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This was a five page document received from the Supreme Court of Newfoundland in June of 2005 Page One1877 Estate of Thomas Wilkie
Dated April 3rd. Vol 4
Page Two To the Honorable the Supreme
The petition of Charlotte Wilkie of St. John's Newfoundland widow Humbly sheweth That your petitioner's late husband Thomas Wilkie late
of St. John's gunsmith departed this life on or about the thirtieth day
of March last intestate leaving him surviving his widow your petitioner
and the following children Charlotte, Mary Anne, Jane and Charles. That at the time of his decease the said Thomas Wilkie was possessed of property in Newfoundland of the value according to your petitioner's opinion and belief of not more than eight hundred dollars. That Page Three That no letters of Administration of the said estate have been granted.
Your petitioner therefore humbly prays that letters of Administration of
her said late husband's estate may be granted to her and as in duty bound
will pray. Charlotte Wilkie LS Supreme Court ) Sworn before me at )
Page Four
Supreme Court of Newfoundland ST. JOHN 'S I do swear that I believe that Thomas Wilkie late of St. John's aforesaid Gun Smith deceased, died with out a Will; and that I will well and truly administer all and every the Goods of the said deceased, and pay his debts so far as his Goods will extend; and that I will exhibit a true, full and perfect Inventory of the said Goods of the Deceased, and render a true account of my Administration into the Registry of the said Court, within six months from the date hereof, or when I shall be thereunto lawfully required; and that the whole of the goods, rights, chattels, assets, credits and effects of the said deceased, which he died possessed of, within the jurisdiction of this Court, do not, according to the best of my knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Eight Hundred and fifty dollars. Charlotte Wilkie LS Sworn before me at St. John's, ?? Wood LS Commissioner of Affidavits, Supreme Court Page Five This page was a template with certain portions to be filled in Supreme Court of Newfoundland BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this third day
of April in the personally appeared Charlotte Wilkie and
did acknowledge themselves to beheld and firmly bound to our said
Lady the Queen, Her Heirs and Successors, in the penal Sum of Seventeen
hundred NOW
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH , That if the above bounden Signed and Sealed Charlotte
Wilkie LS George Udle LS ?? Wood
Note: WILKIE Thomas 1877 185 St. John's Admin. 4 Thomas senior was a sergeant in the "Royal Victoria Regiment" and "Royal Newfoundland Regiment" and lived in St. John's Newfoundland between 1812 and to at least September 1828. His occupation was as an armourer. He returned to England and lived in Kent after 1828. In 1844 we know he was a warrant officer in the British army living in Woolwich, Kent, England. We assume that son Thomas, born in February 1812, went back with the family and eventually returned to live in Newfoundland. Thomas junior married Charlotte Leicester December 26, 1836 in the Royal Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, Middlesex, England. This is the chapel in the Tower of London. Family legend was that they married in the Tower of London where Thomas Wilkie senior worked. The four surviving
children mentioned in the petition were Charlotte Augusta Wilkie born
7 Sep 1854. She married Samuel George Carnell Collier of St. John's. These
were my maternal great grandparents. They both died in St. John's.
John William Carnell Collier was a brother of Samuel George Carnell Collier. |
Page Contributed by Geoff Martin
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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