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Edward Power Estate of Edward Power 1888
NEWFOUNDLAND } AFFIDAVIT You shall swear that you believe this to be the true Last Will and Testament of Edward Power of St. Johns in the Central District Hardware Merchant deceased. You shall swear that you will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the Deceased, so far as the Goods shall extend and the Law shall bind you: and that you will exhibit a true, full and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when you shall be lawfully called thereto: And you shall further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits and Effects of the said Edward Power deceased, and of which he died possessed, do not according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of fourteen hundred dollars So help you God Sworn before me at St. John's P.J. Delaney Geo. I. Adams
1888 Estate of Edward Power late of St. Johns in the Central District Hardware Merchant deceased Dated 23rd January/88 Probate granted to Rev. P. J. Delaney Estate sworn under $1400.00
SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND Central District } Robert J. Kent of St. John's aforesaid, One of Her Majesty's Counsel maketh oath and saith that on the sixth day of December A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven at St. Johns he, this Deponent, was present and did see Edward Power late of Saint Johns Hardware Merchant the Testator named in the paper writing hereunto annexed duly sign publish and declare the said annexed paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of this Deponent and of John P. Kent Student at Law the other subscribing witness thereto. That Deponent and said John P. Kent then and there signed their names to such Will as such witnesses, in the presence of the said Testator and of each other and that at the time of the said execution of the said Will the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of Deponent's knowledge and belief. Sworn before me at St. Robert J. Kent Geo. I. Adams
In the name of God Amen.
for the use and purposes of the Orphanage Villa Nova near Topsail, each to take in equal shares as tenants in common. Fifth, And as regards the lot of land situate in the neighborhood of the Ropewalk near Monday Pond in the neighborhood of S. John's and formerly the property of the late John O'Connor if the same be not sold and disposed of by me. I direct that it shall be sold by my executors hereinafter named at the earliest convenient time after my decease and that one half of the net proceeds of such sale be paid to the Children of John Mullins formerly of the City of Waterford in Ireland Clothier in equal shares or proportions amongst them and the other half to my said niece Mary Joseph Power. Sixth. I give devise and bequeath to my said niece Mary Joseph Power all the rest residue and remainder of my property goods chattels moneys securities for money and other effects of every kind and nature whatsoever for her own use and benefit. Seventh. I do hereby nominate and appoint the Reverend Patrick J. Delaney of S. John's Roman Catholic priest and Robert J. Kent of same place a Queen's Counsel as executors of this my will. It being understood and agreed to by me that for any professional services rendered by the said Robert J. Kent from time to time in the matter of this my will or of my estate he shall have and receive from my estate the same fees and remuneration as he would be entitled to receive if he were not named as an executor of this my will and had rendered similar services. Eighth. I do hereby nominate (Initials in right margin: RJK/JPK) (Initials in left margin: RJK/JPK) Signed by the said Testator as
To the Honorable The Supreme Court of Newfoundland or any one of the Honorable the Judges thereof The Petition of the Reverend Patrick J. Delaney of S. Johns Roman Catholic priest and of Robert J. Kent of same place solicitor Humbly Sheweth That Edward Power late of S. Johns aforesaid Hardware Merchant died there on or about the second day of this present month of January. That he made his last will and testament hereto annexed and which has been proved in common form. That the said deceased was never married and left him surviving as his only next of kin resident in this Country three nieces namely Mrs. James Fox, Miss Ellen Power and ??? Mary Joseph Power - Robert J. Kent P.J. Delaney
In the Supreme Court In the matter of probate
1888 In the matter of probate Petition for probate
Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday February 15, 2018)
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