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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Hugh William Martin


In the Supreme Court

In re
Hugh W Martin


Administration granted to
Catherine Martin
on the 17th. Day of April

Value of Estate $324.00

Sureties John Rowe
Joseph Roper

Vol 6 Folio 369


The petition of Catherine Martin, of St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland, widow,

Humbly Sheweth:-

  1. That your petitioner's late husband Hugh William Martin, of St. John's aforesaid, cooper, died at St. John's aforesaid on or about the 22nd. day of January A.D. 1912, leaving him surviving as next –of-kin your petitioner and five sons and one daughter.

  2. The said Hugh William Martin, deceased, died without making any Will.

  3. Hereto annexed marked “A” is a just and true inventory and valuation of the property of the said late Hugh William Martin, deceased, at the time of his death as far as your petitioner can at present ascertain.

  4. No Probate of any Will of or Letters of Administration to the Estate of the said late Hugh William Martin, deceased, have been granted to any person.

     Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that your Honourable Court will grant to her letters of Administration to the Estate of the said late Hugh William Martin, deceased.


St. John'sMarch 4th. 1912
 Catherine X Martin
Witness: Robert H. Martin  



St. John's _ to wit:

I, Catherine Martin, of St. John's aforesaid, widow, the petitioner named in the foregoing Petition, make oath and say that the matters and things therein contained are just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


SWORN at St. John's aforesaid this 4th

S. B             March                 her
 day of February A. D. Catherine X Martin
 1912, before me                mark


(Having been first read over and explained to the deponent who seemed perfectly to understand the contents thereof)

Simon Butler

Notes for the transcription:

From my research, Hugh William Martin was born in Harbour Grace 12 Dec 1849, the son of Frederick Martin and Emma Unknown. Frederic died suddenly in 1857 at age 45. He was a son of Robert and Mary Martin and this line ties back to Guernsey in the Channel Islands thanks to published research and collaboration by Evelyn Martin Randall in British Columbia.

Hugh married Catherine Howell at the Wesleyan Parsonage in St. John's November 1876. Catherine is considered to be a daughter of Nicholas Howell and Martha Clarke and was born in Carbonear, 27 May 1854 according to information from Matt Mulally. She died 24 November 1914 in St. John's.

They had eight children. Emma Maude, William Frederick, John, Mahala Neville, Ralph, Charles Patrick, Robert Hamilton and Herbert Elroy. Mahala died 14 January 1893 and John died 15 April 1900. Only William Frederick stayed in St. John's. His son Reginald Frederick worked with the Evening Telegram from 1927-1973. Charles Patrick moved to Ontario and the rest moved to the US.



Page Contributed by Geoff Martin

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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