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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Thomas Stone


The Petition of Leonora Stone concerning the Estate of Thomas Stone
Probate year 1892, from the LDS microfilm # 2057390

To the Honorable Sir F.B.T. Carter K.C.M.G. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or to one of The Honorable the Assistant Judges thereof

The Petition of Leonora Stone of Catalina in the Northern District of Newfoundland Widow

Humbly Sheweth

That your Petitioners late husband Thomas Stone of Catalina aforesaid Merchant died at said Catalina on or about the twenty sixth day of June one thousand eight hundred and ninety one leaving him surviving your Petitioner (his Widow) and thirteen children viz: Abel A. Stone, Ellen, Adelaide, Naomai, Mary Hannah, Grace, Frances Theresa, Ann Amelia, Thomas Albert, John Glover, Sarah Louise, Edward Grey, and Janie? Ethel

That Petitioner [inserted here by another hand is "    's Husband" ] made a will (which is hereto annexed marked A but not being sufficiently proven is invalid there being [This document page was accidentally truncated. The full page is on the microfilm. ]
. . . the time of his death was possessed of property and effects of the probable value of four hundred dollars.

That Probate or Administration has as yet been taken out to the Estate of the said Thomas Stone deceased.

Your Petitioner therefore prays that Administration to the Estate of said Thomas Stone deceased may be granted to her upon giving the usual security and as in duty bound she will ever pray

January 23rd 1892
Leonora Stone


Isaac J. Mifflen
Comm. Affidavits

Supreme Court

To wit
    I Leonora Stone of Catalina aforesaid Widow

The Petitioner within named make oath and say that the contents of the within written Petition are correct and true -
      Leonora Stone

Sworn before me At Catalina
aforesaid ?    Twenty Third
day of January
A.D. one thousand eight hundred
and ninety two

Isaac J. Mifflen
Comm. Affidavits



Contributed by C. Haynes Sept 2004

Transcribed by Norma Elliott Sept 2004

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)

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