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Louis Julian Martin Of Saint John’s – Painter
Admin’n granted to Margaret Martin July 11th 1834
Vol 2 Folio 130
To The Honourable Henry Bolton Esquire
The Petition of Margaret Martin That her said husband died without making his Will, and having left her in possession of some moveable property and debts. Petitioner has been advised by her friends to address your Lordship praying that your Lordship will grant her a letter of Administration to enable her to recover the debts now due to her as Widow of her late deceased husband. And Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray St. John’s Margaret Martin LS 7th July 1834 Note: There is no known connection to the Martin lines of Harbour Grace at this time with Louis Julian Martin. Margaret, his widow, died in November 1859.
Page Contributed by Geoff Martin
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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