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Lewis R. Tessier Estate of Lewis R. Tessier 1899
To the Honorable the Supreme Court or one of the Honorable the Judges thereof. The Petition of Charles W. H. Tessier of Saint Johns in the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant Humbly Sheweth
Page 2 YOUR PETITIONER prays that the said Alexander J. W. McNeily may be removed from the office of Guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier and that Donald M. Browning Esquire, of St. Johns aforesaid, a Solicitor of your Honourable Court, may be appointed Guardian in his stead, the said Donald M. Browning having expressed his willingness to act in that capacity. And, as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray &c &c. Chas. W. H.Tessier Newfoundland
Sworn at St. Johns aforesaid Chas. W. H. Tessier D. F. Kent
Supreme Court In the matter of the Letter of Guardianship Dated 29th Dec'r 1899 Filed June 21 / 99 (Illegible initials)
In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland In the matter of the Estate of CHARLES N. H. TESSIER, praying Upon reading the Petition of the said Charles N. H. Tessier I do order that Alexander J. W. McNeily Esquire, Q.C. be removed from the office of Guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier, and that Donald M. Browning, Esquire, a Solicitor of the Supreme court be appointed in his stead, and that the estate and effects of the said Lewis R. Tessier be, and they hereby are, vested in the said Donald M. Browning as such Guardian. Dated at St. Johns the 20th day of June A.D. 1899 Geo. H. Emerson
In the Supreme Court of Nfld In the matter of the Estate of O R D E R Filed June? 21 / 99 (Illegible initials)
Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Friday July 27, 2018)
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