Robert Thornhill
Estate of Robert Thornhill 1899
From LDS Microfilm #2057448
In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
St. Johns
To Wit I Mary Ann Lawrence of Bay L'Argent in the Southern District, widow, do swear that I believe this to be the true Last Will and Testament Robert Thornhill of Bay L'Argent in the Southern District, Fisherman deceased, and I do further swear that I will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the said deceased so far as his Goods shall extend, and the law shall bind me, and that I will exhibit a full, true and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when I shall be lawfully called thereto. And I do further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits and Effects of the said Robert Thornhill deceased, and of which he died possessed, do not, according to the best of my knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Two thousand six hundred dollars.
So help me God
Sworn at St. Johns Mary Ann X Lawrence
this 20th day of December
A.D. 1899
Before me
having been first read over to
deponent and understood by her
and signed by her by making her
mark thereto in my presence.
D. M. Browning
Commissioner of Affidavits,
Supreme Court
Estate of Robert Thornhill
late of Bay L'Argent
in the Southern District
Fisherman deceased
Probate granted to Mary A. Lawrence
of Bay L'Argent aforesaid, Widow the
Executrix named in the Will
Dated December 20th 1899
Estate sworn under $2600.00
The Hon'r Jos. J. Little Chief Justice
Geo. H. Emerson Judge
D. Morison Judge
D. M. Browning
Chief Clerk and Registrar
Three days after the date hereof application will be made
to the Honorable the Supreme Court or to one of the
Honorable the Judges thereof for Letters of Probate of the
Will of the late Robert Thornhill of Bay L'Argent in the
Southern District, Fisherman, to be granted to Mary Ann Lawrence of Bay L'Argent, the Executrix named in the
said Will.
St. Johns October 18: 1899
Herbert Knight
Solicitor for Applicant
I certify that the notice written on the other side
hereof has been posted in the office of the Chief
Clerk and Registrar from the day of the date thereof
and that no caveat or other objection has been
entered thereto.
St. Johns December 20 : 1899
D. M. Browning
C.C. & R
In the name of God Amen
I Robert Thornhill of Bay L'Argent Fortune Bay, Newfoundland do hereby declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
I desire first of all that my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. I will and bequeath my house situate at Bay L'Argent aforesaid to my grandson, Robert Lawrence together with a piece of land situate at Little Bay East. I will and bequeath my land and property at Bay L'Argent except the house aforesaid to my daughter Mary Ann Lawrence. I will and bequeath all other my real and personal estate to my three children, Elizabeth
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Banfield, Mary Ann Lawrence, and Charles Thornhill in equal proportions. In the event of any one of my children pre-deceasing me, I will and bequeath his or her share to their children or if they have no issue, then the share of the deceased shall be divided equally among my surviving children.
I hereby appoint my daughter Mary Ann Lawrence to be my executrix. Witness my hand this twenty third day of October one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven
Witness to the Robert X Thornhill
signature of the said mark
Robert Thornhill
Thomas P. Quinlan Clerk in Holy Orders
James Pike
In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
St. John's
To Wit I James Pike of St. Johns in the Central District Travelling Agent make oath and say that on the twenty third day of October A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven at Bay L'Argent I was present and did see Robert Thornhill late of Bay L'Argent in the Southern District, Fisherman, the Testator named in the paper writing hereunto annexed, marked A, duly sign (by making his mark), publish and declare the said annexed paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament, in my presence and in the presence of Thomas P. Quinton Clerk in Holy Orders, the other subscribing witness thereto. That I and said Thomas P. Quinton then and there signed our names to such Will as such witnesses, in the presence of the said Testator and of each other. That previously to the Will being so signed as aforesaid, by the said Testator and the said witnesses, it was read over to and approved of by, the said Testator in the presence of me and the said Thomas P. Quinton, and that at the time of the said execution of the said Will the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of Deponent's knowledge and belief.
James Pike
Sworn at St. Johns
this 9th day of December
A.D. 1899
Before me
M. F. Farrell
Commissioner of Affidavits,
Supreme Court
To the Honorable the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland or to one of the
Honorable the Judges thereof
The Petition of Mary Ann Lawrence of
Bay L'Argent in the Southern District,
Humbly Sheweth
That Robert Thornhill late of Bay L'Argent in the Southern District, Fisherman, died there on the 1st day of September A.D. 1899 having first made and published his last will and testament which is hereto annexed and which has been duly proved.
That in the said Will the said Robert Thornhill appointed me sole Executrix thereof
That the said Robert Thornhill left him surviving a daughter your Petitioner, a son James Thornhill of Little Bay East in the Southern District, a son Charles Thornhill of Bay L'Argent aforesaid and Elizabeth Banfield, a daughter, wife of William Banfield of Bay L'Argent aforesaid.
That the said Robert Thornhill left property at his decease within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court of the probable value of Two thousand five hundred dollars.
That no probate of any will or letters of administration to the Estate of the said Robert Thornhill have been granted or applied for.
Your Petitioner therefore prays that
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Probate of the said Will may be granted to her. And, as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray. Dated at St. Johns this 19th day of December A.D. 1899
Witness (having been her
first read over and explained Mary Ann X Lawrence
Herbert Knight mark
In the Supreme Court
St. John's ?? I Mary Ann Lawrence of Bay L'Argent in the Southern District, but at present of St. John's aforesaid, the Petitioner named in the foregoing petition, make oath and say that the matters and things in the said Petition contained are just correct and true to the best of my knowledge information and belief.
Sworn before me at her
St. John's aforesaid this Mary Ann X Lawrence
19th day of December mark
A.D. 1899 (having been
first read over and explained to
said Depondent and signed by making
her mark)
W. ???
Comm S.C.
In the Supreme Court
In the matter of the will
and Estate of Robert
Thornhill late of Bay
L'Argent in the Southern
District, Fisherman, deceased
Petition of
Mary Ann Lawrence for
J. J. Little
C. J.
December 20 / 99
Herbert Knight