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A Collection of Newfoundland Wills
Stephen Vatcher Cluett
Will of Stephen Vatcher Cluett
from Newfoundland will books volume 13 pages
424-425 probate year 1926
Last Will and Testament Know all men
by these present Greeting
I Stephen Vatcher Cluett of Belleoram Fortune Bay in the Island of Newfoundland
Being of sound mind and memory declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
1st. I hereby appoint my oldest son to be my executor, with authority
to pay all just Bills and to receive and collect the earnings of
any investments, and to sell the Vessel Salma Creta as early as possible
at his own discretion.
2nd. I give devise and bequeath a piece of land surveyed etc in
their mothers name, and situate at the bottom of Belleoram to
my two oldest sons Arthur & Edward also water Side premises etc
and land outside the fence near the house and on the Gull Point.
3rd. I give devise & bequeath to my youngest son Stephen
Vatcher Cluett my dwelling House and land surrounding inside the fence
on condition that if either his elder brothers marry they are if necessary
have the use of the homestead until the beforementioned Stephen attain
the age of nineteen.
4th. Also the proceeds in full value of a fraction over
nine shares in the Vessel James W Parker at $335.15/100
per share or total of $3000.00/100 and the earning power, but not to
pay any Bills in future Vessel to stand her own expenses Also
the proceeds in full value in the Vessel Cecil L Beck of
eight shares at $250.00 per share or total $2000.00/100 and
the earning power Also not to pay any Bills in future this
Vessel also to stand her own expenses Also one share of Twenty
five dollars in an Ice House and its earning power And the
residue of of
any property to be equally divided between my five children
Viz, Arthur, Edward Reta Stephen and Myrtle.
5. I also give devise & bequeath as follows Arthur,
Edward and Stephen to have a Bed Bedstead & fittings each The
Organ to my daughter Reta, and the Sewing Machine to my daughter
Myrtle Also their late mothers personal property to be equally
divided between my two daughters Reta & Myrtle Also one Bed Bedstead & fittings to my youngest daughter
Myrtle and any unmentioned such as furniture Pictures etc to
be equally divided between the five, three boys & two
6. I give devise and bequeath to my eldest daughter Six hundred
dollars And to my youngest son one thousand dollars, and
to my youngest daughter seventeen hundred And after that, the
balance of money in cash Also money invested to be equally
divided among the five children Viz Arthur, Edward,
Reta, Stephen and Myrtle. Including
Life Insurance Policy
And last neither Reta, Stephen or Myrtle to exceed over three hundred per year except for the purpose
of education and read over and signed by the Testator in
the presence of each other this fifteenth day of May one
thousand nine hundred and twenty five
W. G. Nott
J. M. Fudge
15th May /25
R Courage S. M.
William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Sept
Warren J.
Probate granted
to Arthur L.
Sept 13/26.
Estate sworn
at $25,894.38
Page Contributed by Judy Benson & Ivy F. Benoit
Page Revised by Ivy F. Benoit (Wednesday February 20, 2013)
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