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The Petition concerning the Estate of John Buckley Probate year 1824, from the LDS microfilm Estate Files #2056192 Newfoundland, In the Probate Court By the Honourable Richard A Tucker Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Newfoundland, &c. &c. &c. To Mr. James Anderson of St. John's Newfoundland - Dealer & Chapman Greeting: Whereas John Buckley of ________ County Ireland (?) -But late of St. John's Newfoundland Planter Deceased (as is alleged) lately died Intestate having whilst living and at the time of his death, divers goods, chattels, credits and effects, within the Island of Newfoundland, and within our Jurisdiction, by reason whereof, the sole ordering and granting Administration of all and singular the said goods, chattels, credits and effects, and also the auditing, allowing, and finally discharging the account thereof are well known to appertain wholly to the said Supreme Court, and We being desirous that the said goods, chattels, credits and effects, may be well and faithfully Administered, applied, and disposed of, according to law, do therefore by these presents, having confidence in your fidelity and integrity, nominate, order and appoint you the said James Anderson Administrator
of all and singular the goods, chattels, credits and effects of the said deceased, and do hereby grant you full power and authority to demand, sue for, recover and receive the same, in whosesoever hands or custody they remain, and fully and freely to Administer and dispose of the same according to law; you being first duly sworn that you will well and truly Administer all and every the goods of the said deceased, and pay his debts so far as his goods will extend and the law requires, and that you will exhibit a true, full and perfect inventory of the said goods of the deceased, and render a true account of your Administration into the Registry of the said Court, within twelve Months from the date hereof, or when you shall be thereunto lawfully required; and being also further sworn that the whole of the goods, rights, chattels, assets, credits and effects of the said deceased, do not, according to the best of your knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to a value of Six Hundred pounds sterling. In Testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of our said Court to be hereunto affixed, this ninth day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty-four and in the fifth Year of His Majesty's Reign. [Signature of] R A Tucker Ch Jus of Newfld Newfoundland, In the Probate Court. St. John's I do swear that I believe John Buckley of County of _______ Ireland (?) but late of St. John's Newfoundland, Planter, deceased, died without a Will; and that I will well and truly Administer, all and every the Goods of the said deceased , and pay his Debts so far as his Goods will extend; and that I will exhibit a true, full and perfect inventory of the said Goods of the deceased , and render a true account of my Administration into the Registry of the said Court, within twelve Months from the date hereof, or when I shall be lawfully required; and that the whole of the Goods, rights, chattels, assets, credits, and effects of the deceased, which he died possessed of, within the Jurisdiction of this Court, do not, according to the best of my knowledge, judgment and belief, amount to the value of Six Hundred Pounds Sterling. [Signature of] Jn Anderson Sworn at St. John's the 9th day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty-four [?] [Signature of] R A. Tucker Ch. Jus. Of Newfld
Page Contributed by C. Haynes, August 2004
Transcribed by Norma Elliot August 2004
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013 AST)
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