Will of Margaret Mary Josephine Charlton
from Newfoundland will books volume
13 pages 234-235 probate year 1925
I Margaret Mary Josephine Charlton of Flower Hill St. John’s Newfoundland
but at present residing at number 1 Herbert Mansions 35 Sloane Street
in the county of London widow hereby revoke all former wills and codicils
made by me and declare this is my last will.
I appoint Milford Hallett of number 44 Charing Cross London to
be the sole EXECUTOR of this my will
I give to my housekeeper Marie Athfield my wearing apparel and
the furniture and effects in her bedroom.
I bequeath the following pecuniary legacies free of all duties
to my housekeeper the said Marie Athfield the
sum of one hundred pounds
to my late maid Agnes Chester the sum of twenty
(c) to the Mount Cashel Orphanage of St Johns Newfoundland
conducted by the Christian Brothers the sum of fifty pounds
(d) to the Belvedere Orphanage for Girls in St Johns Newfoundland
the sum of fifty pounds
to the St Vincent de Paul Mens Society in st Johns Newfoundland
the sum of fifty pounds to be distributed among such of the
poor in st Johns Newfoundland as the said society shall select
(f) to the Dorcas society of st Johns Newfoundland the sum
of twenty five pounds to be expended among such of the poor
in the St Johns Newfoundland as the said Society shall select
(g) To Charles P Ayre of St Johns Newfoundland
the sum of twenty five pounds to be expended among such of
the Methodist poor as he shall select
(h) to Madame O’Donoghue wife
of the O’Donoghue of Dublin and to Mrs
Henrietta Marsh late of
Clonmacnoise the sum of fifty pounds each
(i) to Walter Charlton late of
Clonmachoise the sum of one hundred pounds
(j) to the Reverend
Wilfred H C. Burnham of The Brampton Oratory the sum
of fifty pounds as a mark of my gratitude for his kindness
(k) to my godson Louis Conroy of St Johns
Newfoundland the sum of fifty pounds
to the Hospice for the dying of Mare Street Hackney the sum
of twenty five pounds
(m) to the Priest for the time being
in charge of the Brampton Oratory and to the Priest for the
time being in charge of the Catholic Church in Maiden Lane
Strand London the sum of twenty five pounds each for masses
for the repose of my soul
(n) to
the Priest for the time being in charge of the Catholic Church
Mortlake the sum of twenty five pounds for masses for the
repose of the soul of my late husband George Robert
Deighton Charlton
To the said Milford Hallett the sum of fifty pounds as a
small acknowledgment of his trouble in the executorship of
this my will.
I declare that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper
officer for the time being of the institutions or societies
to whom I have bequeathed legacies shall be a full and sufficient
discharge for the same.
I give my silver jewellery and plate and all the residue
of my estate and effects to my sister Ellen Mary
O’Dwyer of number 33 Military
road St Johns Newfoundland for her absolute use and benefit
IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto and to the preceding sheet of paper
set my hand this twentieth day of January one thousand nine hundred and
by the testatrix as and for her last will and testament in the presence
of us both being present who in her presence at her request and in
the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:-
P. M. MAC MAHON - Solr 34 Essex Street Strand W.C.2.
ARTHUR ALLISON - 34 Essex Street Strand W.C.2. Clerk to Messrs
Hobson & mac
William F. Lloyd
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland.
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Fiat Nov 17/25
Horwood C.J.
Re Sealed
Nov 20th. 1925.
Estate sworn
at $6,845.00