Will of Alexander Christian
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages
139-140 probate year 1910
In re
Alexander Christian deceased.
Saint John’s Newfoundland Sept.
5th 1910 It is appointed unto all men
once to die and I Alexander Christian do commit my soul
to almighty God. My merciful Creator and my Body to its mother earth,
and being in a perfect state of mind do make my last will and testament,
the bequeaths Herein to be executed or distributed after my decease.
First. For the beloved and sincere affection I have for my sister Frances
Jane Pelley, residing at Cook’s County. Illinois. U.S.A. do bequeath to her
the sum of Twenty five dollars ($25.00) also to my beloved niece Alice
M Peach of Dorchester Mass U.S.A. the sum of Twenty dollars. ($20.00
and to my beloved niece Maud Jones of Boston Mass U.S.A the sum of Ten
dollars. ($10.00) and to my nephew William Christian Peach of Boston
Mass U.S.A. the sum of Ten dollars ($10.00) and to my beloved niece Lillian
Barnes of St. John’s Nfld the sum of Five dollars. $5.00 and to
the Trustee Board of the Old Perlican Methodist Church I leave in memory
of my Father the Late William Christian and family the sum of Thirty
dollars. ($30.00) also to the Trustee Board of Gower Street Methodist
Church St. John’s. I bequeath the sum of Twenty five dollars. ($25.00)
and to the Methodist orphanage of St. John’s the sum of Twenty
five dollars ($25.00) and to the Rev. John M Pike Editor of the “way
of Faith” Columbia, South Carolina the sum of Five dollars. ($5.00)
to be devoted to slum work, also I bequeath to widow Mrs. Willis
Button of Old Perlican, the sum of Five dollars ($5.00) and to widow Mrs.
William Woodlands of Old Perlican, the sum of five dollars. ($5.00) and to widow
Mrs. Julia Barrett of Old Perlican, the sum of Ten dollars ($10.00) also
to Hilda Daughter of Alexander Day of Old Perlican the sum of Three dollars
($3.00) and to the Gower street Methodist Church contributions due, up
to the thirty first of December 1910, the sum of seven dollars and eighty
cents ($7.80) also to my beloved niece Laura Currie of St. John’s.
I bequeath the sum of one Hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) and to
my beloved sister in law Amelia F Christian the sum of one Hundred dollars
($100.00) and to my beloved nephew Hubert Gordon Christian the sum of
one Hundred dollars. ($100.00) and when the above mentioned amounts are
distributed and all other Liabilities etc are met and settled from out
of my Life Insurance Policy, of the Connecticut Life Insurance Coy. The
balance or remainder of the aforesaid Policy I bequeath to my beloved
Brother Archibald Humphrey Christian of St. John’s,
My Cabinet organ I bequeath to my beloved nice, Mabel C Christian of
St. John’s My writing Desk I bequeath to Robin
Peach of Carbonear.
My Gold watch chain and scarf Pin I bequeath to my nephew Hubert
Gordon Christian My Bed Bedding, Pictures
Books, crockery in box cutlery Trunks. Trinkets etc. I bequeath to my
beloved Brother Arch H. Christian and Lastly I do hereby
appoint John
S Currie to be executor of this my last will and Testament
in witness whereof I have set my hand and signature Alexander
Christian Executor John
S Currie (LS) witness to signature of John S. Currie A.
H. Christian witness Wm
Samways T. W. Sparkes
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
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