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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Lewis R. Tessier


Lewis R. Tessier

Estate of Lewis R. Tessier 1899
From LDS Microfilm #2057448


To the Honorable the Supreme Court or one of the Honorable the Judges thereof.

The Petition of Charles W. H. Tessier of Saint Johns in the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant

Humbly Sheweth

  1. Your Petitioner's brother, Lewis R. Tessier, formerly of Saint Johns aforesaid, but now of Parsboro in the County of Worcester in England, has been of unsound mind for the past six years or upwards
  2. In the year 1894 Mr. Alexander J. W. McNeily Q.C. was appointed Guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier.
  3. The said Alexander J. W. McNeily has ceased to be clerk of your Honourable Court.
  4. The said Alexander J.W. McNeily has been requested to furnish a statement of the said estate and of his administration thereof, but such statement has not yet been received by your Petitioner. To the best of your Petitioner's knowledge and belief the estate of the said Lewis R. Tessier consists of the following assets
    (1). One Newfoundland Government Debenture for the sum of $12
    (2). Moneys due by the said Alexander J. W. McNeily to the said estate, amounting to about $1075.00
    (3). About $250.00 of other moneys
    (4). Nine shares of the Newfoundland Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company
    (5). One share of the Newfoundland Consolidated Foundry Company.
    (6). Three shares of the St. Johns Gas Light Company
    (7). One share of the St. Johns Curling and Skating Rink
    (8). Ten shares of the St Johns Athenaeum Company
    (9). Four shares of the St. Johns Electric Light Company
    (10). Four shares of the City Club, Limited
    (11). One share of the Newfoundland Steam Screw Tug Company
    (12). Forty shares of the Carbonear Water Company
    (13). Lige [sic] Policy in the Sun Life Insurance Company of Canada for $1000.00
    (14). Life Policy in the North American Life Insurance Company for $3000.00
    (15). One fourth interest in Weston Cottage property
  5. The said Lewis R. Tessier is now detained at the house of one Pearse, near Parsboro aforesaid, as a special patient under a reception order of the Commissioners of Lunacy.

Page 2

          YOUR PETITIONER prays that the said Alexander J. W. McNeily may be removed from the office of Guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier and that Donald M. Browning Esquire, of St. Johns aforesaid, a Solicitor of your Honourable Court, may be appointed Guardian in his stead, the said Donald M. Browning having expressed his willingness to act in that capacity.

          And, as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray &c &c.
          Dated at St. Johns this 19th day of September 1899

Chas. W. H.Tessier

St. Johns SS
I Charles W. H. Tessier of St. Johns aforesaid, Merchant, make oath and say as follows:

  1. I am the petitioner in the foregoing Petition named.
  2. The several matters and things therein contained are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Sworn at St. Johns aforesaid                    Chas. W. H. Tessier
this 19th day of June 1899,
before me.

D. F. Kent
Commissioner, S.C.



Supreme Court

In the matter of the
Estate of Lewis R. Tessier
Charles H. Tessier

Letter of Guardianship
granted to
D. M. Browning
C. C. Reg'r S.C.

Dated 29th Dec'r 1899

Filed June 21 / 99

(Illegible initials)
Chas. O'Neill C???y
Petitioner's Solicitor
St. Johns, N.F.



In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the matter of the Estate of
Lewis R. Tessier, a person
of unsound mind
In the matter of the Petition of

for the appointment of a
Guardian in the said Estate.

Upon reading the Petition of the said Charles N. H. Tessier I do order that Alexander J. W. McNeily Esquire, Q.C. be removed from the office of Guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier, and that Donald M. Browning, Esquire, a Solicitor of the Supreme court be appointed in his stead, and that the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier be, and they hereby are, vested in the said Donald M. Browning as such Guardian.

Dated at St. Johns the 20th day of June A.D. 1899

Geo. H. Emerson



In the Supreme Court of Nfld

In the matter of the Estate of
Lewis R. Tessier


Filed June? 21 / 99

(Illegible initials)
Petitioner's Solicitor
St. Johns, N.F.



Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Friday July 27, 2018)

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