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Ellen Power Estate of Ellen Power 1888
In the name of God Amen this is my last Will and testament I will an [sic] bequeath to the St Vincent de Paul Society the sum of Twenty dollars ??? ??? The sum of Twenty Dollars to the Ladies of the St. Vincent De Paul Society To the Rev? Father O'Brien for his night? school The Sum of Twenty dollars for Masses for my Soul Twenty dollars for Masses And the residue of my Estate I bequeath to my Sister Bridget Fox, my sister Anne Kennedy and Annie Greene in equal proportions And I appoint Daniel Joseph Greene my Executor and Rev. P Delaney the sum of Five? ??? Mach [sic] 22nd AD 1888
Mary J. Fox
Supreme Court of Newfoundland To Wit } Sworn before me at Saint Geo. I. Adams
I certify that the notice on the other side written was on the day of the date thereof posted in my office and remained there until this date and that no Caveat or other objection has been filed against it.
Notice Three days after date hereof application will be made to the Honorable the Supreme Court or one of the Honorable Judges thereof for Probate to the Will of Ellen Power late of Saint Johns Spinster to be granted to D.J. Greene Executor named in said Will St. Johns Mar 27th 1888 G. J. ?.
To the Honorable the Supreme Court or one of the Honorable Judges thereof. The Petition of Daniel Joseph Greene of Saint Johns Barrister at Law Humbly Sheweth That Ellen Power late of the Same place Spinster died on the 24th day of the present month of March having made and executed the paper writing hereto annexed as and for her last will and testament
1888 Sup Court In the matter of the Petition for Probate Filed 28th March 1888 Fiat
Supreme Court Newfoundland Sworn before me at D.J. Greene Geo. I. Adams
NEWFOUNDLAND AFFIDAVIT You shall swear that you believe this to be the true Last Will and Testament of Ellen Power late of Saint Johns Spinster deceased So help you God Sworn before me at St. John's J.D. Greene P. Emerson
1888 Estate of Ellen Power late of Saint Johns in the Central District Spinster deceased Dated March 31st 1888 Probate granted March 31st - 88 Estate sworn under $3800.00
Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday February 15, 2018)
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