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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills (F)
William Fortune



The Petition of Sylvester Fortune of Torrs Cove, in the District of Ferryland, in the Island of Newfoundland, fisherman humbly sheweth as follows:-

That William Fortune late of Torrs Cove aforesaid died at the above place in the month of April last intestate.

That said deceased left him surviving a widow and four children all over the age of twenty one years, viz, your Petitioner, his eldest son: John: William, and Johanna.

That at the time of his death said deceased was possessed of property within the jurisdiction of this Court of the probable value of $1000.

Petitioner therefore prays that administration may be granted to him and as in duty bound he will ever pray.

Dated at St. John's this 15th day of November A.D. 1899.

Sylvester his X mark Fortune
Having been first read over to Deponent and
understood by him, and signed by him by
making his mark thereto in my presence.

M Nanoll???

St. John's, S.S.
I Sylvester Fortune the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition make oath and say that the several matters and things therein contained and set forth are just correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
SWORN before me at St. John's
Aforesaid this 15th day of
November A.D. 1899.

Sylvester his X mark Fortune
Having been first read over to Deponent and
understood by him, and signed by him by
making his mark thereto in my presence.

N Nanoll???



Page Contributed by Colleen Haynes

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (February 3, 2004)

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