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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Edward F. Curran


Will of Edward F. Curran
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 424-428 probate year 1912

In re
      Edward F. Curran          deceased.

      This is the last will and testament of me Edward F. Curran Priest of the Catholic Church of St. John’s in the Island of Newfoundland and I revoke all former wills by me made I give and bequeath to the Reverend John Healy now serving as Catholic Curate in Dalky Dublin Ireland, the sum of one thousand dollars as a token of gratitude for the great and true friendship he has always shown me.
I give and bequeath to the Catholic Extension Society of Canada, an organization incorporated under the Federal law of Canada with head office at 119 Wellington Street Toronto the sum of one thousand dollars. I also give and bequeath to the said Catholic Extension Society the sum of Five hundred dollars for Mass Intentions to be offered up for the repose of the souls of my father mother and myself I also give and bequeath to the said Catholic Extension Society my collection of postage stamps.
I give and bequeath to James J McGrath of St. John’s aforesaid if he shall act as my executor the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. I give and bequeath to such housekeeper of mine as shall be in my service at the time of my death and for two years next preceding that event the sum of fifty dollars

I give devise and bequeath my two houses situate on Cochrane Street St. John’s and my house (at present numbered 110) situate on Water Street East, St. John’s, to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of St. George’s provided that the said Corporation will undertake and bind itself in such manner as my executor shall direct, to pay to Annie Foley at present residing at No 10 Hayward Avenue St. John’s aforesaid Two hundred dollars annually during her lifetime for I desire to recompense her in some measure for the many services she did for my parents. I give devise and bequeath to the sisters of Mercy Belvidere Convent, St. John’s that piece of land situate near Mundys Pond St. John’s West near the residence of    S.O. Steele.

I give and bequeath that portion of my books catalogued under the headings Theology Philosophy, Liturgy and Law (Civil and Ecclesiastical) in my autograph catalogue of books in my library to Holy Cross College Clonliffe, Dublin Ireland. I also give and bequeath to the said Holy Cross College all music coming under the heading of Irish Music in the said Catalogue I give and bequeath all my other books and music to the Knights of Columbus, Terra Nova Council 1452 of St. John’s. And in case any of these latter books and music may be considered by the chaplain of the said Council unsuitable for the Council library. I direct that such unsuitable books and music are to be sent to England by my executor and there sold and the money obtained for them is to pass into the residue of my estate after deducting all expenses and charges
I give and bequeath all my household furniture consisting of piano tables chairs wardrobes bureaus carpets and pictures together with my carriage sleigh and entire stable effects to the said sisters of Mercy Belvidere Convent. I give and bequeath all the remainder of my household effects not herein mentioned to said James J McGrath if he acts as my executor.

I give and bequeath the autograph letters and envelope of Charles Dickens and of Cardinal Newman to St. Patrick’s College, Maynorth, Ireland for it was on this condition that I was presented with these autographs I appoint the said James J McGrath my literary executor, and direct that he take into his immediate possession all written manuscripts, letters, typewritten matter copies of letters, note-books, and all written matter of all and every kind, and also all manuscript music except that which comes under heading of Irish music already mentioned herein I further direct that he may publish, if he so desire, any manuscript or manuscripts which in his own judgment would not reflect upon my character or the good name of the Catholic Church. I further direct that he is not to transfer to anybody except for the purpose of publication or except to the said Reverend John Healy any of the manuscripts documents letters or written matter. I further direct that he is to destroy any document or written matter which in his judgment would in any way cause scandal trouble or annoyance to any person. And I direct that if he should think it necessary to take advice about any manuscript that he will apply in the first instance to the said Reverend John Healey, in whom I have always found a most trustworthy and learned adviser. I further direct that he will not permit any person except as aforesaid for purposes of publication or except the said Reverend John Healey, to read or peruse any of the documents or written matter belonging to me, and that he take this as a principle to guide him in acting that what is not suitable for publication should not be seen by other people In all questions connected with my literary possessions I direct that my literary executor is to be sole and absolute arbiter and judge I further direct that should there accrue any emoluments from the publication of any literary composition, story, play, novel, poem, essay, article, book review, musical composition or other written composition by me my literary executor will after first deducting all charges and incidental expenses remunerate himself with twenty five per cent of the said emoluments and apply the balance of said emoluments to any charitable work he may think well of.

I direct that the residue of my estate be applied for the offering of masses for the repose of my soul and I further direct that the application of said residue is to be at the sole and absolute discretion of my executor my only desire being that he will distribute the money (if any) in such manner that the masses will be offered up as soon as possible after my death.

I appoint the said James J. McGrath sole executor of this my will I desire to place on record here that I wish to die in the fold of the Catholic Church that I profess all its teaches, and abjure all it condemns. I direct that my obsequines are to be carried out according to the Rite of the Catholic Church and that I be buried in consecrated ground with all the religious Ceremonial given by the Catholic Church to its priests. I ask the forgiveness of all those whom I may have injured or offended in any way and beg that they and my fellow Catholics will pray to God for the repose of my soul. And in order that my funeral may not be a cause of regret and scandal to others who deplore the useless waste of money on elaborate and expensive caskets and floral decorations, I direct and order that I am to be buried in a coffin such as is used by the poor classes of Catholics and that no flowers be used: preferring a few prayers to such empty tributes I direct that if it should happen that the ecclesiastical superiors of the diocese of St. John’s should express a wish for the disposal of my body my executor is to acquiesce but if no such wish be expressed and it becomes evident that the said ecclesiastical authorities have no desire to arrange for my funeral, I direct that I am to be buried by the side of my father in the family plot in Belvidere Cemetery St. John’s
In witness whereof I have set my hand to this my will the 26th day of October 1910. Edward F. Curran, signed by the above named Edward F. Curran as his last will in the presence of us both being present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses    John Murphy    Josephine Power

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
April 9/12
C. J.
April 10/12
J. McGrath
sworn at



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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