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Mary E Thompson Estate of Mary E Thompson 1894
AFFIDAVIT. In the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. NEWFOUNDLAND, } I, William H. Thompson of Harbor So help me GOD. Sworn before me, at Harbor Grace } William H. Thompson Andrew T. Drysdale
1894 Estate of Mary E. Thompson granted to Dated Sureties. Estate sworn under $350.00
Supreme Court of Newfoundland. Be it Remembered, Now the Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden William Henry Thompson as Administrator ad collegenda bona defernate(?) of the Estate and Effects of Mary Elizabeth Thompson late of Harbor Grace aforesaid, Married woman deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a just, true and perfect Inven-tory of all and singular, the Goods, Credits and Effects of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowl-edge of him the said William Henry Thompson as such Administrator ---------------------------------------- or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons, for him and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited into the Su-preme Court of Newfoundland, at or before the Third day of March next ensuing the date hereof; and the said Goods, Chattels, Credits and Effects, and all other the Goods, Chattels, Credits and Effects of the said deceased, at the time of her death, or which at any time afterwards shall come to the hands or possession of him the said Administrator -------------------------- or to the hands or possession of any other person or persons, for him, shall well and truly admin-ister according to Law but subject to the precident(?) order and dispensation(?) of the deponent brought(?) in that behalf and further shall make, or cause to be made, a just and true account of his said Administration, on or before the Third day of September which will be in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and ninety five and afterwards from time to time as he shall be lawfully required. And all the rest, residue and remainder of the said Goods, Chattels, Credits and Effects, which shall be found remaining upon the said Admin-istration account, the same being examined and allowed by the said Supreme Court of Newfoundland, shall and do pay and dispose of in a due course of Administration, or in such manner as the said Court shall direct:---then this Obligation to be void and of no effect or else to be and remain in full force and virtue. SIGNED AND SEALED } Wm H. Thompson
A I hereby bequeathe to my daughter, Amelia Jane Davis Blackwood, my share of the property under the will of the late Amelia Davis, and situated in the city Saint John's, Newfoundland. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Signed in the presence of (The words 'the city' were deleted before the bequest was signed. G.J.A.T.)
Pre(?) W.H. Thompson
I, David McLaws, Clerk of the County Court of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the said Court is a Court of Record, having a common Seal, and that I am the proper custodian of said Seal And I further certify that C. O. Ermatinger Esquire, is junior Judge of the County Court in and for said County of Elgin, that I am well acquainted with his signature, and the name C. O. Ermatinger set and subscribed to the Jurat to the affidavit hereunto annexed is the proper hand writing of the said C. O. Ermatinger. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court of the County of Elgin this 5th day July A.D. 1894. David McLaws belief
B IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW FOUNDLAND. Province of Ontario. County of Elgin. To Wit. Sworn before me at the City of G. J. A. Thompson.
Supreme Court To the Honorable Sir James Winter, K. C. M. G. or to one of the other Judges of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. The Petition of William H. Thompson of St. John's and Harbor Grace Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioners late wife Mary Elizabeth Thompson formerly of Harbor Grace - died in Aylmer - Ontario - in the Dominion of Canada on the twelfth day of March one Thousand eight hundred and ninety two leaving her surviving your Petitioner and Five(?) Children - That the said deceased left property in Newfoundland of The probable value of Three Hundred Dollars - That the said deceased also left a Will which is hereto annexed - and which has been Proved Sir(?) L---(?) form of law in the affidavit of George John Ainley Thompson one of the other subscribing Witnesses Page 2 which said proof is also hereto annexed marked A and B respectively. That there was no executor named in said Will - Your Petitioner Therefore prays that administration cum testament annexo of said Mary Elizabeth Thompson may be granted to him upon his giving the usual security and as in duty bound he will ever pray - St. John's Wm H. Thompson
Supreme Court St. John's } Sworn before } Geo. I. Adams
Supreme Court In the matter of the Petition of William Fiat for administration J S Winter (Found to the right of the above:)
In The Supreme Court In the matter of the Estate of Mary E. Thompson late of Harbor Grace - deceased - Accounts of William H. Thompson Administrator ad colligendium to the Estate of late Mary E. Thompson - I Assets and Liabilities of the Estate at the time of the death of the Testatrix - Assets Interest in land at St. John's and Carbonear being one fifth of the Estate of Amelia Davis - Liabilities Sundry small Accounts of or which see Account N : Q - Disbursments - II Receipts and Disbursements by the Administrator Ad Colligendum - Page 2 Receipts Received from the Estate of Amelia Davis
III Assets of the Estate still outstanding and undisposed of Assets Interest in Estate of Amelia Davis bequested to Mrs. Amelia Jane Davis Blackwood by the deceased --- Liabilities Amount due to Administrator ad Collegendium .the claim for which I forego - $176.34
In the Supreme Court In the Estate of Mary E. Thompson late of Harbor Grace - deceased - I William H. Thompson Administrator Ad Collegiendium to the Estate of late Mary E. Thompson late of Harbor Grace - deceased - make oath and say as follows -
Sworn before me at } William H Thompson
In the matter of Accounts and 94
Page Transcribed by Josephine Gazley
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Sunday September 16, 2018)
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