Estate of Richard
Voisey of St. John's
Admtn granted Decemr. 29 1857 to
John Voisey of St. John's Farmer
Estate £800
Entd PR These two lines at right angles to and beneath Estate 800 Vol 3 F 338
To the Honorable James Brady Chief Justice and
others the acting Assistant
Judges of the Supreme Court
The humble Petition of John Voisey of Forest Road in
the vicinity of St. John's in the said Island , farmer -
sheweth; -
That the late Richard
Voisey late of Forest
Road aforesaid farmer departed this life intestate on or about the fourth
day of December instant, leaving no widow but three children, namely Petitioner,
Richard Voisey junior and Susan Cook wife
of George
Cook surviving him; that said children are of full age and
are residing in the said Island -
That at the
time of his decease the said intestate was possessed in his own right in
the said Island of goods and chattels, real and personal; including money,
amounting in the whole to the probable value of about Eight hundred and
five pounds and twelve shillings currency:-
That petitioner hath obtained
the consent of his said brother Richard to take out Letters
of administration to his said later Fathers Estate -
Petitioner, therefore
humbly prays that Letters of administration to the Estate assets and effects
of the said Intestate may be granted to him on his giving the security required
by law -
And for which as in duty bound
Petitioner will ever pray etc.
St. Johns- 17 December 1857
In the Supreme Court
In the Matter of
the Intestate Estate of the late Richard
Voisey -------------- John Voisey of Forest Road
in the vicinity of St. Johns aforesaid farmer the written and foregoing
Petitioner maketh oath and saith that the allegations and statements contained
in the within Petition are correct and true to the best of this Deponents
knowledge and belief.
Sworn to at Saint John's - aforesaid this 17th
day of December A. D. 1857
Before me- Having been first read over to the said John
Geo. Anderson
Commer. of Affts.