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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Lewis R. Tessier


Lewis R. Tessier

Estate of Lewis R. Tessier 1894
From LDS Microfilm #2057392


Supreme Court
in the matter of the
Estate of Lewis Robert
Tessier a person of
deponent(?) mind

Petition and
order for the
administration of
a Guardian

Dated 16th April 1894

Alexr J.W. McNeily C.
Dated March 11 1894



(The following pages have faded and strong lines. I typed the faded lines in red and the strong in black as per normal.)

To the Honorable the Supreme Court or one of the Honorable the Judges thereof.

Supreme Court of Newfoundland
In the matter of the              }

The Petition of Charles W.H. Tessier of Saint John's, Merchant
a person of unsound mind    }

H U M B L Y   S H E W E T H

St.John's          }

  1. That Petitioner's brother Lewis Robert Tessier son of the late Peter G.Tessier has
    St.          } I, Charles W.H. Tessier of St. John's Merchant make oath and say that the
    been under restraint in the Institu-tion for the treatment of persons of unsound mind at St.Anne's
    that the several matters and things in the fore-going Petition set forth are correct and true to the
    Heath,Virginia Water Surrey, England since the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty
    of this deponent's judgement,knowledge and belief.

  2. Sworn before me at St.John's
    That the said Lewis R. Tessier is still an inmate of the said Institution and unable to
    aforesaid this Second(?) day
    transact or manage his business or estate and your Petitioner is unable to say whether or not there
    of March A.D. 1894
    is any likelihood of such a recovery as to enable him to resume such management.
              Alexr J.W. McNeily
              Commissioner Affds

  3. That the said Lewis R.Tessier is possessed of personal estate in this Colony the extent and value of which your Peti-tioner is at present unable to estimate.

  4. That it is desirable in the interests of the said Lewis R.Tessier that a guardian of his estate should be appointed.

          Your Petitioner therefore prays that your Honorable Court or Your Lordship may direct that a suitable person may be appoint-ed guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis Robert Tessier as a person of unsound mind.

           Dated at St.John's this 22nd day of March A.D. 1894

Charles W.H. Tessier



Supreme Court of Newfoundland
Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the matter of the petition
In the matter of the            }
For the appointment of a
estate of Lewis R. Tessier }
guardian in the estate of
a person of unsound mind  }
Lewis R.Tessier a person of

St.John's          }
unsound mind.
SS.                  } I, Charles W.H. Tessier of St. John's Merchant make oath and say that the
St. John's
several matters and things in the fore-going Petition set forth are correct and true to the best of
SS          I, Peter G.Tessier of St. John's merchant make oath and say as follows:
this deponent's judgment, knowledge and belief.

  1. That I am the son(?) of the Hon. Peter G.Tessier late of St. John's merchant guardian and
    Sworn before me at St. John's }
    Brother of the above named Lewis R.Tessier lately of St.John's
    aforesaid this 22nd day           }          Charles W.H. Tessier
    of March A.D.1894                }           ---------------------------

  2. That in the (?) (?) the said Lewis R.Tessier was declare declared by him (?) (?) in this
    Jos P Carty
    Colony to be of unsound mind and upon the recommendation of the said physician and with due
    Commissioner Affts
    consideration thereof by the by his mother, brothers and sister and relations it was decided that it was necessary that he should be placed under restraint and for treatment in an institution for persons of unsound minds.

  3. That deponent proceded with the said Lewis R.Tessier to England andand upon consultation with Doctors placed him under the care of an institution in Surrey England where he has since been confined with such restraint and treatment as his condition demands.

  4. That the said Lewis R.Tessier has not since his con-finement as a person of unsound mind as aforesaid been in a condition to take part in his business or to manage his estate nor is he as deponent is instructed by late advices from his attendant physician in a condition at present so to do.

  5. That deponent considers it advisable and necessary that a guardian should be appointed to to the estate of the said Lewis R.Tessier.

Peter G. Tessier

Sworn before me at St. John's
aforesaid this 22nd day of  A.D. 1894.
March AD 1894 Jos.P. Carty Commr of C



(This is the original page of the page typed in red in the above page.)

Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the matter of the petition
For the appointment of a
guardian in the estate of
Lewis R.Tessier a person of
unsound mind.

SS          I, Peter G.Tessier of St. John's merchant make oath and say as follows:

  1. That I am the son of the Hon. Peter G.Tessier late of St. John's merchant deceased and brother of the above named Lewis R.Tessier lately of St. John's

  2. That in the year 1888 the said Lewis R.Tessier was declare declared by his physician in this Colony to be of unsound mind and upon the recommendation of the said physician and with due consideration thereof by the by his mother, brothers and sister and relations it was decided that it was necessary that he should be placed under restraint and for treatment in an institution for persons of unsound minds.

  3. That deponent proceded with the said Lewis R.Tessier to England and and upon cons-ultation with Doctors placed him under the care of an institution in Surrey England where he has since been confined with such restraint and treatment as his condition demands.

  4. That the said Lewis R. Tessier has not since his con-finement as a person of unsound mind as aforesaid been in a condition to take part in his business or to manage his estate nor is he as deponent is instructed by late advices from his attendant physician in a condition at present so to do.

  5. That deponent considers it advisable and necessary that a guardian should be appointed to the estate of the said Lewis R. Tessier.

Peter G. Tessier

Sworn before me at St. John's
aforesaid this 22nd day of A.D. 1894.
March AD 1894          Jos. P. Carty Commr of C

(Note: Initials JPC found at each end of the insertion from the second 'and to Doctors'.)


Supreme Court of Newfoundland

In the matter of the peti-
tion for the appointment
of a guardian to the estate
of Lewis R. Tessier a person
of unsound mind.

St.John's  }
SS.          }          I, Herbert Rendell of St. John's practicing physician and surgeon make oath and say as follows:

  1. In the year 1888 I professionally attended Lewis R.Tessi Tessier late of St. John's Merchant son of the late Hon. Peter G. T Tessier late of the same place merchant deceased.

  2. That the said Lewis R. Tessier was then of unsound mind and was unable to attend to or manage his business or estate

  3. That subsequently the said Lewis R. Tessier was confined in an institution in Surrey England for Treatment of persons of unsound mind and as deponent believes is confined there under treatment for his mental condition at the present time.

Sworn before me at St John's          }
aforesaid this 22nd                          }
day of March Anno Domini 1894    }          Herbert Rendell MB.CM.

Jos P Carty
Comm of C

DSC03133 - This page belongs to this Will.


I N  T H E  S U P R E M E  C O U R T

In the matter of the estate
Of Lewis Robert Tessier a
person of unsound mind.

Upon reading the petition of Charles W.H. Tessier with affidavit annexed and also the affidavit of Peter G. Tessier and upon hear-ing Mr. Emerson Q.C. of Counsel for the said Lewis R.Tessier I do order that Alexander J.W. McNeily Req. Q.C. Chief Clerk and Registrar of the Supreme Court be and he is hereby appointed guardian of the estate and effects of the said Lewis Robert Tessier.

Dated at St.John's                              }                    FBT Carter
This 22nd day of March A.D.1894    }                    Chief..
Upon motion of                                 }
Mr. Emerson Q.C.                           }



Page Transcribed by Josephine Gazley

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Sunday September 16, 2018)

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