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This is a seven page document from the Supreme Court of Newfoundland in June 2005 In the Supreme Court In re J. Maxwell Cron.
OATH OF ADMINISTRATOR Administration granted to Henry Vol. 8
The petition of Charles Cron of Harbour Grace Newfoundland, Medical Practitioner. HUMBLY SHEWETH:
Your Petitioner prays that in the interest of the estate of the said J. Maxwell Cron that Letters of Administration with the Will annexed on the bottom left corner of this page opposite the word annexed were initials J with a C overwritten in the left margin of this page the words Fiat
annexed be granted to the said Henry J. Burnell and in duty bound will ever pray &c. Dated at Harbour Grace this 17th day of October 1927. Charles Cron LS Newfoundland. I, Charles Cron of Harbour Grace aforesaid, Medical Practicioner, petitioner named in the foregoing petition make oath and say that the matter and things therein set forth are just and true to the best of my knowledge information and belief. SWORN before me at Harbour ) Underneath the word Commissioner is affixed a Newfoundland Inland Revenue stamp with a value of 25 cents. "A"
This is the Last Will and testament of me J. Maxwell
Cron of Harbour Grace, Newfoundland Grocer, and I revoke all former
Wills by me made. I appoint and nominate The Royal trust Company which has
a branch office at St. John's, Newfoundland executor and trustee of this
my Will, hereinafter called "my executor". I give devise
and bequeath to my executor all my estate of every description whatsoever
and wheresoever situate upon the following trusts namely (1) to pay all my
debts rightly due, and all funeral and testamentary expenses (2) during the
minority of my son James and until
his attaining the age of twenty one years to pay only for a thoroughly good
and complete education including a university education of my said son and
for medical and surgical and dental treatment of my said son (3) upon my said
son attaining the age of twenty one years to pay and transfer to him the total
balance of my estate for his absolute use and benefit (4) if my said son should
predecease me or die before attaining twenty one years of age to pay the proceeds
of the realization of my estate as follows one quarter to my brother Charl in
trust for his children equally to be used for their and each of their benefit
or be given each when and in such amounts as my brother Charl shall
deem right and discreet one quarter to be given equally to my sisters of the
half blood only excluding Alice I. (Cron) McGrath and Frances
(Cron) Bundge my full sister one half to my half sister the said Alice
I. (Cron) McGrath. Signed by the testator as and ) J. Max. Cron LS Mary Jackman CORRECT (Listed in the margin next to this will the following) Henry J. This is the paper-writing marked "A" referred to in the affidavit of T. Scanlan McGrath sworn before me the 15th day of October 1927. D.Q Kent
"B" Initials here of J with C overwritten TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS shall come Mary Grimes, Lilian
Cron, Alice I (Cron) McGrath
John's, Newfoundland
ST. JOHN'S, N.F. | ||
Mary Jane ? LS | ? F. Inkpen | |
Notes: John Maxwell Cron was born in Harbour Grace December 23, 1884 as the first child and son of James Maxwell Cron and Frances Ross. They had two sons and two daughters. Frances died in 1888 and James later married Emma Martin in 1896. Emma was the eldest daughter of Matthew and Jane Maria Martin. Matthew was the brother of my great grandfather Frederick Martin. Emma was a school teacher and by 1890 she was principal of the Church of England High School in Harbour Grace. James and Emma had two sons and four daughters. As mentioned in the will: Mary Stuart Cron b. October 1899 married Rupert Grimes. Alice I Cron b. 1902 married Thomas Scanlon McGrath. They had two sons, John James McGrath, who died 1991, and Brian Cron McGrath, who died 1996. Brian was at one time, president of Churchill Falls Corporation. I don't know if Lilian Maria Cron b. December 1900 married.
Page Contributed by Geoff Martin
Margin comments contributed by Judy Benson (part of the wills project)
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Friday May 02, 2014)
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