 1, 1776 |
Bromley, John |
Citizen of Bristol, England applied for a grant of land on the North side of Renews Harbour. |
October 21, 1778 |
Bromley, John |
Granted a fishing room situated on the South Side of Renews known as "Hayes Warfs". Bromley was displaced by the new battery |
July 29, 1778 |
Bromley, John |
Signed a petition to the govenor looking for assistance in defending Renews |
September 14, 1767 |
Brooks, Nathaniel |
Had a disagreement with this person over who has the rights to cut hay from a certain piece of ground. The govenor ordered them to alternate the years they cut: |
Weston, Peter |
October 21, 1778 |
Brothers, William |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 8 |
July 6, 1760 |
Brown, William |
Appointed surrogate for Ferryland |
July 6, 1760 |
Brown, William |
Appointed surrogate for Ferryland District |
September 10, 1763 |
Brown, William Esq. |
Surrogate for Ferryland to the Govenor: |
Graves, Thomas |
September 10, 1776 |
Brudenall, John |
Appointed Surrogate between St. John’s and Cape Race. |
July 6, 1752 |
Bryan, James |
Information and deposition given in the case of the murder of: |
Quinn,William |
September 13, 1754 |
Bulley, Captain |
Held goods for : |
Sutton, Robert |
June 8, 1758 |
Burley, Robert Admiral |
Witness to the deposition of : |
Tucker, Philip |
May 26, 1752 |
Burt, William |
Present at the survey of fishing rooms in Renews |
May 26, 1752 |
Butler, John |
Present at the survey of fishing rooms in Renews |
September 30, 1752 |
Call, Governor W. |
Govenor of Newfoundland |
August 10, 1785 |
Campbell, John |
Govenor granted a piece of land in Cape Broyle near "Ferryland Path" to: |
Dumsterville, Edward |
September 10, 1797 |
Campbell, William |
A deserter from H. M. S. Surprize |
September 10, 1797 |
Campbell, William |
Sent to St. John’s by the schooner "Nelly" |
July 29, 1778 |
Canby, Thomas |
Signed a petition to the govenor looking for assistance in defending Renews |
October 21, 1778 |
Cantswell, William |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 14 |
June 20, 1770 |
Capell, William |
Fisherman brought to Ferryland by: |
Allen, Zachariah |
October 25, 1752 |
Cardere, Simon |
Witness to the survey of 1752 done for Sam Roberts |
September 29, 1781 |
Carey, Patrick |
This master owed money to his servants and Carter was ordered to recover same from Sutton and Muthauson: |
Flaherty, James |
September 29, 1781 |
Carey, Patrick |
This master owed money to his servants and Carter was ordered to recover same from Sutton and Muthauson: |
Howlin, James |
September 29, 1781 |
Carey, Patrick |
This master owed money to his servants and Carter was ordered to recover same from Sutton and Muthauson: |
Herwicks, Michael |
September 29, 1781 |
Carey, Patrick |
This master owed money to his servants and Carter was ordered to recover same from Sutton and Muthauson: |
Cleary, John |
September 29, 1781 |
Carey, Patrick |
This master owed money to his servants and Carter was ordered to recover same from Sutton and Muthauson: |
Flaherty, John |
September 29, 1781 |
Carey, Patrick |
This master owed money to his servants and Carter was ordered to recover same from Sutton and Muthauson: |
Mara, Lawrence |
July 24, 1776 |
Carney, John |
Has a dwelling house adjoining land owned by: |
Weston, Catherine |
August 21, 1755 |
Carter, John |
Claims he is owed money by the master of the brigantine "Sally" at Ferryland: |
Ransom, John |
September 22, 1755 |
Carter, John |
Ordered to pay over 300 pounds to : |
Doble, John |
June 8, 1758 |
Carter, John |
Witness to the deposition of : |
Tucker, Philip |
August 25, 1750 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace | |
August 27, 1750 |
Carter, Robert |
Applied for permission to build a store on the front of the beach. Denied Permission |
August 27, 1750 |
Carter, Robert |
Agent for this company based in Pimston, County Devon: |
Kingman, Thomas |
????, 1749 |
Carter, Robert |
Rented the harbour of Renouze for salmon fishing from: |
Knight, Captain John |
?????, 1750 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed to handle the estate of: |
Brewer, William |
July 7, 1752 |
Carter, Robert |
Justice of the Peace in the Quinn murder trial |
August 26, 1754 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
May 26, 1753 |
Carter, Robert |
Witness to a survey of fishing rooms in Renews |
September 2, 1754 |
Carter, Robert |
Requested and granted Little Boy Island for curing of fish |
September 22, 1755 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
August 2, 1768 |
Carter, Robert |
Ordered to pay the expenses incurred in executing malefactors from Ferryland the previous year as this person had entertained 3 Dieters: By order of: |
Pallisser, Hugh |
June 19, 1764 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace for Ferryland. |
August 24, 1764 |
Carter, Robert |
Sold a house on Boy’s Island to : |
Bowen, Officer Lieut. |
April 9, 1764 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Naval Officer for the ports of Ferryland, Fermeuse , Renews and Trepassey with the fees and profits there into belonging. |
July 8, 1772 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Keeper of the Rolls |
June 13, 1776 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District extending from Brickus by South to Cape Race |
July 22, 1776 |
Carter, Robert |
Granted a piece of land in Aquaforte on the North West side of the harbour called "Montagu’s Peninsula". |
August 11, 1780 |
Carter, Robert |
Seized property belonging to Robert Eustace on behalf of: |
Doble, W. |
August 21, 1780 |
Carter, Robert |
Granted land along North East River which empties into Aquaforte Harbour . This land is half a mile wide and half a mile long.. |
October 10, 1780 |
Carter, Robert |
Given orders to settle a dispute between: |
Alword and Cahill |
October 10, 1782 |
Carter, Robert |
Asked by Govenor to explain why he seized a boat belonging to: |
Mara, John |
October ??, 1788 |
Carter, Robert |
Signed petition for protection: |
October 12, 1788 |
Carter, Robert |
Offers his letter of resignation as JP to Govenor. |
September 2, 1792 |
Carter, Robert |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
August 14, 1800 |
Carter, Robert |
Reports that he is not feeling well and asking that one of his sons be made treasurer in his place. |
September 26, 1800 |
Carter, Robert |
Complains of ill treatment by Fermeuse resident |
Angel, Thomas |
October 19, 1800 |
Carter, Robert |
Died on October 18, 1800. |
October 24, 1788 |
Carter, Robert ( Jr.) |
Member of Ferryland Protestant court house committee |
October 11, 1793 |
Carter, Robert ( Jr.) |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
August 20, 1794 |
Carter, Robert ( Jr.) |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
October 11, 1793 |
Carter, Robert ( Sen.) |
Appointed surrogate for Ferryland District |
August 20, 1794 |
Carter, Robert ( Sen.) |
Appointed Customs Officer |
September 14, 1765 |
Carter, Robert Esq. |
Justice of the Peace in Ferryland |
September ??, 1775 |
Carter, Robert Esq. |
Appointed Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District |
October ??, 1788 |
Carter, Robert J. P. |
Petition from principal merchant etc of Ferryland District looking for protection from riotous and unlawful assemblys of people during the winter: |
August 21, 1755 |
Carter, Thomas |
Master of the ship named "Ann" at Ferryland to keep an eye on: |
Ransom, John |
May 27, 1753 |
Carter, Thomas Vice-Admiral |
Verified Benger’s claim to land in Ferryland |
October 13, 1785 |
Carter, William |
Appointed Naval Officer for Ferryland and adjacent harbours. |
October 12, 1784 |
Clancey, Owen |
Signed a petition supporting the claim of: |
Jennings, William |
May 27, 1753 |
Clapp, Robert Rear Admiral |
Verified Benger’s claim to land in Ferryland |
September 14, 1765 |
Clemens, James |
This boatkkeper at Ferryland is bankrupt. Govenor ordered that enough money be set aside from the sale of his assets to ship him and his wife and two children back to England |
Pallisser, Hugh |
October 20, 1795 |
Clements, Catherine |
Licenced to sell spiritous liquors in Renews |
September 26, 1752 |
Cloney, Thomas |
Occupied plantation owned by : |
Ludwigg, John Esq. |
October 20, 1795 |
Cody, Richard |
Licenced houses for selling spititous liquors:Ferryland |
October 11, 1793 |
Cole, Samuel Rev. |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
August 20, 1794 |
Cole, Samuel Rev. |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
September 14, 1759 |
Cole, William |
Agent for : |
Smith and Applebee |
September 24, 1784 |
Collier, William |
Seaman belonging to brig "Elizabeth and Kitty" cannot get his pay from master. |
October ??, 1788 |
Coman, William |
Signed petition for protection: |
October 13, 1788 |
Coman, William |
Granted a piece of ground in Kingman’s Cove, Fermeuse. |
October 21, 1778 |
Conners, Thomas |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 14 |
October 20, 1795 |
Connolly, James |
Licenced houses for selling spititous liquors:Ferryland |
August 19, 1751 |
Cook, William |
Rented a boat room in Renouze for seven years from: |
Rouse, William |
October 2, 1752 |
Cords, Sam |
Present at court held in Renews |
October 20, 1795 |
Costellae, Matthew |
Licenced houses for selling spititous liquors:Ferryland |
October 21, 1778 |
Cowan, James |
Signed petition for: |
McClure, Alex |
September 21, 1779 |
Cummis, John |
Claims to be owed 108 pounds by: |
Whalon, Patrick |
September 21, 1779 |
Cummis, John |
Claims to be owed 12 pounds by: |
Soolivan, Owen |
September 21, 1779 |
Cummis, John |
Claims to be owed 4 pounds by : |
Snut, John |
July 30, 1755 |
Day, Francis |
Ordinance Storekeeper in St. John’s |
September 24, 1757 |
Deeble, Thomas |
Ordered to collect money from every man servant and every fishing shallop |
July 29, 1778 |
Devyese, Thomas |
Signed a petition to the govenor looking for assistance in defending Renews |
September 10, 1800 |
Dingle, John Rev. |
Letter to the Govenor praising this merchant of Trepassey: |
Hunter, Patrick |
October 2, 1799 |
Dingle, Reverend |
Appointed minister for district of Bay Bulls and Ferryland |
May 27, 1753 |
Dobel, William |
Verified Benger’s claim to land in Ferryland |
June 20, 1770 |
Dobell, William |
This Ferryland merchant was ordered to pay debt owing to the master of the schooner "Dolphin" of Rhode Island for transporting a fisherman: |
Allen, Zachariah |
July 24, 1776 |
Doble, ??? |
Has land bounded on one side by : |
Weston, Catherine |
October 10, 1758 |
Doble, Thomas |
His grant to Great Ship Island was recorded. It had been granted on October 22, 1748 in return for Bois Isle. |
October 10, 1758 |
Doble, Thomas |
His grant to Great Ship Island was issued on October 22, 1748 |
August 2, 1768 |
Doble, WIlliam |
Ordered to pay the expenses incurred in executing malefactors from Ferryland the previous year as this person had entertained 5 Dieters: By order of: |
Pallisser, Hugh |
May 4, 1757 |
Dorrill, Govenor |
Issued a decree that Browning Place be passed over to : |
Yorkers children |
October 18, 1762 |
Dover, John |
Report on condition of garrison in Ferryland |
September 16, 1751 |
Drake, William |
Govenor of Newfoundland |
July 29, 1778 |
Drew, John |
Signed a petition to the govenor looking for assistance in defending Renews |
October 2, 1752 |
Drew, Thomas |
Present at court held in Renews |
October 14, 1778 |
Drew, Thomas |
Member of the committee for defense of Renews. |
July 29, 1778 |
Drew, Thomas |
Signed a petition to the govenor looking for assistance in defending Renews |
July 15, 1760 |
Drover, John |
Gave his report on condition of garrison in Ferryland |
August 18, 1775 |
Duff, Robert |
Govenor of Newfoundland ordered Carter to fix problem with men dumping offal off their boats at the boats. |
August 10, 1785 |
Dumsterville, Edward |
Agent for: |
Hearne and Treene and Perryn Nfld. Co. |
October 2, 1752 |
Dunn, ???? |
Sister of this deceased person who inherited his property |
Dunn, James |
October 2, 1752 |
Dunn, James |
This Renews resident’s estate is in dispute |
August 27, 1750 |
Dunn, Tomazine |
Daughter of : |
Jenkins, John Esq |
October 20, 1795 |
Dunphy, Edmund |
Licenced to sell spititous liquors:Cape Broyle, Brigus |
January 1, 1800 |
Dunphy, Edmund |
Licenced to sell liquor in Brigus |
September 29, 1781 |
Dutton, Michael |
This Ferryland Surgeon has cultivated a piece of ground in Renews and applied for a grant. |
September 20, 1797 |
Dutton, Michael |
Surgeon of Renews applied for a piece of land in Renews. |
October 13, 1779 |
Dwyer, John |
Agent for Renews firm told to appear in St. John’s to answer charges of refusing to turn over plantation to rightful heirs: |
Eustace, Robert |
October ??, 1788 |
Dwyer, Thomas |
Signed petition for protection: |
August 14, 1784 |
Edgar, Captain |
Master of H. M. S. Leocadia |
July 29, 1757 |
Edwards, Richard |
Orders given to deliver ammunition and shot to : |
Williams, Griffith Lieut. |
August 2, 1768 |
Edwards, WIlliam |
Ordered to pay the expenses incurred in executing malefactors from Ferryland the previous year as this person had entertained 5 Dieters: By order of: |
Pallisser, Hugh |
September 4, 1779 |
Edwards, William |
Ordered to appear to answer charges that he ill treated his servant: |
Costolo, Richard |
September 8, 1786 |
Elliott, J. |
Govenor informs Carter that he did a good job in dealing with wreck of French brigatine "L’ Amphotrite". |
October 8, 1788 |
Elliott, J. ( Govenor) |
Ordered this person to look into situation in Ferryland: |
Pellen, Captain |
October 21, 1778 |
Ellward, James |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 12 |
July 17, 1757 |
Elphenstone, Primrose |
Sent his report to the Govenor: |
Edwards, Richard |
July 30, 1757 |
Elphenstone, Primrose |
Given severe reprimand for his impudent letter to the govenor: |
Edwards, Richard |
July 31, 1757 |
Elphenstone, Primrose |
Ordered to remove two 24 pound cannon from Ferryland and put them aboard the schooner "Surprize" |
June 23, 1757 |
Elphenstone, Primrose Lieut. |
Order given to soldiers at the garrison not to fish or take beaches for their own uses |
October 14, 1778 |
Eustace, Robert |
Member of the committee for defense of Renews. |
July 23, 1781 |
Eustace, Robert |
This Renews resident is once more in charge of his plantation. |
August 27, 1779 |
Evans, David |
Deserter from H.M.S. Portland |
October 2, 1752 |
Evans, John |
Present at court held in Renews |
October 20, 1795 |
Evoy, Michael |
Licenced houses for selling spititous liquors:Ferryland |
August 24, 1764 |
Eyres, Captain |
Ordered to pay 13 pounds for sale of house to : |
Carter, Robert |
August 30, 1766 |
Farrel, ???? |
Has taken cow from the petitioner in return for provisions: |
Doble, ??? |
September 19, 1760 |
Fearn, Thomas |
Fermouze resident ordered to pay this company money owed: |
Holdsworth and Dran |
August 2, 1768 |
Fitzgerald, Garrett |
Ordered to pay the expenses incurred in executing malefactors from Ferryland the previous year as this person had entertained 2 Dieters: By order of: |
Pallisser, Hugh |
August 19, 1751 |
Fling, Edward |
Said he was shipped with this person on April 14 for the fishing season and now could not obtain his wages: |
Aylward, William |
July 25, 1777 |
Flinn, James |
A servant of this master in Capelin Bay who has fled without paying his servants: |
Cunningham, Edward |
October 2, 1752 |
Flood, Thomas |
Present at court held in Renews |
October 2, 1752 |
Follett, John |
Present at court held in Renews |
September 10, 1800 |
Follett, Mr. |
Justice of the peace in Trepassey and feeling ill. |
September 16, 1751 |
Follett, Robert |
No longer Justice of the Peace |
October 21, 1778 |
Fourstal, Edward |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 10 |
July 1, 1764 |
French, Lieut. |
Has the permission of the Govenor to return to England: |
Graves, Govenor |
May 27, 1753 |
Gely, Philip |
Verified Benger’s claim to land in Ferryland |
October 21, 1778 |
Germain, George Lord |
Attempting to remove all Americans as enemies of the state |
August 18, 1787 |
Gibbs, Thomas and Co. |
This company from Dover, Kent was issued a grant of land in Fermeuse. |
July 24, 1776 |
Giles, ??? |
Former occupant of Cooper’s Shop now occupied by: |
Sweetland, ??? |
July 24, 1775 |
Gill, Nicholas |
Appointed Naval Officer for Ferryland District. |
October ??, 1788 |
Glascott, Thomas |
Signed petition for protection: |
????, 1750 |
Gobbett, Elizabeth ( Alias Pigeon) |
Petitioned for a new patent for Pigeon’s Plantation in Ferryland |
August 27, 1750 |
Gobbett, Elizabeth (called Allen) |
Accused of living with a man not her husband |
October 21, 1778 |
Gorman, Jeffery Merchant |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 41 |
May 26, 1752 |
Griffin, Alan |
Present at the survey of fishing rooms in Renews |
October 14, 1778 |
Griffin, Andrew |
Member of the committee for defense of Renews. |
July 29, 1778 |
Griffin, Andrew |
Signed a petition to the govenor looking for assistance in defending Renews |
August 29, 1750 |
Griffin, John |
This Renouze resident was in court to claim property left to his mother by her father: |
Jenkins, John Esq. |
August 19, 1751 |
Griffin, John |
Claimed the property leased to: |
Cook, William |
October 14, 1778 |
Griffin, John |
Member of the committee for defense of Renews. |
October 1, 1776 |
Griffins, John and Andrew |
Own a plantation adjoining that of : |
Bromley, John |
July 7, 1752 |
Haggathee, Maurice |
Owned the stage where Quinn was murdered |
September 28, 1776 |
Hall, ???? |
Renews planter complained about: |
Sparkes, James |
September 29, 1781 |
Hansford, Joseph |
This fisherman has been owed a bill since 1779 by: |
Eustace, Robert |
October 12, 1784 |
Hardin, Christopher |
Signed a petition supporting the claim of: |
Jennings, William |
August 19, 1751 |
Harison, John Lieut. |
Captain of ship "Boston" |
October 11, 1765 |
Harney, Paul |
Seized a boat in Renews in 1762 belonging to : |
Jutsham, Samuel |
September 2, 1740 |
Harrison, Henry Esq. |
Ordered half the rent from Browning Place be paid to : |
Cole, Widow |
September 2, 1740 |
Harrison, Henry Esq. |
Ordered second half of rent of Browning Place be paid to satisfy a mortgage given to : |
Yorkers, Doctor children |
September 20, 1797 |
Hart, Andrew |
Disputed title to land claimed by: |
Dutton, Michael |
September 18, 1785 |
Hector, John |
Negro servant from the Schooner "Dermond" of the port of St. Vincent’s captured by constable. |
October 1, 1788 |
Hickey, John |
Complained he was owed money since 1786 by : |
Grant, David |
October 1, 1788 |
Hickey, John |
Complained that his partner has not paid him money owed: |
Kelly, Cornelius |
October 15, 1776 |
Hill, Samuel |
Applied for grant to a piece of land near the path leading to Ferryland Downs towards Ferryland Head. |
October 15, 1776 |
Hill, Samuel |
Applied for grant next to Wicken’s Plantation, now in the possession of : |
Carter, Robert |
October 4, 1779 |
Hodge, Caleb |
Agent for : |
Holdsworth, William |
October ??, 1788 |
Hodge, Caleb |
Signed petition for protection: |
October 24, 1788 |
Hodge, Caleb |
Member of Ferryland Protestant court house committee |
September 10, 1763 |
Holdsworth, Robert |
Appointed arbitrator in Mason vs Benger |
September 15, 1766 |
Holdsworth, Thomas |
Ordered to pay the St. John’s price of fish to: |
Shea, Michael |
October 21, 1778 |
Holley, Robert |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 21 |
September 4, 1766 |
Horsnaill, John |
Secretary to the Govenor |
October ??, 1788 |
Hunt, Arthur |
Signed petition for protection: |
October 24, 1788 |
Hunt, Arthur |
Member of Ferryland Protestant court house committee |
September 2, 1749 |
Hutchins, James |
Appointed Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District |
August 25, 1750 |
Hutchins, James |
Appointed Justice of the Peace |
August 27, 1750 |
Hutchins, James |
Took out a judgement against: |
Pasmore, Richard |
August 14, 1784 |
Jackman and Power |
Agents for: |
Clemens, Mrs. |
August 27, 1750 |
Jackson, William |
Trepassey resident named executor of the will of : |
McAulity, Cornelius |
September 16, 1751 |
Jackson, William |
No longer Justice of the Peace |
August 27, 1750 |
Jenkins, Albion and Bridget |
In September 1726 were put in possession of a plantation in the community by the last will of carpenter: |
Long, Oliver |
August 27, 1750 |
Jenkins, Albion and Bridget |
Signed a mortgage in 1727 on the land in Renouze with: |
Spicey, Emanuall |
August 27, 1750 |
Jenkins, Albion and Bridget |
Signed a mortgage in 1727 on the plantation in Renouze with: |
Kingman, Thomas |
August 27, 1750 |
Jenkins, Philip |
Renouze resident was son and heir of : |
Jenkins, Albion and Bridget |
October 21, 1778 |
Jenkins, Phillip |
List of residents and merchants of Fermeuse who will assist with defence and the number of their servants 14 |
October 12, 1784 |
Jennings, William |
He was left a plantation in Renews by his uncles from Devon, England but because of French invasion he could not claim it:: |
Flood, John and Thomas |
October 15, 1773 |
Jones, Howell Esq. |
Surrogate for Ferryland District |
October 5, 1754 |
Jones, James and others |
Seized boats and fish belonging to: |
Ryan, Thomas |
????, 1750 |
Jones, Lieut Nathaniel |
Bought a second small house and garden extending as far as storehouse owned by: |
Thompson, Peter |
????< 1750 |
Jones, Lieut. Nathaniel |
Petition for grant to land and tenement he had improved in Ferryland adjoining the Main Brook and called Ship’s Watering Place |
August 12, 1749 |
Jones, Nathaniel Lieut. |
Officer in garrison in Ferryland |
October 24, 1749 |
Jones, S. |
Rented a house belonging to: |
Roberts, Mary |
Page Transcribed by Ray Curran (February, 2001)
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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