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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Alexander Taylor


Alexander Taylor

Estate of Alexander Taylor 1900
From LDS Microfilm #2057616


In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the Estate of Alexander Taylor, late of St. Johns, Gentleman, deceased

Accounts of James Gordon, Executor

Assets and Liabilities of Estate at the time of the death of the Testator

Cash in house
Cash in Newfoundland Savings Bank
Cash in Merchants Bank of Newfoundland
Cash in Bank of Nova Scotia
Cash in Bank of Montreal
Cash in Bank of Montreal
Shares in Consolidated Foundry Face Value
Shares in Colonial Cordage Co.
Shares in Nfld. Boot & Shoe m/s Co.
Shares in St. Johns Nail Factory
Shares in Parade Rink
Mortgage in Congregational Church
Newfoundland Government Debentures
Deposit Receipt in known Bank (Worth ?)
Deposit Receipt in Comm'l Bank(")
Shartes in athenaeum? Joint Stock Co.
$ 57,464.28

James Gordon




Receipts and Disbursements by the Executor

 Received sum found in House
 Received dividend from Commercial Bank
     "      dividend from Union Bank
"        proceeds Sale of Shares as follows:
 50 shares Consolidated Iron Foundry
 20 shares in Colonial Cordage Co.
 60 shares in Newfoundland Boot & Shoe Co.
 5 shares in St. Johns Nail Factory
 19 Shares in Parade Rink?
 26 Government Debentures at par
 Cash from Savings Bank
 Cash from Merchants Bank at Halifax
 Cash from Bank of Nova Scotia
 Cash from Bank of Montreal
 Cash from Bank of Montreal
 Cash from Trustees Congregation at Church
Interest and Dividends on following viz:
July,6 months interest on Debentures $1388400/100 @ 2%
July,Dividend from Colonial Cordage Co.
Aug,Interest on Deposit Receipt Bank of Montreal
Sept,Interest on Deposit Merchants Bank of Halifax
Oct,Interest on Deposit in Bank of Nova Scotia
Dec 31,6 mos interest on Government Debentures
 Interest on Mortgage from Congregational Church
 Interest on Savings Bank deposit

James Gordon




To paid Legacies as follows 
James Robinson Taylor
John Mearns Taylor
Mrs. Janet Campbell
Mrs. Mary Leitch
Harry Leitch
Mrs. Isabella Foster
Duncan Bell
James Taylor
Mrs. Jennie Mc Fie
Mrs. Ann Purford
Mrs. Mary Taylor
Donald McIntyre
Mrs. Maggie McIntyre
Mrs. Mary Sinclair
Mrs. Elizabeth Learment?
Mrs. Taylor
Mrs. Ann Taylor
Herbert Skeach
Lillie Skeach
Walter Skeach
Emma Skeach
Charles Skeach
Edith Skeach
Robert Vey
Thomas Clouston
William Prowse
Miss E. Eales & Mrs. Ayre
Congregational Home Missionary

James Gordon



Brot. [sic] Forward 
To paid Church of England Orphanage
Methodist Orphanage
St. Michaels Orphanage
Dorcas Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Fisherman and Seamens Home
London Missionary Society
Presbyterian Church of Canada
Newfoundland Auxiliary Bible Society
British & American Book & Tract? Society
British and Foreign Bible Society
Residuary Legatee? On Account
Scottish National Bible Society
a residuary Legatee on account
Lawrence Brothers, Undertakers
Funeral Expenses
Walter Clouston a/c Funeral Expenses
J.A. Clift Solicitor on a/c
Dr. Harvey Professional Services
Amount Judgement a?? W. Clouston
and Costs as taxed
Solicitors Costs as taxed
Amount Judgement at Mrs? Simpson
and costs as taxed
Solicitors Costs as taxed
A.S. Rendell, Broker, for advertising
and Commission on Sale of Stocks &
S.E. Garland a/c
S. Milly a/c
R. L. Mare, Broker, Commission on
Side of Debentures

James Gordon



To amount Brot. Forward
Paid Mrs. Button washing
Proportion of Judgement, in C??? of Trustees?
Commercial Bank ?? Excelsior? Store Co.
Balance undistributed
$ 63173.98



Assets of the Estate still outstanding undisposed of

Balance on hand (in Bank)
and undistributed
$ 12264.8
Deposit Receipt of Union Bank
Deposit Receipt of Comm'l Bank
Shares in Athenaeum? Joint Stock Co.

James Gordon



In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Estate
of Alexander Taylor late of St. Johns
Gentleman, deceased.

St. Johns
To wit
I James Gordon of St. Johns, aforesaid, Executor of the Will of Alexander Taylor, late of St. Johns, aforesaid, Gentleman, deceased, make oath and say as follows:

  1. I have according to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief set forth in the account hereto annexed, marked 1, a full inventory and valuation of the Estate of Alexander Taylor, the Testator who died on the           day of June A.D. 1900, or of which he was possessed at the time of his death.
  2. I have according to the best of my knowledge information and belief set forth in the accounts hereto annexed marked II and III the full statement of the Estate of the testator which has come to my hands or to the hands of any person by my order and on what account the same have been received, and also a like statement of the disbursements allowances and payments made  by me on account of the said Testator's funeral expenses debts legacies and Estate, together with the names of the persons to whom and the purposes for which the same were disbursed allowed or paid.

    Page 2

  3. I have according to the best of my knowledge information and belief set forth in the account hereto annexed marked IV a full statement of the Estate of the said Testator, now outstanding and disposed of.


Sworn at St. Johns aforesaid                                            James Gordon
this 27th day of June A.D. 1900                                            Executor
Before me
Simon Butler
Commissioner of Affidavits, S.C.



We fix the amount of compensation to Executor as follows
5 % on all yearly Income received
2 1/2% on the gross value of the principal of Estate.

July 3rd 01
J.J. Little
D. Morrison J



In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Will
of Alexander Taylor late
of St. Johns Gentleman

Executors accounts

Jun 27 1901 Filed



In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the Estate of Alexander Taylor of St. Johns, in the Electoral District of St. Johns, Merchant, deceased I, James Gordon, of St. Johns, in the Electoral District of St. Johns, make oath and say that I believe the paper writing hereto annexed and marked by me to contain the true and original last Will and Testament of Alexander Taylor, late of St. Johns, in the Electoral District of St. Johns, Merchant, deceased. That I am the Executor therein named and that I will well and faithfully administer the estate and effects of the testator by paying his just debts and the legacies contained in his Will and distributing the residue of the estate according to law; and that I will exhibit under oath a true, full and perfect inventory of all and singular the estate and effects, rights and credits, of the testator and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do; that the said Testator died at St. Johns in the Electoral District of St. Johns on the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred, and that the gross value of the said estate and effects, rights, and credits of the said testator is Fifty Eight thousand dollars and no more, according to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Sworn at St. Johns in the
Electoral District of St. Johns                                            James Gordon
this 27th day of June
A.D. 1900 before me

W. J. Carroll




In the Supreme Court

In re
Alexander Taylor
late of St. Johns
Gentleman deceased


Probate granted on the 27th day
of June 1900 to James Gordon
one of the Executors named in
the Will; James Howe, the other
Exec'r having duly renounced

Value of Estate $ 58,164.28



In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Will of Alexander
late of St. Johns
           WHEREAS Alexander Taylor late of St. John's in the Central district, gentleman, deceased, died on the second day of June A.D. 1900, at St. Johns within the said District and had at the time a fixed place of abode therein, AND WHEREAS he made and executed his last Will and Testament dated the fourteenth day of April A.D. 1892 and thereof appointed James Howe of St. Johns, Gentleman, and James Gordon, of same place, Merchant, Executors, and provided therein as compensation to the said Executors the sum of three hundred dollars each, and in the event of both not acting, then the sum of six hundred dollars to the one who should act, AND WHEREAS, by deed bearing date the 8th day of June A.D. 1900, the said James Howe did renounce all his right and title to the probate and execution of the said Will: Now I, the said, James Gordon, do renounce, relinquish and give up, all right and title to the said legacy of six hundred dollars bequeathed by the said Testator to the Executors or Executor under said Will.
           IN WITNESS whereof I the said James Gordon have hereunto my hand and seal subscribed and set at St. Johns in the Island of Newfoundland this 12th day of June A.D. 1900

Signed sealed and delivered
In the presence of                                                       James Gordon
Augustus Clift




In re
Alexander Taylor

Renunciation of Legacy
By Executor Gordon

Filed June 22 / 00

A.C. C R.

(Written to the right of the above:)
Taken and acknowledged at
St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland
this 12thday of June A.D. 1900
before me.
D. M. Browning
Commissioner of Affidavits




I hereby certify that the notice on the other side Hereof has been posted up in my office from The date thereof to the present and that no Caveat or other objection has been entered thereto.
Dated at St. Johns this 22nd day of June A.D. 1900

W. C. Carroll




Three days after date application will be made to the Honorable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or to one of the Honorable the Judges thereof for Probate to the will of Alexander Taylor late of St. Johns, Gentleman, deceased, to be granted to James Gordon of St. Johns, Merchant, one of the Executors named in the said Will.
           Dated at St. Johns this 11th day of June A.D. 1900

W. C.                      J. A. Clift
A.C.S.C.                 Solicitor for Executor



In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

St. Johns   To Wit:
I James Augustus Clift of St. Johns, aforesaid Solicitor, make oath and say that on the fourteenth day of April A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety two, I was present and did see Alexander Taylor late ofSt. Johns, aforesaid Gentleman, the Testator named in the paper writing hereunto annexed marked A, duly sign, publish and declare the said annexed paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament, in my presence and in the presence of Frederick C. Grant, the other subscribing witness thereto. That I and said Frederick C. Grant then and there signed our names to such Will as such witnesses, in the presence of the said Testator and of each other, and that at the time of the said execution of the said Will the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Sworn at St. Johns aforesaid                                            J. Augustus Clift
this 22nd day of June
A.D. 1900

Before me

W. F. Carroll
Commissioner of Affidavits, Supreme Court



WJC           A

This is the last Will and Testament
of me, Alexander Taylor of St. Johns in the Island of Newfoundland, Hardware Merchant. After the payment of all my just and lawful debts, as well as my funeral and testamentary expenses, I give devise and bequeath to the several parties hereinafter named the following sums of money, that is to say. To my brother James Robinson Taylor the sum of Four thousand eight hundred dollars ($4800.00) provided my said brother should be living at the time of my death and should my said brother die before me then I will and devise that the said sum shall form part of the residue of my Estate and shall be divided amongst my residuary Legatees, hereinafter named. To my adopted son John Mearns Taylor son of the late Andrew Mearns the sum of Four thousand eight hundred Dollars ($4800.00) together with all my right title and interest in and to the lease of the Dwelling House and land now in my occupancy and also all the Household furniture goods chattels of whatsoever nature and description now contained in the said Dwelling house and of which I shall die possessed. To my Cousin as follows- that is to say to Janet Campbell Widow of the late John Campbell of Greenock the sum of Four hundred and eighty Dollars ($480.00). To Mary Leitch of Greenock the sum of Four hundred and eighty Dollars ($480.00). To Harry Leitch the sum of Two hundred and forty Dollars ($240.00). To Mrs. Isabella Foster wife of Captain Foster the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Duncan Bell of Greenock the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To James Taylor (Greenock) the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mrs. Jennie McFie of New York

Page 2

In the United States of America the sum of Two hundred dollars ($200.00) To Mrs. Ann Purfoot of Glasgow the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mrs. Chrissina Brighton of Glasgow the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mary Taylor (of Fort William) daughter of John Taylor the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Donald McIntyre (Glasgow) the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Maggie McIntyre (Glasgow) the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mrs. Mary Sinclair (Glasgow) the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mrs. Elizabeth Learmont (Glasgow) the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mrs ------ Taylor widow of the late Alexander Taylor of Greenock the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Mrs. Janet King of Greenock the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To Miss Ann Taylor (Glasgow) the sum of Two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) To the children of John Sheoch? of St. Johns as follows-That is to say Herbert Sheoch the sum of Two hundred dollars ($200.00) To Lillie Sheoch the sum of Two hundred dollars To Walter Sheoch the sum of Two hundred dollars ($200.00) To Emma SheochTwo hundred dollars ($200.00) To Charles Sheoch the sum of Two hundred dollars ($200.00) To Edith Sheoch the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) To the following employees of the firm of R. Peace and Company - namely to Robert Vey the sum of One hundred dollars ($100.00) To Thomas Clouston the sum of One hundred dollars ($100.00) To William Prowse the sum of One hundred dollars ($100.00) - I give devise and bequeath to Emma Cole Eales and Mrs. Jessie Ayre (her sister) both of St. Johns, all my right title and interest in and to a certain deed of mortgage for the sum of one

Page 3

Thousand three hundred dollars dated this           day of A.D. 18           and made between William Eales of St. Johns of the one part and my deceased wife Sarah Jane Taylor of the other part share and share alike - I give devise and bequeath to the Congregational Home Missionary Society of St. Johns the sum of  Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To the Church of England Orphanage (St. Johns) the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To the Methodist Orphanage (St. Johns) the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To Saint Michael's Orphanage - Belvedere, St. Johns, the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To the Dorcas Society, St. Johns, the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Johns, the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To the Fisherman and Sailors home, St. Johns, the sum of Five hundred dollars ($500.00) To the London Missionary Society, the sum of Four thousand eight hundred dollars ($4800.00) To the Presbyterian Church of Canada for foreign missions only - the sum of Two thousand dollars ($2000.00), To the Newfoundland Auxiliary Bible Society, to be spent in Newfoundland, the sum of One thousand dollars ($1000.00), To my executors, hereinafter named, the sum of Three hundred dollars each, provided they both act as such - Should only one act as Executor, then the sum of Six hundred dollars ($600.00) to such one. All the rest residue and remainder of my Estate of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate, I give devise and bequeath as follows, that is to say, one half to the British and Foreign Bible Society of London, England and the other half to the National Bible Society of Scotland Edinburgh, and I hereby nominate and appoint James House of St. Johns, Gentleman, and James Gordon, also of St. Johns, Accountant, to be the

Page 4

Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I the said Alexander Taylor have hereunto set my hand and subscribed my name at St. Johns in the Island of Newfoundland this Fourteenth day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety two.

Alexander Taylor

Signed by the said Testator and declared
by him to be his last Will and Testament in
the presence of us who in his presence and
in the presence of each other and at his
request have hereunto subscribed our names
as Witnesses :-
J. Augustus Clift
Frederick C. Grant



Last Will
Alexander Taylor



GJC       B

In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the Estate of Alexander Taylor
late of St. Johns in the Central
District of Newfoundland,
Gentleman, deceased.

           Whereas Alexander Taylor late of St. Johns in the Central District of Newfoundland, Gentleman, deceased, died on the second day of June A.D. 1900 at St. Johns and had at the time a fixed place of abode at St. Johns within the said District, and Whereas he made and duly executed his last Will and Testament bearing date the 14th day of April A.D. 1892 and thereof appointed James Howe of St. Johns, Gentleman, and James Gordon of same place Merchant, Executors
Now, I the said James Howe do hereby declare that I have not intermeddled in the Estate and Effects of the said deceased and will not hereafter intermeddle therein with intent to defraud creditors, and I do hereby do expressly renounce all my right and title to the probate and Execution of the said Will, and I hereby appoint James Augustus Clift of St. Johns my Solicitor to file or cause to be filed this renunciation for me in the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
           In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal at St. Johns in the Island of Newfoundland this 8th day of June A.D. 1900.
Signed sealed and delivered                                            J. House
In the presence of
Geo. J. Adams
Asst. Clerk Supreme Court



WJC      ?

In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Estate of
Alexander Taylor late of St. Johns,
Gentleman, deceased

Inventory and valuation of the property of the said deceased

General Description of PropertyAmount
60 shared in Newfoundland Boot and Shoe mfg. Co.
@ $60.00
26 Government of Nfld Debentures
Money in Newfoundland Savings Bank
Deposit Receipt of money in Merchants Bank of Halifax
Deposit Receipt of Money in Bank of Nova Scotia
Deposit Receipt of Money in Bank of Montreal
Deposit Receipt of Money in Bank of Montreal
60 Shares in Newfoundland Consolidated Foundry
@ $80.00
20 Shares in Colonial Cordage Company @ $200.00
5 shares in St. Johns Nail Factory @ $200.00
Parade Rink Shares
Mortgage on Congregational Church
Deposit receipt of money in Union Bank (worth say?)
Deposit receipt of money in Commercial Bank
Shares in Athenaeum Joint Stock Co.
Cash on hand
Interest and Dividends accrued on above, estimated at
$ 258164.28

James Gordon

The deposit receipt of money in Merchants Bank of Halifax is proceeds of mortgage on property of Estate of late William Eales for $1300.00



To the Honorable the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland or to one of the Honorable
the Judges thereof.

The Petition of James Gordon of St. Johns in the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant

Humbly Sheweth

           That Alexander Taylor late of St. Johns aforesaid, Gentleman, deceased, died at that place on or about the second day of June A.D. 1900 without leaving issue.
           That at the time of his decease the said Alexander Taylor was possessed of money, securities and property within the Jurisdiction of your Honorable Court of the probable value of Fifty eight thousand Dollars.
           That the Inventory hereto annexed marked "C" contains a full and true statement of the property of the said deceased, so far as your Petitioner has been able to ascertain.
           Your Petitioner verily believes that the paper writing hereto annexed marked "A" is the true Last Will and Testament of the said Alexander Taylor deceased.
That under said Will James Howe of

Page 2

St. Johns aforesaid Gentleman and your Petitioner were appointed Executors
           That on the 8th day of June instant, the said James Howe renounced all his right and title to the Probate and Execution of the said Will, as will appear by the deed hereto annexed marked B.
           That neither probate or Letters of administration have as yet been granted to the said Estate.
           Your Petitioner therefore Prays that Probate to the said Will be granted to him.
           And as in duty bound he will ever pray
           Dated at St. Johns aforesaid this 22nd day of June A.D. 1900

James Gordon



In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

St. Johns
To wit           I James Gordon of St. Johns, aforesaid, Merchant, make oath and say as follows:

  1. That I am the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition
  2. That the contents of the said Petition are to the best of my knowledge and belief correct and true.

Sworn before me                                                       James Gordon
at St. Johns aforesaid
this 22nd day of June A.D.
W. C. Carroll
Comm'r affts



In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Will
of Alexander Taylor late
of St. Johns, Gentleman

Petition of James Gordon
Executor for Letters of Probate

Fiat for Letters of Probate to
James Gordon as prayed.
June 22, 1900
D. Morison

J. A. Clift: Solicitor for Executor



Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Tuesday April 30, 2019)

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