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Richard Power Estate of Richard Power 1888
NEWFOUNDLAND AFFIDAVIT You shall swear that you believe this to be the true Last Will and Testament of Richard Power late of Quidi Vidi in the Central District of Newfoundland, Planter, deceased So help you God George Scott Sworn before me at St. John's
1888 Estate of Richard Power late of Quidi Vidi in the Central District Planter deceased Dated 11th Feby 1888 Probate granted to George Scott Estate sworn under $2400.00
To the honorable the Supreme Court or any one of the honorable the Judges thereof The petition of George Scott of Quidi Vidi Humbly Sheweth That Richard Power of Quidi [sic] near St. Johns Planter died there on the seventeenth day of January Anno Domini One thousand eight hundred and eighty eight having first made and executed his last will and testament as hereto annexed & leaving him surviving his wife Mary Power and the nieces named in the said will. That the said will has been proved in Common form. That in and by the said will your petitioner was nominated and appointed as executor thereof. That no probate of the said will or administration of the estate of the said deceased has been hitherto granted and your petitioner therefore prays that probate of the said will be granted to him. Robert J Kent George Scott In the Supreme Court In the matter of the will and therein set forth are just correct and true. Geo. I. Adams George Scott
1888 Sup. Ct. In matter of the will [sic] Petition for Probate Fiat Filed Feby 3/87?
In the name of God Amen and premises with the appurtenances thereto belonging situate and being at Quidi Vidi in the Island aforesaid To have and to hold the said fishing room land messuage and premises with the appurtenances to my wife Mary Power her heirs and assigns for ever together with all the money I may die possessed of. All the ??? of my goods and estate whatsoever and of what nature or kind soever the same may be and not herein before given and disposed of after payment of my just debts and funeral expenses. I so give and bequeath to my dear wife her executors and Assigns for ever and I do hereby nominate and appoint George Scott executor to this my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal at Quidi Vidi aforesaid this twenty ninth day of December AD 1887. William Scot Richard Power
Supreme Court of Newfoundland Central District Sworn before me at St. Geo. I. Adams
Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday February 15, 2018)
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