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Ferryland Surrogate Court Records
Part 2 - L to Z
Late 1700's


September 28, 1789

Laffin, Thomas

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


October 8, 1782

Lahey, Richard

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


September 11, 1773

Land, William

To give evidence in Cornelius Delaney vs Richard Pearce


October 8, 1782

Lane, Charles Henry

Surrogate for Ferryland District.


July 30, 1785

Learey, Patrick

His servant also threatened this person:

Steer, Jasper

October 8, 1782

Leary, Patrick

Ordered to appear in court in Renews.


October 8, 1782

Leary, Patrick

Witnessed the refusal to appear in court of Thomas Drew


April 1, 1793

Leary, Patrick

Testified in Flemon vs Hinton


September 23, 1786

Leigh and Co.

Sued for debt owed:

Huolilan, ???

September 23, 1786

Leigh and Co.

Sued for debt owed:

Larey, Patrick

September 23, 1786

Leigh and Co.


Ready, Patrick

September 23, 1786

Leigh, John

Member of jury in Hodge vs Gibbs.


October 1, 1789

Leigh, John

Attorney for Leigh and Co. in bankruptcy


October 5, 1775

Line, Francis

Member of jury in Cullin vs Tree.


August 31, 1785

Long and Co.

Went bankrupt and sold land to :

Wall, Henry

September 28, 1789

Long, George

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


August 25, 1784

Lowen, Michael

Sued this person for ill usage:

Saunders, John

October 14, 1790

Lundergan, Patrick

Servant to Mr. Hill and an unwilling accomplice in theft of fish. He was drunk.


October 14, 1790

Lundergan, Patrick

Deported to Ireland for theft of fish.


September 15, 1790

Lyons, Patrick

Testified in Hunt vs Cullen and Kensbeer


September 23, 1786

Mackey, John

Complained that their fish was being seized by this person to pay passage for their servants:

Sweetland, Henry

October 3, 1775

Mackey, Richard

This servant of Robert Eustace ordered to appear in court in case against:

Welsh, John

September 15, 1773

Mackey, Thomas

Appointed witness in Thomas vs Jago arbitration.


September 11, 1773

Mangdon, Richard

To give evidence in Cornelius Delaney vs Richard Pearce


September 15, 1773

Marhon, ???

Owned land adjacent to land purchased by Walter Butler.


September 29, 1789

Martin, Patrick

Master of the shipNeptune who shipped goods from Waterford, Ireland .


September 23, 1786

Matthews, ???

Took boat from the brigThree Friends and was flogged by:

Drew, ???

September 23, 1786

Matthews, ???

Took boat from the brigThree Friends and was flogged by:

Roach, ???

September 20, 1790

Maugher, Patrick

Claims he is owed for 10 quintals of fish by:

Baker, John

October 14, 1790

Maxey, William

Charged with stealing fish from Mr. Hill.


September 13, 1773

McCarthy, Dennis

Sued this person for 5.10.3 :

Shortall, James

September 13, 1773

McCarthy, Dennis

Agent for this company:


October 8, 1782

McCarthy, Dennis

Constable in Renews.


September 23, 1795

McCarthy, Michael

Jury member in Murphy vs Dauton and Whealon.


April 4, 1793

McCawley, Daniel

Member of jury in Brien vs Drauhan


September 11, 1773

McCormack, James

Charged this Cape Broyle in a dispute over shipping agreement:

Butler, Edward

September 11, 1773

McCormack, James

Charged this Cape Broyle in a dispute over shipping agreement:

Butler, Thomas

September 11, 1773

McCormack, James

Charged this Cape Broyle in a dispute over shipping agreement:

Williams, William

September 23, 1786

McDaniel, John

Charged with building flakes over the public paths:


September 23, 1786

McDaniel, William

Charged with building flakes over the public paths:


September 20, 1790

McDaniel, William

Supplied this person with provisions:

Maugher, Patrick

July 15, 1793

McEvoy, John

Charged their master with not providing them their provisions:

Withycombe, John

July 15, 1793

McGrath, Daniel

Charged their master with not providing them their provisions:

Withycombe, John

September 13, 1773

McGraugh, John

Was drinking with Stephen Kennely and Patrick Kidney in John Keatons house.


September 13, 1773

McGraugh, R.

Capelin Bay master to seize the assets of :

Fitzgerald, David and James

September 11, 1773

McNamara, Michael

To give evidence in Cornelius Delaney vs Richard Pearce


September 28, 1789

McNamara, Michael

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


August 31, 1785

Meade, James

Servant to this person:

Griffin, Andrew

September 14, 1773

Meany, James

Complained of ill treatment by his master in Renews. Master failed to appear and was fined 10.0 by the court.

Power, Silvester

September 23, 1786

Messer, William

Member of jury in Hodge vs Gibbs.


August 26, 1784

Meude, William

Charged that this person , a clerk for Philip Leigh and Co., broke the arm of a carpenter:

Sampion, William

October 1, 1789

Meyer, Wilkins and Leary

Company is indebted to Leigh and Co. for 115 for 400 quintals of fish.


September 28, 1789

Migault, John

Agent for:

Meyer, Wilkins and Leary

October 1, 1789

Migault, John

Agent for:

Meyer, Wilkins and Leary

April 4, 1793

Migault, John

Member of jury in Brien vs Drauhan


August 31, 1785

Miland, John and David

Sold land to :

Long and Co. of London

September 22, 1786

Mitchel, James

Testified in Williams vs Pridham


September 11, 1773

Moor, William

Sued this person for non payment for medicines and medical treatment:

Shortwell, James

September 13, 1773

Moore, Stephen

Surgeon testified in Moor vs Shortwell


September 14, 1773

Moore, Stephen

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


December 3, 1792

Moran, William

Sued this person for debt owed:

Dullanty, Timothy

September 23, 1786

Morry, Matthew

Testified in Hodge vs Gibbs.


September 23, 1786

Mortimore, Robert

Testified in Hodge vs Gibbs


October 7, 1774

Mudge, John

Appointed arbitrator for Barnes in Murry vs Barnes.


October 5, 1775

Mudge, John

Member of jury in Cullin vs Tree.


September 14, 1773

Mullahy, Edward


Cantwill, William

September 23, 1786

Murphy, Arthur

Member of jury in Hodge vs Gibbs.


September 23, 1795

Murphy, Bridget

Claimed these two sisters threw oil on her clothes and ruined them:

Dauton, Catherine Whealon, Mary

September 23, 1795

Murphy, Bridget

Claimed these two sisters threw oil on her clothes and ruined them:

Whealon, Mary and Dauton, Catherine

October 9, 1774

Murphy, Dennis

Sued this Ferryland merchant for his passage home to Ireland:

Shapley, William

September 11, 1773

Murphy, Edward

Ferryland resident ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


September 14, 1773

Murphy, Edward

This blacksmith of Ferryland was found guilty of assaulting Stephen Kennely and Robert Carter was ordered to seize his assets.


August 11, 1794

Murphy, Patrick

Sued for ill usage by:

Ready, Michael

August 31, 1785

Murray, Matthew

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


October 7, 1774

Murry, Darby

Charged this boatmaster of Henry Sweetland with running down his boat on his return from the capelin school.

Barnes, Thomas

March 23, 1795

Murry, Margret

Charged this person with abuse:

Connell, Michael

March 23, 1795

Murry, Margret

Wife of :

Murry, Thomas

July 21, 1795

Murry, Margret

Charged this person with assault:

Jacobs, Catherine

October 9, 1774

Nash, Thomas

Claimed he was overcharged for a cod seine by:

Shapley, William

October 8, 1782

Neal, Terence

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Neal, Terence

Fined 1.1 for participating in a riot.


September 1, 1785

Neale, James

Worked for this person:

Smith, John

September 20, 1790

Neale, John

Testified in Maugher vs Baker


October 14, 1790

Neil, John

Charged with stealing fish from Mr. Hill.


September 23, 1786

Neil, William

Complained that their fish was being seized by this person to pay passage for their servants:

Sweetland, Henry

September 23, 1786

Nicholas, William

Member of jury in Hodge vs Gibbs.


September 23, 1786

Nicholas, William

Member of jury in Leigh and Co. vs Larey


October 8, 1782

Norris, James

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Norris, James

Refused to appear on a charge of rioting.


October 26, 1782

Norris, James

Fined 6.3.6 for riotious behaviour.


April 4, 1793

Norris, Thomas

Member of jury in Brien vs Drauhan


September 23, 1795

Norris, Thomas

Jury member in Murphy vs Dauton and Whealon.


August 26, 1784

Nowell, John

A carpenter in Admirals Beach, Fermeuse who had his arm broken.


August 26, 1784

Nowell, John

Worked for this Admirals Beach, Fermeuse company :

Meude and Mugridge

September 28, 1789

Nowland, David

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


September 28, 1789

Nowland, Richard

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


October 7, 1774

Parker(?), William

Surrogate for Ferryland District.


September 11, 1773

Pearce, Richard

Fermeuse resident ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


September 22, 1786

Pellew, Edward

Surrogate for Ferryland District


October 8, 1774

Pendergrass, Simon

This Ferryland resident was fined 5.0 for having criminal correspondence with this persons wife:

Farrel, Edward

October 7, 1774

Pepperel, George

Claiming the plantation of Pidgeon and Spinster.


October 7, 1774

Pepperel, George

Accused of destroying the original patent of Pidgeon and Spinster.


September 13, 1773

Peterson, Thomas

Sued this person for a debt owed:

Shortall, James

September 18, 1773

Peterson, Thomas

Sued this person for debt owed:

Cantwill, William

September 11, 1773

Phaelon, Michael

Ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


October 8, 1782

Phenery, Thomas

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 7, 1774

Pidgeon, William

Was a partner in a plantation with this person. The plantation is now occupied by Sweetland and Co.

Spinster, John

October 7, 1774

Pidgeon, William

Died and was buried in Newfoundland.


July 15, 1793

Pitlam, Thomas

Charged their master with not providing them their provisions:

Withycombe, John

August 31, 1785

Poor, James and other servants

Sued for wages owed:

Griffin, Andrew

August 31, 1785

Potsburys Plantation

Sold land to :

Miland, John and David

September 13, 1773

Power and Gregory

Breakus merchants to seize the assets of :

Whelan, William

September 13, 1773

Power and Gregory

Breakus merchants to seize the assets of:

Power, Nicholas

August 3, 1794

Power, David

Sued this person for abuse and assault:

Learey, Patrick

May 20, 1793

Power, Jeffery

Partnership dispute with this person:

Dower, Richard

September 11, 1773

Power, John

To give evidence in Cornelius Delaney vs Richard Pearce


September 28, 1789

Power, John

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


August 10, 1795

Power, Mary

Assaulted by this Cape Broyle resident and his wife:

Bryan, Michael and Wife

September 11, 1773

Power, Nicholas

Breakus resident ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


October 8, 1782

Power, Patrick

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Power, Patrick

Fined 1.1 for participating in a riot.


September 23, 1786

Power, Richard

Complained that their fish was being seized by this person to pay passage for their servants:

Sweetland, Henry

September 13, 1773

Power, Silvester

Summoned to court in Renews


September 23, 1786

Power, Thomas

Complained that their fish was being seized by this person to pay passage for their servants:

Sweetland, Henry

October 5, 1775

Prettyjohns, Andrew

Member of jury in Cullin vs Tree.


August 31, 1785

Prettyjohns, Granfell

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


October 7, 1774

Pring, William

Claiming the plantation of Pidgeon and Spinster.


September 14, 1773

Pritchard, John

Shipped goods from Ireland on board the brigTriton. Some of the goods were missing upon arrival in Newfoundland and he wants restitution from:

Pearce, Richard

August 24, 1795

Pritchard, Penelope

Said she bought the watch claimed by Ann Stanford from a sailor eight years ago.


October 7, 1774

Prittyjohns, Andrew

Appointed arbitrator for Murry in Murry vs Barnes.


September 23, 1786

Pullman, Chris

Member of jury in Hodge vs Gibbs.


July 30, 1785

Pulman, Chris

Testified that he was sitting in the home of this person when he was told John Carrol was causing a disturbance:

Jennings, William

August 31, 1785

Pulman, Chris

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


August 31, 1785

Pulman, Chris

Testified in Rouse vs Clements.


September 14, 1773

Puttyjohn, Andrew

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


October 8, 1782

Quin, James

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Quin, James

Refused to appear on a charge of rioting.


October 14, 1790

Quin, Thomas

Owned the house where Dullahants crew lived. Plead guilty to theft


October 14, 1790

Quin, Thomas

Sentenced to 24 lashes, 8 to be given at Point of Beach, 8 lashes to be given at the Northside Room and 8 at the court house. Quin was to walk from place to place with a cod fish hung around his neck and then to be deported.


July 15, 1793

Quirk, Michael

Charged their master with not providing them their provisions:

Withycombe, John

October 8, 1782

Ready, Daniel

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Ready, Daniel

Fined 3.3.6 for participating in a riot.


October 24, 1782

Ready, James

Fined 3.6.6 for disrespectful behaviour and rioting.


April 29, 1793

Ready, James

Charged this person with setting fire to his boat:

Scurry, David

April 29, 1793

Ready, James

Charged this person with setting fire to his boat:

Comerford, Thomas

April 29, 1793

Ready, James

Charged this person with setting fire to his boat:

Lannin, Matthew

August 25, 1784

Reeves, John

Sued by this person and others for recovery of 4.10 for passage from Ireland:

Shortwell, ???

August 31, 1785

Riddle, John

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


September 23, 1786

Riedel, John

Member of jury in Hodge vs Gibbs.


September 23, 1786

Riedel, John

Charged with building flakes over the public paths:


August 31, 1785

Roberts, Robert

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


August 26, 1784

Roily, Robert

Applied for free passage from Ireland with this captain. Roily cooked for all of the other passengers on the voyage:

Doble, Captain

October 1, 1789

Romney, Peter

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


September 20, 1790

Romney, Peter

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District


October 13, 1790

Romney, Peter

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


October 19, 1793

Romney, Peter

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


April 4, 1793

Rounan, Matthew

Member of jury in Brien vs Drauhan


October 8, 1782

Rourk, Michael

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Rourk, Michael

Refused to appear on a charge of rioting.


October 26, 1782

Rourk, Michael

Fined 6.3.6 for riotious behaviour.


August 31, 1785

Rouse, James

Built a house 20 years ago on unoccupied ground in Renews.


August 31, 1785

Rowland, Thomas

Servant to this person:

Griffin, Andrew

October 5, 1775

Russel, Nicholas

Member of jury in Cullin vs Tree.


July 21, 1795

Ryan, Michael

Charged this person and others with assault and battery with stones:

Neal, Mary

July 21, 1795

Ryan, Michael

Charged this person and others with assault and battery with stones:

Morricy, Elizabeth

July 21, 1795

Ryan, Michael

Charged this person and others with assault and battery with stones:

Evoy, Elenor

July 21, 1795

Ryan, Michael

Charged this person and others with assault and battery with stones:

Whealon, Mary

July 21, 1795

Ryan, Michael

Accused this person of running a bawdy house:

Evoy, Elenor

October 8, 1782

Ryan, Thomas

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


April 4, 1793

Sanders, John

Member of jury in Brien vs Drauhan


August 25, 1784

Saul, Edmond

Testified in Lowen vs Saunders.


September 23, 1786

Saunders, John

Member of jury in Leigh and Co. vs Larey


September 23, 1795

Saunders, John

Jury member in Murphy vs Dauton and Whealon.


October 7, 1774

Saunders, William

Appointed arbitrator for Murry in Murry vs Barnes.


July 21, 1795

Saunders, William

Testified in Murry vs Jacobs


September 15, 1773

Saxton, Pierce

Granted land in Cape Broil Harbour to build a fish room, stage and flakes.


September 15, 1790

Scantling, John

Testified in Hunt vs Cullen and Kensbeer


September 22, 1786

Scott, John

Testified in Williams vs Pridham


October 4, 1775

Seal, ???

Entered a petition against this resident of Breakus for encroachment on plantation:

Sulivan, John

October 3, 1775

Seal, Josiah

Sued his former partner:

Prettyjohns, Andrew

October 5, 1775

Seale, ???

Charged this Breakus resident with encroachment:

Sulivan, John

October 24, 1782

Sennett, Edmond

Fined 1.1 for participating in a riot.


October 24, 1782

Sennett, Martin

Refused to appear on a charge of rioting.


October 26, 1782

Shallow, Michael

Dispute with former partner resolved by the court.

Chancy, Oliver

September 11, 1773

Shanahan, Cornelius

Master of the voyage for:

Saunders, ???

September 13, 1773

Shapely, William

Ferryland master to seize the assets of :

Whelan, Patrick

September 14, 1773

Shapley, William

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


August 31, 1785

Shapley, William

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


September 15, 1773

Shea, Mary

Granted a fishing room in the NW side of Harbour of Ferryland adjoining plantation of:

Ludwick, ???

September 18, 1773

Shea, Mary

Granted two small plots of ground adjoining her house on NW side of Ferryland.


October 5, 1775

Shea, Michael

Member of jury in Cullin vs Tree.


September 11, 1773

Shortall, James

Ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


September 14, 1773

Shortall, James

Appointed arbitrator in Mullahy vs Cantwill


September 15, 1773

Shortall, James

Appointed witness in Thomas vs Jago arbitration.


October 24, 1782

Shortall, James

The Ferryland merchant was master of Martin Stamp and was ordered to seize his property


August 31, 1785

Shortall, James

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


September 23, 1786

Shortall, James

Member of jury in Leigh and Co. vs Larey


September 23, 1786

Shortall, John

Charged with building flakes over the public paths:


September 11, 1773

Shortwell, James

Agent for this Renews merchant:

Eustace, R.

October 8, 1782

Sinnett, Edmond

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 8, 1782

Sinnett, Martin

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


May 27, 1793

Sinnett, Patrick

Charged this person with refusing orders:

Murphy, Patrick

September 23, 1793

Skennick, Richard

Sued this person for dismissing him. He was drunk on the job.

Sanders, John

September 1, 1785

Smith, John

Sued this Cape Broyle resident for employing one of his servants:

Neale, William

September 15, 1773

Sparks, ???

Renews resident appointed arbitrator in Thomas vs Jago


September 28, 1789

Sparks, John

Late Agent for Leigh and Co.


August 31, 1785

Sparrow, William

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


October 7, 1774

Spinster, John

Told this person that he and Pidgeon had agreement that surviving partner would own entire plantation until second partner died. At that time the heirs would inherit full estate.

Marshal, Hannah

September 11, 1773

Stafford, Matthew

Ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


October 24, 1782

Stamp, Martin

One of the plunderers apprehended on October 17, 1782 escaped from prison.


August 24, 1795

Stanford, Ann

Claimed that a watch she lost six years ago belonging to her late husband:

Sparrow, William

July 30, 1785

Steer, Jasper

This cooper and storekeeper of Chris Pulman reported that John Carrol was causing a racket.


September 23, 1795

Sulavin, James

Jury member in Murphy vs Dauton and Whealon.


September 22, 1786

Sulivan, David

Sued for wages owed:

Whealon, Patrick

October 3, 1775

Sulivan, John

This resident of Breakus ordered to appear in court and to bring his copy of the patent granted to him by :

Shuldham, Governor

October 4, 1775

Sulivan, John

Encroached on the plantation of :


October 5, 1775

Sulivan, John

This Breakus resident was fined 5.0 for bad behaviour towards:

Carter, Robert

October 5, 1775

Sulivan, John

Encroached on the plantation of :

Buckley, ???

September 23, 1786

Sulivan, John

Complained that their fish was being seized by this person to pay passage for their servants:

Sweetland, Henry

August 25, 1784

Sulivan, Owen

Claims he was put ashore at Aquaport(Aquaforte) without cause. He had hurt his leg.


July 21, 1795

Sullivan, John

Said he was standing in Mr. Carters garden when he heard Ryan accuse Evoy of being a whore.


September 14, 1773

Sweetland, Henry

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


October 5, 1775

Sweetland, Henry

Member of jury in Cullin vs Tree.


August 25, 1784

Sweetland, Henry

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


July 30, 1785

Sweetland, Henry

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


October 1, 1789

Sweetland, Henry

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


September 20, 1790

Sweetland, Henry

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District


October 13, 1790

Sweetland, Henry

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


September 11, 1773

Taylor, John

To give evidence in Cornelius Delaney vs Richard Pearce


September 11, 1773

Terry, ???

Constable for Ferryland district.


September 15, 1773

Thomas, Alice

Sued this person to collect rent owed on two boatrooms:

Jago, Samuel

September 15, 1773

Thomas, Alice

Wife of this boatroom owner who died on his voyage back out from Ireland:

Thomas, Thomas

September 28, 1789

Toole, James

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


September 11, 1773

Tree, Francis


Cruett, William

September 13, 1773

Tree, Francis

Testified in Kennely assault case. Said he saw a fight outside the house of :

Keaton, ???

September 14, 1773

Tree, Francis

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


September 18, 1773

Tree, Francis

Granted ground at the head of Capelin Bay from the Quay to the Ponds and 300 yards behind the same.


October 5, 1775

Tree, Francis

Given permission to build a fishing stage on a place called The Key, near his fishing room.


April 4, 1793

Tree, Francis (Jr.)

Member of jury in Brien vs Drauhan


October 19, 1793

Tree, Philip

Clerk of the Peace in Ferryland.


August 31, 1785

Tubrett, William

He helped pull down flakes in Rouse vs Clements.


August 31, 1785

Tubrett, William

He said this person was present when flakes were pulled down in Rouse vs Clements:

Pulman, Chris

August 31, 1785

Tubrett, William

He said this person was present when flakes were pulled down in Rouse vs Clements:

Clements, Mrs Catherine

August 31, 1785

Tubrett, William

He said this person was present when flakes were pulled down in Rouse vs Clements:

Bulley, Richard

August 31, 1785

Tubrett, William

He said this person was present when flakes were pulled down in Rouse vs Clements:

Bryne, Michael

September 14, 1773

Tucker, Mrs. Ann

This Ferryland resident complained against:

Croak, James

September 29, 1789

Tucker, William

Merchant of Renews said this person ordered a puncheon of rum but now refuses to pay. The boat carrrying the rum was lost in Renews harbour:

Hinton, John

September 23, 1786

Vaughan, ???

Came on board brigSpeedy and behaved riotiously:


July 30, 1785

Wall, Henry

Testified in Fohey vs Dowlin.


August 31, 1785

Wall, Henry

Sold land to :


September 1, 1794

Wall, John

Stole shirts and stockings and was sentenced to 39 lashes.


September 20, 1790

Waller, Jacob

Surrogate for Ferryland District.


September 11, 1773

Walley, John

Testified in Bussey vs Sweetland


January 2, 1796

Walsh, Catherine

Charged this person with assault:

Marshall, Thomas

August 24, 1795

Walsh, Thomas

Said that Ann Stanfords lost watch is now in the possession of this person:

Curry, Joseph

September 13, 1773

Welch, Joseph

Sued his master in disagreement over shipping papers: Welch found to be lazy and impertinent.

Jennings, William

September 23, 1786

Welch, Richard

Servant of this person:

Fenecy, ???

September 11, 1773

Welch, Walter

Charged this person with assault:

Saunders, ???

September 23, 1786

Welsh, ???

Sued this company for payment of calves and hogs:

Leigh and Co.

October 4, 1775

Welsh, John

Ordered to keep the peace and fined 20.0. He is to pay half and John Benger to pay the other half.


October 14, 1790

Welsh, John

Charged with stealing fish from Mr. Hill.


October 24, 1782

Welsh, Thomas

This Renews resident charged this person with the loss of a loaned tarpaulin.

Griffen, John

September 9, 1773

Weston, Peter

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District


October 7, 1774

Weston, Peter

Justice of the Peace for Ferryland District.


October 8, 1782

Whealon, Dennis

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

Whealon, Dennis

Fined 3.3.6 for participating in a riot.


October 5, 1775

Whealon, James

Sued for wages owed by:

Thomas, Alice

July 21, 1795

Whealon, Mary

Charged this person with assault:

Wallace, Margret

September 1, 1785

Whealon, Michael

Sued his master for wages owed:

Butler, John

October 14, 1790

Whelan, Edward

Charged with stealing fish from Mr. Hill.


September 11, 1773

Whelan, James

Ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


October 14, 1790

Whelan, John

Charged with stealing fish from Mr. Hill.


September 11, 1773

Whelan, Patrick

Ferryland resident ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


September 28, 1789

Whelan, Walter

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


September 11, 1773

Whelan, William

Breakus resident ordered to appear at court for not obeying summons.


October 8, 1782

White, John

Ordered to appear in court in Fermeuse


October 24, 1782

White, John

Fined 3.3.6 for participating in a riot.


September 22, 1786

White, William

Sued for wages owed :

Whealon, Patrick

July 29, 1793

William, Williams

Charged his master with beating him:

Delaney, John

September 23, 1786

Williams, ???

Came on board brigSpeedy and behaved riotiously:


July 30, 1785

Williams, John

This servant was hit by his master with a boathook three times:

Pulman, Chris

September 28, 1789

Williams, John

Servant of Leigh and Co. which had just gone bankrupt. He wanted his wages.


September 14, 1773

Williams, Robert

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


July 15, 1793

Williams, Stephen

Charged that this person is unfit for the work for which he was shipped:

Knowlan, Thomas

September 23, 1795

Williams, Stephen

Jury member in Murphy vs Dauton and Whealon.


September 22, 1786

Williams, Walter

Charged this person with beating him:

Pridham, ???

September 11, 1773

Windsor, John (Fermeuse)

To give evidence in Cornelius Delaney vs Richard Pearce


September 13, 1773

Winniett, John

Testified in Kennely assault case.


September 14, 1773

Winniett, John

Member of jury in Butler vs Shortall.


October 7, 1774

Woodland, ???

Claiming the plantation of Pidgeon and Spinster.


August 31, 1785

Yatman, William

Member of the jury in Jackman vs Leigh and Co.


December 3, 1792

Young, William

Sued this person for debt owed:

Keney, Margret

Page Transcribed by Ray Curran (May 2001)
Page Updated by Don Tate (June 2001)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)

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