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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Ann Cullen


Will of Ann Cullen
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages 135-136 probate year 1910

In re
      Ann Cullen          deceased.

      In the name of God Amen The last will and testament of Ann Cullen of Torbay. In the District of St. John’s East Newfoundland, Wife of Matthew Cullen made this 14th Fourtenth day of December In The year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred & Two -     I Ann Cullen being very sick and indisposed in bodly health - But of Perfect mind and Memory and of good understanding calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and that it is appointed for all to die.    Therefore I am desirious to Settle my worldly affairs while I have Strenght and capacity to do so Do make and publish this my last will and testament making null and void all other wills heretofore made by me -
first I hereby will and bequeath to my Daughter Frances Cullen all my household goods chattles and effects Together with my dwelling house & Farm Situated at Torbay aforesaid to have and to hold after my death -
Second I do hereby will and bequeath that my Daughter Frances Cullen shall be obligated to keep my son Edward Cullen in the old homestead and Provide for him my son Edward Cullen     Ann her x mark Cullen     Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Ann Cullen as and for her last will and testament in presence of us who in presence of her - and in the presence of each other and at her request have subscribed our names as witnesses    witnesses John Roche     John Lynch    Matthew his x mark Quigley.

Certified correct,
D. M. Browning

(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Sept 2/10
C. J.
adm c.t.a.
Sept 2/10
to Frances
sworn at
John Roche
John Cantwell



Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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