William R. Warren 1900 and Alice May Warren
Estate of William R. Warren &
Alice May Warren 1900
From LDS Microfilm #2057616
To the Honourable the Supreme Court of
Newfoundland, or one of the Honourable
Judges thereof.
The petition of Jessie S. Warren of St. Johns in the said Island, widow,
Hunbly Sheweth
- That Harris R. Hayward, late of St. Johns, Barrister, deceased, was appointed by Your Honourable Court in the year 1890, Guardian of the estates of your petitioner's minor children, Edith, Louise, William Robertson, and Alice May. Your petitioner being a consenting party.
- That the estate in respect of which he became guardian aforesaid consisted of the sum of about $1450 on deposit in the Newfoundland Savings Bank.
- That the sum of $1247.50 was deposited in the said bank in the month of July 1892 in the name of the said guardian.
- Your petitioner craves reference by Your Honourable Court or Judge to her petition, dated the 25th day of January 1895 and filed in this Court, wherein, after setting out that the said Harrison R. Hayward had drawn moneys from the said Bank so that there remained there at the end of the year 1894 the sum of $588 or thereabout instead of the sum of about $1363.00, and that she had been unable to obtain satisfactory answer from him as to how he had disposed of the sums drawn, she prayed that the said guardian should be ordered to deposit in the said bank the sum of said deficit, and that she should be appointed guardian in stead [sic] of the said Harrison R. Hayward, or that such other order be made therein as to the Court should seem meet. [sic] Your petitioner craves [sic] reference also to the proceedings had in the matter of her said petition.
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- The said Edith Louise, wife of William C. Job, arrived at the age of twenty-one years in the year 1894, and, on her petition dated the 20th day of April 1895 filed in the said Court, an order was made by Mr. Justice Winter on the 10th day of May 1895 that the said guardian should pay to the said Edith Louise Job the residue of her share of the said moneys, which was paid accordingly: namely $302.00.
- That the said William Robertson Warren is now 20 years of age and the said Alice May Warren is 18 years of age.
- Incidentally to the applications made under the said petition of January and April 1895, the state of the affairs of the guardianship was fully made known to the Honourable Mr. Justice Winter, who declined to remove the said Harrison R. Hayward from the said guardianship and stated that the Court would protect the interests of the minors without necessity for further reference by your petitioner.
- The solicitor for the estate of the late Harrison R. Hayward has delivered to your petitioner's solicitor the Savings Bank Book referred to in the 3rd paragraph of this petition, which shows less than five dollars to the credit of the account. Namely $4.08 on 20 April 1899.
- The said solicitor for Hayward's estate has also handed to your petitioner's solicitor a registered deed of mortgage of leasehold land on Prescott Street in St. Johns made by William H. Goudie on the 1st day of August 1894 in favour of the said Harrison R. Hayward, trustee for the estate of the infant children of the said late William H. Warren, in the sum of $400 repayable on the 1st day of August 1898, no part of which amount has been paid.
- The sum of $73 was drawn from the said bank by the said guardian in the month of March 1897 and paid out under the order of Mr. Justice Emerson for the benefit of the said minor
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William R. Warren.
- Over and above the said sums of $400 and $4.08 respectively, the sum of $760 or thereabout is payable by the estate of the said guardian to the estate of the said minors whereof he was guardian.
- That the estate of the said Harrison R. Hayward (as your petitioner is informed and believes) is insolvent and unable to pay more than five cents to the dollar.
- Your petitioner prays that George M. Johnson of St. Johns aforesaid, solicitor, be appointed guardian of the said estate of the said two minor children William Robertson Warren and Alice May Warren, or that such other order be made in the premises as to your Honourable Court or Judge shall seem meet.
And as in duty bound will pray &c.
Dated the 4th day of April 1900
Jessie S. Warren
St. Johns, to wit
I Jessie S. Warren, the petitioner named in the foregoing petition, make oath and say that the matters and things therein contained are just and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sworn before me at Jessie S. Warren
St. Johns aforesaid
this 4th day of April
Simon Butler
Commr SC
Supreme Court
In the Estates of
William R. Warren
Alice May Warren minors
appointment of a
George M. Johnson be
appointed guardian as
prayed, usual security
Geo. Morrison
Apl 6 / 1900
In the estate of
William H. Warren, deceased, and in the
matter of the guardianship of William R.
Warren and Alice May Warren, Minors
We, William C. Job of St. Johns in the central district of Newfoundland, Merchant, and Robert B. Job of St. Johns in the central district of Newfoundland Merchant
That we are the proposed sureties on behalf of the intended Guardian of the property of William R. Warren and Alice May Warren, infant children of late William H. Warren, of St. Johns aforesaid, deceased, in the within bond named, for the faithful administration of the said property of the said deceased; and I the said William C. Job of St. Johns in the Central District, make oath and say that I reside at St. Johns aforesaid and am worth property to the amount of Two thousand and four hundred dollars, over and above all encumbrances and over and above what will pay my just debts, and every other sum for which I am now bail, or for which I am liable as surety or endorser or otherwise, and I the said Robert B. Job for myself, make oath and say, that I am worth property to the amount of Two thousand four hundred dollars, over and above what will pay my just debts, and every other sum for which I am now bail and for which I am liable as surety or endorser or otherwise.
The above named William C. Job William C. Job
and Robert B. Job were severally Robert B. Job
sworn before me, this at St. Johns
aforesaid this 10th day of April
A.D. 1900.
W. C. Carroll
Commissioner of affidavits
Supreme Court
Supreme Court of Newfoundland on Circuit
Be it Remembered That on this 10th day of April in the 63rd Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred personally appeared George M. Johnson of St. Johns, Merchant, and Robert B. Job, also of St. Johns, Merchant, and did acknowledge themselves to be held and firmly bound to our said Sovereign Lady the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors, in the penal sum of Two thousand four hundred dollars to be had, made and levied on his Goods, Chattels and Effects, jointly and severally, if Default is made in any of the conditions following :---
Now the Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden George M. Johnson aforesaid, shall duly and faithfully act as Guardian of the Estate and Effects of William Robertson Warren and Alice May Warren, minors under the age of twenty-one years and shall and do pay and dispose of Estate in such manner as the said court shall direct, then this obligation to be and of no effect, or else to be and remain in full force and virtue.
Geo. M. Johnson
Signed and sealed William C. Job
in the presence of Robert B. Job
W. C. Carroll
Comm'r Affdts, S.C.
Estates of William R. Warren
and Alice May Warren of St.
Letter of Guardianship granted to
Geo. M. Johnson of St. Johns,
Dated April 10th 1900
Sureties Wm. C. Job
Robt. B. Job
Bond for $ 2400.00
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