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Mary Thorpe Estate of Mary Thorpe 1888
I hereby certify that the notice on the other side hereof written was duly posted in my office on the day of the date thereof and there remained until this date and that no Caveat or other objection has been made thereto.
Notice After three days application will be made to the Supreme Court or to one of the Honorable Judges thereof for Probate of the Will of Mary Thorpe, late of Broad Cove, Conception Bay, Spinster, deceased, to be granted to Peter Thorpe, the sole Executor named in said Will.
Tuesday, Sept 6th 1887 The last Will and Testimony of Mary (her X mark) Thorpe. I, Mary Thorpe very weak in bodily health but perfectly sound in mind and memory do hereby will that my property shall be divided as follows:
To the Hon. Sir F.B.T.Carter The Petition of Peter H. Thorpe of Broad Cove, Conception Bay, Fisherman Humbly Sheweth That Mary Thorpe late of Broad Cove, Spinster, died in the month of October 1887 having duly made and executed her last Will and Testament which has been duly proved and is hereto annexed. St. John's Peter H. Thorpe
Newfoundland St. John's Sworn before me at St. John's Peter H. Thorpe
Supreme Court In matter of Estate of Petition of Peter Thorpe, (Stamp) Fiat
NEWFOUNDLAND AFFIDAVIT. You shall swear that you believe this to be the true last Will and Testament of Mary Thorpe, late of Broad Cove in the Central District of Newfoundland, Spinster, deceased. You shall swear that you will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the Deceased, so far as the Goods shall extend and the Law shall bind you; and that you will exhibit a true, full and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when you shall be lawfully called thereto: And you shall further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits, and Effects of the said Mary Thorpe, deceased, and of which she died possessed, do not, according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Six Hundred Dollars. So help you God. Peter F. Thorpe Jos P. Carty
1888 Estate of Mary Thorpe Dated 6th Novr 1888 Probate granted to Estate sworn under $600.00/100
Page Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Saturday October 13, 2018)
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