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William Pitts
SUPREME COURT OF NEWFOUNDLAND BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this nineteenth day of June in the 49th year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-six, Personally appeared John T. Neville of St. John's in the Central District of Newfoundland, Inspector of Public Buildings, James S. Pitts of same place, Merchant, and Alexander M. MacKay of same place, Superintendent of Anglo American Telegraph Company - {Page torn and unreadable} to be had, made and levied on their Goods, Chattels, and Effects, jointly and severally, if default is made in any of the conditions following: NOW THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH That if the above bounden John T. Neville shall duly and faithfully act as Guardian of the Estate and Effects of William, Stewart, Cecil and Harold Pitts of Brixdon, Surrey, England, Minors under the age of twenty-one years, shall and do pay and dispose of such Estate in such a manner as the said Court shall direct, then this obligation to be void and of no effect, or else to be and remain in full force and virtue. Signed and Sealed J. Neville
1866 Estates of Letters of Guardianship June 19th 1886
Bequests to children of George A. Pitts. William Pitts died Nov. 10th A.D. 1884. I bequeath to the children of my deceased son George Pitts who shall survive me the sum of Two Thousand pounds sterling in equal shares to each. * I bequeath to the four children of my late brother George A. Pitts the sum of fifty pounds sterling each, which amount I desire shall be deposited in the Government Savings Bank at interest for each of them, and shall be paid to each with its accumulated interest upon his or her attaining the age of twenty one years. In the event of the death of any one of said children before attaining twenty one years, the said legacy to him or her shall go to the survivors of them equally, and be paid to them upon attaining twenty one years. In the event of all of said four children dying before attaining twenty one years of age, I desire that the amount bequeathed to them as aforesaid shall be equally divided among the male children of my sisters Selina, Mary Julia, Lydia Gertrude and Fanny Cochrane, who shall be living at the time of the death of the last survivor of the said four children. *
I direct that the specific pecuniary legacies of this my will shall be paid to the several legatees as follows viz:
Bequests of
In the Supreme Court In the matter of the Estate of London, England }
The second boy I have not been able to send to school at all; or, for two years able to keep a nurse for the younger ones when health failed me. Augusta Louisa Pitts Sworn before me at London,
Supreme Court In the matter of the Affidavit of Augusta Filed 24 Nov/86 Winston Morison
Memo as to Estate of late G. A. Pitts children. Amount of 1st Installment of legacy 3200 Allowance to Mrs. Pitts & four children until eldest Third installment of legacy due 1888 3200. Allowance to Mrs. Pitts & two children until third can Allowance to Mrs. Pitts & one child until youngest Balance without any allowance for interest ?? suggests ????? to me that it is not desirable to J. Neville
Supreme Court In the matter of the guardianship of the Estate of William Allison Pitts, George James Stuart Pitts, Cecil Vaux Pitts and Harold Readwin Pitts, minors - On hearing Mr. Winter ?. ?. counsel for Wm T. Neville, the guardian of these estates, and upon reading the affidavit of Augusta Louisa Pitts, Mother of said minors, and on ?????? to the Will of the late William Pitts, it is ordered that the said Guardian shall appropriate and apply the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds per annum out of the amount of the bequest to said children, under the will of said late William Pitts, for their support, maintenance and education. This allowance is so to be applied by the Guardian until the eldest of said children shall attain the age of seventeen years, when, or in the event of the death of either of the minors, application must again be made for the further direction of the Court. T ?? Carter
To all to whom these presents shall come: I, Augusta Louisa Pitts at present of Brixton in the County of Surrey, England, Widow, send Greeting. Whereas, by and under the Will of William Pitts, late of Saint John's in the Island of Newfoundland, Merchant, a legacy of two thousand pounds sterling has been bequeathed to the children of my late husband George A. Pitts, formerly of Saint John's aforesaid, engineer and son of said testator and whereas the said children are now minors of the ages of Ten, Six, Four and Three years respectively, and whereas I am informed that it is necessary that a Guardian or Guardians of the estate of the said children being minors should be appointed to receive, hold and apply the said legacy for their use and benefit and that it is necessary to apply to the Supreme Court of the said Island for the appointment of said Guardian and generally for the order and direction of the said Court in respect of the said legacy and the interests of the said children Now, therefore, know all Men by these presents that I, the said Augusta Louise Pitts, as mother and next of kin of the said children, minors as aforesaid have made, constituted and appointed by these presents do make, constitute and appoint James S. Winter of St. John's aforesaid Queens Counsel and Donald Morison of the same place, Barrister at Law and each of them my true and lawful attorneys and attorney for me and in my name and on my behalf and on behalf of the said children, minors as aforesaid, to apply to the said Supreme Court of Newfoundland, or a Judge thereof or other competent tribunal in that behalf, for the appointment of such person or persons as Guardian or Guardians of the estate of said children and each of them as to the said Court or Judge or other tribunal shall seem meet and upon such terms and conditions and subject to such orders and directions in the premises as to law and practice may ascertain and to sign execute and deliver all such petitions, bonds, agreements, undertakings and documents whatsoever as shall be necessary or expedient in the promises and generally in all matters relating to the said Legacy and the claims interest and estate of the said children in so far as I have or may have the right or power in that behalf to act for me and in my name and on my behalf as fully to all intents and purposes as I could do if personally present. I hereby ratifying and confirming all and whatsoever my paid Attorneys or Attorney shall lawfully do or cause or suffer to be done in the
premises by virtue hereof Signed, Sealed Augusta Louisa Pitts T. A. Readman F.G.S
To the Honourable the Supreme Court of Newfoundland or one of the Judges thereof. The Petition of Donald Morison of St. John's, Barrister at Law. Humbly sheweth That under and by the Will of the late William Pitts of Saint John's, a legacy of two thousand pounds sterling has been bequeathed to the children of George A. Pitts, deceased son of said William deceased, which legacy is in the terms following viz D. Morison
SUPREME COURT NEWFOUNDLAND Sworn before me at D. Morison Geo. J. Adams
SUPREME COURT In the matter of the Estate Petition for Letters of Guardianship Fiat
Page transcribed by Mary Rawlinson
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday October 18, 2017)
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