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To the Honorable the Supreme Court on Northern Circuit The petition of Ernest Edmund Hyde of Change Islands in the northern District, Accountant. Humbly sheweth that Edward Saunders of Change Islands aforesaid Planter died at Change Island on or about the ?? day of April 1892 possessed of property in the jurisdiction of Your Honorable Court if the probable value of less than $6,000. That the said Edward Saunders made a will and that the said will is hereunto annexed. That under the said will your Petitioner and Justinian? Dowill? of Change Islands aforesaid were appointed Executors and that the said Justinian Dowell? has renounced his executorship. That no application for administraton of the Estate of the said testator for Probate of his will has heretofore been made to Your Honorable Court. Your Petitioner therefore prays that Your Honourable Court will be pleased to grant unto him Probate of the said will. And as in duty bound Your Petitioner will ever pray. At Fogo Island this 26th day of September AD 1892. Ernest E. Hyde In the Name of God Amen. I Edward Saunders, Planter of Change Islands district of Fogo Newfoundland. ? of ? the goodness of Almighty God of sound mind and memory and knowing that it is appointed for all men ? to him do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament. That is to say first I commend(?) my soul to God who gave it, and declare that my body may be decently buried in the Churchyard of the Apiscopal Church at Change Islands in the place appointed for my family interment. Secondly My money? I give and bequeath to my five children Samuel, James, Mary Ann, Charlotte and Johanna in the following manner that is to say in four and a half shares. Charlotte is to have 1/9 one ninth part of the whole and Samuel, James Mary Ann and Johanna to share equally the remainder. Edward X Saunders Signed sealed and declared by the said Edward Saunders as his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses James Cox Waterman
Page Contributed by C. Haynes & Linda Elkins-Schmitt June 2004
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)
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