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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Stephen Vatcher


The Petition of John Vatcher concerning the Estate of Stephen Vatcher Probate year 1892, from the LDS microfilm # 2057390

To the Honourable the Supreme Court or to one of the Honourable the Judges thereof.

The petition of John Vatcher of Burgeo.

Humbly Sheweth

That Stephen Vatcher late of Burgeo Planter deceased died in that vicinity by drowning on or about the 24th day of October AD 1891, intestate.

Said deceased at the time of his death was possessed of property of the probable value of Three thousand five hundred dollars.

Said deceased left him surviving ten children as follows

  1. Your petitioner John Vatcher
  2. James Vatcher
  3. Richard Vatcher
  4. Joseph Vatcher
  5. George Vatcher
  6. Stephen Vatcher
  7. Jemina Vatcher
  8. Ellen Vatcher
  9. Sarah Jane Vatcher
  10. Martha Vatcher

All of said children have signed the memorandum of consent which is hereto annexed marked "A" and before it was so signed by James, Richard, and Martha who signed the same by making their marks, it was read over and explained and thoroughly understood by them.

  1. Stephen Vatcher the youngest of said children is of the age of about twenty five years.
  2. No probate of any will nor letters of administration of the estate of said deceased have been granted to any person.

Petitioner therefore prays that letter of administration of the Estate of said Stephen Vatcher deceased may be granted to him.
And as in duty bound he will ever pray to.

Dated at St. John's this 2nd day of December. 1892

John Vatcher

Supreme Court
St. John's

I John Vatcher at present of Saint John's make oath and say that I am the petitioner named in the foregoing petition and that are several matters and things set forth and contained are correct and true.

John Vatcher

Sworn at Saint John's
this 2nd day of
December AD 1892
Before me

Geo. J. Aoaws?


Mr. Stephen Vatcher of Burgeo was drowned through the upsetting of his punt on the 24th day of October 1891 leaving property to the amount of $3500 in all, but no will.

We the undersigned members of the family, request that Mr. John Vatcher should act in the capacity of Administrator to see the money and other property fairly divided and
Desire that letters of administration be granted to him accordingly.

John Vatcher
James Vatcher
Richard Vatcher
Joseph Vatcher
George Vatcher
Stephen Vatcher
Jemima Vatcher
Ellen Vatcher
Sarah Jane Vatcher
Martha X Vatcher
(the X is for her mark, not part of her name)

Note from Les Winsor November 2008: Stephen Vatcher was lost one day when he was out at one of his traps. Here is what Small said about him in 1925:

“Stephen was one of the foremost men of this place. Was first in everything and I am sorry to have to record that such a fine man should have come to such an untimely end.  Was drowned in the Long Reach late one evening in the  month of October 1891 returning from his trapping which he kept up to the last. His body was not recovered until the next spring having floated and drove ashore under Richards Head”



Page Contributed by C. Haynes, April 2004

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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