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Will of George Cobb In re A WILL This is the last will and testament of me, George Cobb, of the settlement of Joe Batt’s Arm, Fogo District, Newfoundland, a fisherman: First. I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Drucilla, all my own and personal property, (with the exception of my dwelling house), as well as my lawful part of the other property; together with such things as I, and she, can lawfully claim to be my real and personal own, within the said dwelling house; together with such stove or stoves belonging to the dwelling house, as I claim to be kept separate from the said dwelling house. And when, and if, any or all of the same be sold and disposed of, my wife, Drucilla, to have the real and whole value of the same. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to my only son, Stirding Roderick, all my real, private and personal money or moneys; together with such or any money of the selling of the aforementioned dwelling-house, as may be remaining, after the death of my mother, Jane: the same thereof to be deposited in some Bank, in the names of my wife, Drucilla, and my brother Horace, until such time as my son, Stirling Roderick comes of age to open a Bank account in his own name. Third. I give the above-mentioned dwelling-house to my mother, Jane, and she may sell, and dispose of the same at such time as she desires, after my death; and the whole value of the said house to be hers; but after her death, what and such money as is remaining from the selling, and disposing of, the said dwelling-house, to be my only son’s, Stirling Roderick, as is aforesaid in this will. Fourth. I hereby appoint my wife, Druscilla, guardian of the person, and any estate of my son, Stirling Roderick. Fifth. I hereby appoint Simon Brett, of Joe Batt’s Arm, Fogo District, to be the sole and only executor of this my last will and testament; and I direct and empower him to sell and dispose of, to the very best advantage, any, or all of my wife’s share of the property willed to her, in this said will, as she desires to be sold and disposed of. In witness whereof I, george Cobb, the testator, have to this my last will and testament set my hand, this 28th day of January, A.D. 1925, at Joe Batt’s Arm, Fogo District. George Cobb Testator. Signed published and declared by George Cobb, as his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who have subscribed our names at his request, as witnesses thereto, in the presence of the said testator, and of each other: Charles Butt (Joe Batt’s Arm) Witnesses Frank Head (Joe Batt’s Arm) CORRECT. (Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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