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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
William Kepple White


William K. White


In the Supreme Court,  }


You shall swear that you believe this to the true last Will and Testament of William Kepple White late of Harbor Breton Fortune Bay in the Southern District of the Island of Newfoundland Clerk in Holy Orders deceased. ---------------
You shall swear that you will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the Deceased, so far as the Goods shall extend and the Law shall bind you; and that you will exhibit a true, full, and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when you shall be lawfully called thereto: And you shall further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits, and Effects of the said William Kepple White deceased, and of which he died possessed, do not, according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Five thousand dollars --------------- Dollars

So help you God.

Sworn before me, at St. John's, }
   this      19th.                             } George Keppel White
   June A.D., 1886                       }
                  Otto Emerson
                              Commissioner of Affidavits, Supreme Court.



Estate of William K. White

late of Harbor Briton

in the Southern District

Rural Dean deceased

Dated 19th June

Probate granted to WilliamGeorge K
White one of the
the Executor's named in the Will
thoughts of Frederick H White
the other exor being reserved.
Estate sworn under $5000



(initials written in upper right hand corner of page) WOW

In the name of God. Amen
I, William Kepple White Missionary of the Society for Propagating the Gospel and Rural Dean at Harbor Briton Newfoundland being of sound mind but knowing that it is appointed unto all men to die Do make this my last Will and Testament     First I will that my body be buried on the South Side of the Chancel at Harbor Briton in the plainest manner according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England Secondly my just debts and General expenses being paid I give and bequeath all I die possessed of to my dear wife Sarah Anne requesting her to allow all my children to select such mementoes as they desire out of my books instruments and personal affects.
   Provided nevertheless that if my said wife Sarah Anne should be taken to rest before me then I will that all my property and effects (except the land at Harbor Briton and the cow House standing thereon which I hereby bequeath to my eldest son George Keppel White)

(initials) WOW


(initials written) WOW      (A)

shall be sold and the proceeds divided into three parts - one part I give and bequeath to my youngest daughter Ellen Augusta and I desire that the other two parts be equally divided among my other children - But I especially wish that this clause should not interfere with my children selecting such books and articles as they wish to keep in memory of me before such sale and division    My siloer watch I give to my son George Keppel, my other watch to my son Frederick Hills - and I appoint my said sons George Keppel and Frederick Hills executors of this my last will and Testament and to all my children I commend the protection and care of my said dear wife Sarah Anne if I depart before her -      Witness my hand and seal at Harbor Briton aforesaid this Twenty third day of June one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty three.
(in left margin signed initials) WOW

(a square seal)                     William Kepple White

    Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us and of each other at Harbor Briton aforesaid by the also named Testator Ruth Jensen

Richard X Buffet

Harbor Briton


My last Will
& Testament
23rd June 1883


In the Supreme Court

Newfoundland  }
St John's to wit }

The Honourable Sir

William O. Whiteway of St John's aforesaid K.C.M.? Queens Counsel maketh oath and saith that he was for many years intimately acquainted with the Reverend William Kepple White late of Harbour Briton in Fortune Bay Rural Dean deceased. That deponent is well acquainted with the handwriting of the said late Reverend William Kepple White. That deponent has read the paper writing or will hereto annexed marked A on two pages and deponent saith that he ??? believes the whole of the said (initials written in left margin on this line) WOW
paper-writing or will from the words "In the name of God. Amen" to the signature "William Kepple White" inclusive opposite the seal and also the subsequent words from "signed" to "testator" is and are the own proper hand-writing of the said William Kepple White the testator in the said paper-writing or will named. That for greater certainty deponent has initialled said paper writing or will on each page "W.O.W." opposite said letter A.
Sworn before me at }                     W.O.Whiteway
St John's aforesaid   }
19th day of June      }
A.D. 1886                }
    Otto Emerson


Supreme Court

In re will of the late   }
Revd W.K. White late }  
of Harbour Briton mif?}  
sionary, deceased      }

-----  -----

Will: proof of same
& petition for probate

-----  -----
Fiat for probate -
                      J I Little
          C J


To the Honourable the Supreme
Court of Newfoundland or
are of the Honourable Judges

   The petition of George Keppel White of Burgeo Telegraph Operator and Frederic Hills White St Pierre Miquelon Telegraph Operator

Humbly sheweth

      That your petitioners father the Reverend William Kepple White late of Harbour Briton Fortune Bay Newfoundland deceased died on the twenty ninth day of May AD 1886 at Harbor Briton Newfoundland
           having previously made and published his last will and testament hereunto ­­annexed by which will he appointed your petitioners executors thereof
     That our said late father left him surviving Widow Sarah Anne White Mary Beaufort Forbes, Emily Sarah Callard, George Kepple White, Fredric Hills White, Fanny Drevor Inglish, Octavius ???, Martineau White, Ellen Augusta M??t?in    White,
     That the Estate of the said late William Kepple White in Newfoundland does not exceed $5000 (five thousand doll)ars value
     That no probate of said will or letters of administration of his Estate have been granted
     Your petitioners pray that the will aforesaid be admitted to probate and that


that (written in upper left corner of page)
they be entrusted with the execution thereof and as in duty bound will pray
      The 11th day of June    AD1886

George Kepple White
Fred H White


Supreme Court

      to wit             }
                                 George Keppel White of Burgeo Newfoundland one of the petitioners named in the above written petition maketh oath and saith that the matters and things therein contained are just and true
Sworn before me
at Hr Briton
Newfoundland       }               George Keppel White
This 11th day of     }
June A.D.1886       }
Philip Hubert
Com of Affts


Supreme Court of Newfoundland

Newfoundland  }
Harbour Briton }
to wit                 }
           Ruth Jensen of Harbor Briton widow maketh oath and saith that on the twenty third day of June AD. one thousand eight hundred and eighty three at Harbor Briton Newfoundland she this deponent was present and did see the Reverend William Kepple White late of Harbour Briton aforesaid the testator named in the paper writing hereunto annexed marked (A, duly sign publish and declare the said annexed paper writing as and for his last will and testament in the presence of this deponent and of Ruben Buffet of Jersey Harbor the other subscribing witness­ thereto that deponent and said Ruben Buffet

Then signed their names to such will as such witnesses in the presence of the said testator and of each other. That at the time of the making and execution of said will the said testator was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding to the best of deponent's knowledge and belief
(in the left margin of the above paragraph and written between two drawn lines "Mr Hubert re please initial here"; written over this are the initials "P H")
Sworn before me at    }
Harbor Briton             }                        Ruth Jensen
This 11th day of June }
A.D.1886                    }
Philip Hubert
Com of Affts



Page Transcribed by Kathleen Noseworthy

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Tuesday October 31, 2017)

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