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Miscellaneous Deeds, Grants, Petitions & Wills
Joseph Hayward Taylor


Joseph H Taylor

Estate of Joseph H Taylor 1885
From LDS Microfilm #2057177.


In the Supreme Court }

A F F I D A V I T.

You shall swear that you believe this to be the true last Will and Testament of JosephGJA Hayward Taylor late of Carbonear in the Northern District Planter deceased

You shall swear that you will pay all the Debts and Legacies of the deceased, so far as the Goods shall extend and the Law shall bind you; and that you will exhibit a true, full, and perfect Inventory of all and every the Goods, Rights and Credits of the deceased, together with a just and true account, into the Registry of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, when you shall be lawfully called thereto: And you shall further swear that the whole of the Goods, Rights, Chattels, Assets, Credits and Effects of the said Joseph Hayward Taylor deceased, and of which he died pos-sessed, do not, according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Two thousand Eight hundred          dollars

So help you GOD.

Sworn before me, at St. John's, }                            Frederick T. Bemister
this Thirteenth day of                 }
May    A.D. 1885.                      }by the said          William Hawker
Frederick T. Bemister and William Hawker

Geo. J. Adams
Commissioner of Affidavits. Supreme Court.




Estate of
Joseph Hayward Taylor
late of Carbonear
in the Northern District

Signed 13th May 1885

Probate granted to
Frederic T. Bemister decd
William Hawker
Executors named in
the Will

Est. Sworn under




After two days, application will be made to The Honorable The Supreme Court on Circuit for Probate of the Will of the late Joseph Hayward Taylor late of Carbonear planter deceased to be granted to the executors thereof, Frederic T. Bemister and William Hawker both of Carbonear aforesaid Agents.
Haite(?) fr a a (?)          Henry T Clift
May 8 1885                    -----------
                                      Proctor for Executors



To the Honorable the
Supreme on Circuit

          The petition of Frederick T. Bemister and William Hawker both of Carbonear Agents, Executors of the last Will and Testament of Joseph Hayward Taylor late of Carbonear Planter deceased

Humbly Sheweth

That the said Joseph Hayward Taylordied in or about the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty at Carbonear aforesaid, having first duly made his last will and testament, whereof he appointed your petitioners executors and which said last Will and Testament, duly proved is hereunto annexed. Your petitioners Therefore humbly pray that Probate of the said last Will and Testament of the said Joseph Hayward Taylor may be granted unto them -----
And as in duty bound Your Petitioners will ever pray.

Frederick T. Bemister
William Hawker



In the Supreme Court
on Circuit

Northern District                   }
Harbor Grace to sent?           }
In the matter of the petition  }
of Frederick T Bemister     }
and William Hawker           }
for probate to the will of late }
Joseph Hayward Taylor late}
of Carbonear Planter deceased}

Frederick T Bemister and William Hawker both of Carbonear in said district Agents jointly make oath and say that the matters set forth in the petition hereunto annexed are just and true according to the best of deponents knowledge recollection and belief and that the said Joseph Hayward Taylor the testator aforesaid, had at the time of his decease a fixed place of abode and residence in the said Northern District to visit at Carbonear aforesaid.

Sworn at Harbor Grace      }
aforesaid this 8th                }                    Frederick T. Bemister
day of May A D 1885         }                   William Hawker
Before Me                           }
Geo. J. Adams



Supreme Court of Newfoundland

Harbor Grace

John F. Apsey

of Harbor Grace Accountant maketh oath and saith that on the 26th day of March A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty ----------- at Carbonear he, this Deponent, was present and did see Joseph Hayward Taylor late of Carbonear ------------ the Testator named in the paper writing hereunto annexed duly sign (by making his mark) publish and declare the said annexed paper writing as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of this Deponent and of Edward Noel of Carbonear Fisherman -------------------- the other subscribing witness thereto. That Deponent and said --------------- Edward Noel --------------------------------------------------- then signed their anmes to such Will as such witnesses, in the presence of the said Testator and of each other. That previously to the said Will being so signed as aforesaid, by the said Testator and the said witnesses, it was read over to and approved of by the said Testator in the presence of Deponent and the said Edward Noel ----------------------------------------------------------- and that at the time of the said execution of the said Will the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of Deponent's knowledge and belief.

Sworn before me, at Harbor Grace }                    John F. Apsey
aforesaid, this 8th day                      }                    --------------------
of May, A.D.                                    }
One Thousand Eight Hundred and }
Eighty five                                        }

Geo. J. Adams



In the name of God amen

This the last Will and Testament of me Joseph Hayward Taylor of Carbonear - Planter - being of good understanding do at the present - in the first place give and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Taylor should she survive me - The money now at Interest in the Union Bank of Newfoundland for her use and benefit so long as she may live - for her main-tenance and support - and what-ever may remain of the said money at her death - to be equally divided between my sons Edmund Taylor - James Taylor and William Taylor - - I further bequeath to my sons Edmund Taylor - James Taylor and William Taylor - my half or thirty two shares of the Schooner Primrose Lass - equally and equal shares therein -

Page 2

I further will and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Taylor and my sons Edmund Taylor James Taylor - and William Taylor - equal shares of what money or monies due me at Messers John - Munn & Coy - - and further whatever property or fishing gear - that I may have an interest in at the Labrador - I bequeath equally to my sons - Edmund Taylor James Taylor and William Taylor -
          I further give and bequeath to my son Thomas Taylor a gun - and do hereby testify this my last Will and Testament this the Twenty sixth day of March AD - One Thousand Eight hundred and Eighty
--I appoint Frederick T Bemister and William Hawker - as Executors to this my last Will and Testament
Signed & Sealed the above date }
in presence of                              }          Joseph Hayward X Taylor
Jno F. Apsey
Ed Noel



Page Transcribed by Josephine Gazley

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday May 22, 2019)

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