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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
John T. Currie


Will of John T. Currie, from Newfoundland will books volume 15 pages 177 & 178 probate year 1930

IN RE.                DECEASED

John T. Currie

THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me John T. Currie of Brittania in the Island of Newfoundland a merchant. FIRST I appoint my wife Alice M. Currie hereinafter called my Trustee executrix and trustee of this my will. SECOND. I give and bequeath to my nephew John Weldon Currie that portion of my business premises at Brittania aforesaid lying to the westward of my wharf including the land connected therewith and appurtenant thereto and also one-half undivided interest in and my wharf adjoining same to the eastward THIRD I give and bequeath my dwelling house at Brittania aforesaid together with all the land connected therewith or appurtenant thereto to my Trustee UPON TRUST for herself during her life or until she shall marry she paying the insurance and all outgoings payable in respect of same and after her death or marriage UPON TRUST for my son Ralph Currie absolutely FOURTH I give and bequeath to my trustee all my household goods wares chattels and effects and my personal effects UPON TRUST for herself during her life or until she shall marry and upon her death or marriage UPON TRUST for my said son Ralph Currie absolutely FIFTH I give a sum of gold which is in my safe at Brittania aforesaid whatever the amount may be but which I think is about one hundred and twenty five dollars to my said wife absolutely. SIXTH I direct that all my debts funeral and testamentary expenses and Death Duties shall be paid out of the residue of my estate. SEVENTH Subject to the next preceding paragraph I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate to my Trustee UPON TRUST for my said son Ralph Currie absolutely EIGHTH I direct and empower my Trustee to continue the business at present carried on by me at Brittania aforesaid until my said son shall reach the age of twenty one years with liberty for my said Trustee as long as she shall continue the said business to employ therein the whole or any part of the capital which shall be employed therein at my decease and to act in the conduct of the said business as she shall think fit.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I the said John T. Currie have hereunto subscribed my hand at St John's in the Island of Newfoundland this thirty-first day of March Anno Domini One thousand nine hundred and thirty.


SIGNED by the said testator as and for
his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us both being present at
the same time who in his presence and
in the presence of each other have
hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.
Jas. P. Blackwood.
William Soper.


William F Lloyd (Signature)

Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland

Written in the top right-hand margin on page 177:
June 12/30
J. M. Kent
Probate granted
Alice M. Currie
on the 13th day
of June
A.D. 1930
Value of Estate



Page Contributed by Judy Benson, Ernie Kraut & Transcribed by Lenora Cooper

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit ( Sunday June 18, 2017 )

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