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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Robert Hedley Pinsent


Robert Hedley Pinsent

Estate of Robert Hedley Pinsent 1888
From LDS microfilm #2057239


NEWFOUNDLAND              }


You shall swear that you believe this to be the true Last Will and Testament of Robert Hedley Vi??? Pinsent late of Saint Johns in the Central District of Newfoundland Gentleman deceased ---
You shall swear that you will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the Deceased, so far as the Goods shall extend and the Law shall bind you: and that you will exhibit a true, full and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when you shall be lawfully called thereto: And you shall further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits and Effects of the said Robert Hedley V. Pinsent deceased, and of which he died possessed, do not according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of two thousand dollars

So help you God

Sworn before me at St. John's                           Robert V. Pinsent
this 15th day of August A.D. 1888

Geo. I. Adams
Commissioner of Affidavits, Supreme Court




Estate of Robert Hedley V. Pinsent

late of St. Johns

In the Central District

Gentleman deceased

Dated 15th August 1888

Probate granted to the Honorable
Robert I. Pinsent DCL?
the Executor named in the Will

Estate sworn under



To the Hon the Supreme Court or one of the Judges thereof.

The Petition of Robert H. V. Pinsent of St. Johns Esquire

Humbly Sheweth

that his eldest Son Robert Hedley Vic??? Pinsent of St. Johns Gentleman died in the month of February last aged ???ty years leaving a will which is hereto annexed. That the said Will is in the proper hand writing of the said Testator throughout and is signed by himself. That he was at the time of the execution of the Law ??? of Sound and disposing mind memory and understanding. That the Testator was possessed of property of under? the value of two thousand dollars.
          Petitioner who is the Executor named in the will ??? probate thereof.
          Aug 13 : 1888                              Robert  I. Pinsent


Supreme Court

I Robert I. Pinsent of St. Johns ??? Petitioner make oath and say that the contents of foregoing Petition are just and true to the best of this Deponent's Knowledge and belief.

Sworn before me at St. Johns
the 14th? August 1888                              R. I. Pinsent
Prescott Emerson



Supreme Court

Estate of

Hedley ?. Pinsent

Petition for Probate

(Official Seal of Registrar's Office dated at
St. Johns Aug 14, 1888)

F.B.T. Carter
A. J.

Will of
Hedley V. Pinsent
Jany 14/88

My last will I bequeath everything I posess to my dear father with the exception of two hundred dollars which I leave to my sister Kitty and I cancel my former will

          St. John's Newfoundland
          Jan 14th 1888

H. V. Pinsent
I appoint my father my executor.
Jan 14/88          H. V. Pinsent



Page Transcribed by Gordon Bennett

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Thursday February 15, 2018)

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