Anne Price
Estate of Anne Price 1895
From LDS Microfilm #2057393
In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland
St. Johns To Wit I Frank D. Lilly of St. John's in the Island of Newfoundland, Barrister at Law, do swear that I believe this to be the true Last Will and Testament of Anne Price late of St. Johns in the Island of Newfoundland, Widow, deceased. I do further swear that I will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the said deceased so far as her Goods shall extend, and the law shall bind me, and that I will exhibit a full, true and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when I shall be lawfully called thereto. And I do further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits and Effects of the said Anne Price deceased, and of which she died possessed, do not, according to the best of my knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of four hundred dollars
So help me God
Sworn before me, at St. John's
this 24th day of June Frank D. Lilly
A.D. 1895
Geo. I. Adams
Commissioner of
Supreme Court
Estate of Anne Price
late of St. Johns
in the Central District
Widow deceased
Probate granted to
Frank D. Lilly
Barrister at Law
the Executor named
in the Will.
Dated 24th June 1895
Estate sworn under
This is to certify that the notice on
the other side hereof written has
been posted in the office of the
Chief Clerk and Registrar of this
Honorable Court from the day of
the date thereof to this day and that
no Caveat or other objection has
been filed thereto.
St. Johns June 21 : 1895
Geo. I. Adams
Three days from the date hereof
application will be made to the
Honorable the Supreme Court or
to one of the Honorable the Judges
thereof for probate of the last will
and Testament of Anne Price late
of St. Johns widow deceased to be
granted to Frank D. Lilly Sol'r Executor named in the said will.
St. Johns June 17th 1895
Frank D. Lilly
A J White?
St. John's
To Wit
I Frank D. Lilly of Saint Johns aforesaid Barrister at Law make oath and say that on the Seventh day of May A.D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety five at St. Johns aforesaid I was present and did see Anne Price late of Saint Johns aforesaid deceased the Testatrix named in the paper writing hereunto annexed duly sign, publish and declare the said annexed paper writing, Marked A, as and for her last Will and Testament, in the presence of me and in the presence of James P. Blackwood of Saint Johns aforesaid the other subscribing witness thereto. That I and said James P. Blackwood then and there signed our names to such Will as such witnesses, in the presence of the said Testatrix and of each other, and that at the time of the said execution of the said Will the said Testatrix was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sworn before me at St. Frank D. Lilly
Johns aforesaid, this
21st day of June
A.D. One Thousand Eight
Hundred and ninety five
Geo. I. Adams
Commissioner of Affidavits
This is the last Will and Testament of me Anne Price of Saint Johns in the Island of Newfoundland Widow
I appoint Frank D. Lilly of Saint Johns aforesaid Barrister at Law sole executor of this my Will, hereby revoking all former testamentary writings.
I direct that my said executor shall sell and dispose of my dwelling house situate on Bond Street in Saint Johns aforesaid as soon after my decease as he shall consider it advisable and to the best advantage and out of the moneys arising out of the said sale, he shall first pay all my funeral and testamentary expenses and the sum of seventy - five dollars now due by me to my cousin Anne Summers. It is my will and desire that she have four masses celebrated annually for the repose of my soul and the souls of my relatives already departed and also that she the said Anne Summers shall have my name inscribed on the tomb-stone of my late husband now in the cemetery at Belvidere. I give and bequeath to my cousin Johana Lawlor a mahogany table, half a dozen silver tea-spoons, a new stufed [sic] pink quilt, a writing desk, my picture, the picture of the Blessed Virgin, and the picture of
Napoleon, and a cooking stove.
I give and bequeath to Elizabeth Maher my bed in recognition of her kind services to me.
I give and bequeath to my cousin Sarah Costello a bo??? a mattress, a bed cover, a pillow, a chest of drawers, an easy chair, an antimaiassar [sic], my best cape, marble piece mirror, a fire-screen.
I give and bequeath to my cousin Johana Mealey two pictures of the Sacred Heart, a quill, two blankets, sheet and a pillow-slip.
I give and bequeath to Clara Dunphy my bedstead, a stuff quilt, a statue of the Blessed Virgin, my black silk dress, and a cape with black silk lace on it.
I give and bequeath to Clara Costello a black Cashmeer dress
I give and bequeath to my cousin Elizabeth Summers a papier [sic] mache table.
Signed by the said Testatrix Dated at St. Johns this seventh
as her last Will and Testament day of May A.D. 1895.
in the presence of us present
at the same time who at her re- (Illegible signature)
quest in her presence and in the
presence of each other have
subscribed our names as wit-
nesses, the word dollars being
first interlined [sic] on Page 1
line 17.
Frank D. Lilly
Jas. P. Blackwood
Anne Price
Dated May 7th 1895
To the Honorable the Supreme Court or to one of the Honorable the Judges thereof.
The Petition of Frank D. Lilly of Saint Johns in the Island of Newfoundland Barrister at Law.
Humbly Sheweth
That Anne Price late of Saint Johns aforesaid Widow died at that place on or about the thirteenth day of June instant having first made and executed the paper writing hereto annexed as and for her last Will and Testament and therein appointed your petitioner the sole executor thereof.
The said deceased at the time of her death was possessed of property of the probable value of four hundred dollars.
That no Probate to the Will or Administration to the estate and effects of the said deceased has been at any time granted.
Your Petitioner therefore prays that this Honorable Court or one of the Honorable the Judges thereof will be pleased to grant to him Probate to the will of the said Anne Price
And as in duty bound your Petitioner will ever pray.
Dated at Saint Johns aforesaid this 21st day of June A.D. 1895
Frank D. Lilly
St. Johns SS I Frank D. Lilly of Saint Johns aforesaid Barrister at Law
make oath and say as follows:-
- That I am the Petitioner named in the foregoing Petition
- That the contents of the said Petition are correct and true.
Sworn before me at Frank D. Lilly
Saint Johns aforesaid
this 21st day of June
A.D. 1895.
Geo. I. Adams
Comm'r SC
In the Supreme Court
of Newfoundland
In the matter of the Petition
of Frank D. Lilly of St. Johns
Barrister at Law praying that
Probate be granted to the Will
of Anne Price late of St. Johns
Petition of Frank D. Lilly
and affidavit.
June 21/95
J.S. Winters