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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Alfred J. Colbourne


Will of Alfred J. Colbourne from Newfoundland will books volume 14 page 397 probate year 1928

Will of Alfred J. Colbourne probate granted December, 1928
Northern District, Tilt Cove Newfoundland

Know all men by theses presents that Alfred J. Colbourne of Tilt Cove being in good health and sound of understanding, but knowing the uncertainty of life, do this day make my last will and testament.
I do hereby bequeath unto my beloved wife Emily A. Colbourne the sum of four hundred dollars yearly for her support as long as she lives also my daughter Annie May Colbourne whilst she remains unmarried.
I further bequeath unto my beloved wife Emily A. Colbourne all my household furniture (with the exception of the piano) for her sole use and benefit. At the death of my beloved wife Emily A. Colbourne this yearly payment of four hundred dollars ceases whatever monies then remaining as well as my interest in the Homestead at Twillingate to be equally divided between my seven children namely, Alfred Francis, John Augustus, William Michael, Walter Hoskins, Annie May, Henry Frederick and Thomas William Colbourne.
I further give and bequeath unto my daughter Annie May Colbourne the "Piano" now in the house for her sole use and benefit.
To my son Thomas William Colbourne I do further bequeath all my small personal articles.
In the event of either of my children dying before the sharing of the monies aforesaid takes place his or her share to go to his or her children (if any).
I hereby appoint my two sons, Alfred Francis and John Augustus Colbourne as my legal executors to see this my last will and testament carried into effect.

Dated at Tilt Cove
Northern District Nfld
Aforesaid this thirteenth day of September, 1910
Alfred John Colbourne

Witnesses to the signature of Alfred J. Colbourne
William Cunningham
Arthur Pittman

Inventory and Valuation of the Property of the Deceased (attached)
Estate of Alfred J. ColbourneLate of Tilt Cove, Mining Captain

Land, houses, stores and any interest in land$1100.00
Household goods and furniture150.00
Bank and other Stock, Share in Companies4028.00
Cash in Bank3889.00

Sworn at Toronto this 11th day of December 1928 Before me
W.J. Thompson
Notary Public for Ontario
Alfred Francis Colbourne
John Augustus Colbourne



Page Contributed by Merle Colbourne Amodeo (great-granddaughter of Alfred J. Colbourne)

Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (October 30, 2002)

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