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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Peter Germon Tessier



Estate of Peter Germon Tessier 1886
From LDS microfilm #2057237


(The top portion of the document contained in this scan is badly damaged. I have transcribed all that I was able to read.)

In the Supreme Court


....... the Central District of the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant deceased.

You shall swear that you will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the Deceased, so far as the Goods shall extend and the Law shall bind you; and that you will exhibit a true, full, and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when you shall be lawfully called thereto: And you shall further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits, and Effects of the said Peter Germon Tessier, deceased, and of which he died possessed, do not, according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of One Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Dollars.

So help you God.

Sworn before me, at St. John's, this          Anne Catherine Weston Tessier
tenth day of May A.D., 1886                     Peter George Tessier
by the said Anne Catherine Weston        Lewis R. Tessier
Tessier, Peter George Tessier, Charles   Charles W. H. Tessier
W. H. Tessier, Lewis R. Tessier
and         Weston G. Tessier
Weston G. Tessier

Commissioner of Affidavits, Supreme Court
Otto Emerson




Estate of Peter Germon Tessier
Saint John's
Central District,
Merchant, deceased.

Dated May 10th 1886

Probate granted to Ann C. W. Tessier,
Peter G. Tessier, Lewis R. Tessier,
Charles W. Tessier
and Weston G. Tessier
the Executors named in the Will.

Estate sworn under $165,000.00




St. John's }
TO WIT   } George LeMessurier of Saint John's, Barrister-at-Law, maketh oath and saith that on the Fourth day of July A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty five, at Saint John's aforesaid, he, this Deponent, was present and did see Peter Germon Tessier, late of Saint John's aforesaid, Merchant, the Testator named in the paper writing hereto annexed, duly sign, publish and declare the said annexed paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of this Deponent and of Martin Knee of St. John's aforesaid, Clerk, the other subscribing witness thereto. That Deponent and said Martin Knee then and there signed their names to such Will as such witnesses, in the presence of the said Testator and of each other and that at the time of the said execution of the said Will, the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of Deponent's knowledge and belief.

SWORN BEFORE ME at St. John's,          George Le Messurier
in the Island aforesaid, this 27th
day of April A.D., One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Eighty Six.

(Partial Signature shown possibly Otto Emerson.)


To the Honorable the Supreme Court or any one of the Honorable the Judged thereof

The Petition of Anne Catherine Weston Tessier of St. John's, Widow, Charles William Hutchings Tessier, Peter George Tessier, Lewis Robert Tessier and Weston Gladstone Tessier, all of St. John's, Gentlemen,

Humbly Sheweth

That Peter Germon Tessier, formerly of St. John's, Merchant, died there on or about the twenty-fourth day of April last past having first made and executed his last Will and Testament as hereto annexed, and which Will has been duly proved in Common form.
That said Testator died possessed of property situate within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court of the probable value of about ??? one hundred and sixty thousand dollars and left him surviving your Petitioner Anne Catherine Weston Tessier, who is his Widow and your other Petitioners Charles William Hutchings Tessier, Peter George Tessier, Lewis Robert Tessier and Weston Gladstone Tessier who are his sons and one daughter Ann Catherine Maria Tessier, as his next of kin.
That in and by his said last Will and Testament he nominated and appointed your Petitioners as Executrix and Executors thereof and Petitioners therefore pray that probate of the said Will may be granted unto them and as in duty bound they will ever pray.
Dated at St. John's this fifth day of May A.D. 1886.
Robert J. Kent
Proctor for said Petitioners.



Probate Side

In the Matter of Probate of the Will of Peter Germon Tessier formerly of St. John's, Merchant, now deceased.
          I, Peter George Tessier of St. John's, Gentleman, one of the Petitioners in the foregoing Petition in this matter named, do make oath and say that the several matters and things in the said petition set forth are just, correct and true.

Sworn before me at St. John's                    Peter George Tessier
this fifth day of May A.D., 1886.
Prescott Emerson




Probate Side

In the Matter of Probate of the Will of
Peter Germon Tessier, formerly of St. John's,
Merchant, deceased.

Petition for Probate


J. J. Little

May 6th 1886

Official Stamp



          I, Peter Germon Tessier of Saint John's in the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant, being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding do make this my last Will and Testament.
FIRST. I give and bequeath to my dear wife, Anne Catherine Weston, the sum of Two thousand dollars to be paid to her immediately after my decease.
SECOND. I give and bequeath to my son Weston Gladstone the sum of Twelve thousand dollars.
THIRD. I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne Caroline Maria the sum of Twelve thousand dollars.
FOURTH. I give and bequeath to my Executors and Executrix hereinafter named all the general residue of my Estate and property both real and personal of whatsoever kind and wheresoever situate of which I shall die possessed of, which before my decease I shall not have made disposition or which I may be entitled to upon the Trusts hereinafter contained and set forth, that is to say. First. As soon as possible after my decease to invest, at interest upon government or other good security to be approved of by my Executors and Executrix a sufficient sum of money or fund which will provide an annual allowance of Two thousand dollars for my said wife, Anne Catherine Weston, which said annual allowance of Two thousand dollars shall be paid in two equal half yearly payments to my said wife during her natural life from the date of my decease and until such sum shall be so invested, such payment at the rate of Two thousand dollars per annum shall be paid to my said wife Anne Catherine Weston out of my general estate and after the decease of my said wife Anne Catherine Weston then my Executors shall hold the principal money so to be invested or the securities therefore upon trust to realize the said securities or fund and to divide and distribute the same to my children Peter George, Lewis Robert, Charles William Hutchings, Weston Gladstone and Anne Caroline Maria and the survivor and survivors of them share and share alike and the child or children of any deceased child or children taking per stipes by representation share and share alike. Second. As to such moneys or other property of my Estate as shall remain after the creation of the said fund and investment as aforesaid, I give and bequeath the same to my said children Peter George, Lewis Robert, Charles William Hutchings, Weston Gladstone and Anne Caroline Maria, and the survivor and survivors of them, share and share alike and the child or children of any deceased child or children taking per stirpes by representation, share and share alike.
It is my will and direction that the business carried on by me under the firm and style of "P & D Tessier" be continued by my Executors under the same firm and style for a period not exceeding ten yearsfrom my decease provided always that if after five years my said sons Peter George, Lewis Robert, Charles William Hutchings should deem it expedient to purchase out the interest of the said Weston Gladstone or Anne Caroline Maria, or both of them, it shall be lawful for them to pay off and purchase out the said Weston Gladstone and Anne Caroline Maria, or either of them, at a valuation to be arrived at by arbitrators, one of whom shall be appointed by the purchasers, another by the parties selling out and a third arbitrator or umpire by the other two arbitrators. Upon such arbitration, the award of the said abritrators or any two of them shall be final and binding and said arbitrators shall by their award make all necessary directions as to payments by instalment security and the like as they shall think just and reasonable in the premises.
It is my will that all bequests and legacies made to and for the use of my wife Anne Catherine Weston and my daughter Anne Caroline Maria shall be held by each of them to and for their sole and separate use free from the control of any husband which either of them may hereafter have.
I appoint my said sons Peter George, Lewis Robert, Charles William Hutchings, Weston Gladstone and Anne Catherine Weston, my said wife, Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and I revoke all wills and Testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Saint John's aforesaid, this Fourth day of July Anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty five.

Signed published and declared by the said Peter
Germon Tessier
as his last Will and Testament in
the presence of us, who in his presence and at          Peter Germon Tessier
his request and in the presence of each other
have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses,
the words "from my decease" having been first
interlined on the twenty fifth line of the second page.

George LeMessurier
Martin Knee




Filed April 28th 1886

G. LeMessurier



Page Transcribed by Mary Rawlinson

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Tuesday December 19, 2017)

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