Will of Lionel Thomas Chancey
from Newfoundland will books volume 9 pages
410 -415 probate year 1912
In re
Lionel Thomas Chancey deceased.
This is the last will and Testament
of me Lionel Thomas Chancey of St. John’s in the Island of Newfoundland
late acting sheriff of the Central District of the said Island
I nominate and appoint Thomas J. Duley of St. John’s aforesaid
Jeweller John S. Currie of same place Publisher and James
Augustus Clift also of same place Solicitor to be the Executors of this my last will
and Testament.
Second. I give devise and bequeath
unto my said Executors all and whatsoever Lands Houses Monies Chattles
and effects wheresoever situate of which I may die possessed to hold
the same in trust nevertheless for the sole use and benefit of the
Companion of my life from early youth to old age, my faithful and loving
wife Margaret Parnell Chancey, and to pay over to her
in half yearly or such other instalments as she may desire the rents,
issues and profits arising therefrom during her life after the death
of my said wife I give devise and bequeath the following legacies, that
is to say
(1) To Annie Elizabeth Mellis (my niece now residing
in British Columbia) the sum of Five Hundred Dollars.
(2) To my niece
Maria Chancey Christian (now residing in Philadelphia
U.S.A.) the sum of one Thousand Dollars.
To the Trustees of the Congregational Church (St. Johns) the sum
of Five Hundred Dollars to hold the same in trust, and to invest the
amount in such Securities as they may deem desirable and to apply the
annual interest arising therefrom to the support of the ministry of said
Church (my Executors may set off this legacy as against the amount due
to me by the said Church.
To Cyril C Duley, Nelson M Duley and Lionel
Thomas Duley I give my Shares in the Colonial Investment and Loan Compy my shares
in the St. John’s Nail Company Limited also my Shares in the
Consolidated Foundry Company, and also my shares in the Newfoundland
Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company - in all the present value of
about Two Thousand Dollars - the earning of the above named companies
to be divided annually between the three boys above named share and
share alike
(5) To my niece Mary Ann Pike I give the sum of
two Hundred Dollars (in the event of her death, then this sum is
to be equally divided amongst her surviving children)
(6) To Laura
Currie, Maria C. Christian and Lillian Parsons daughters of my late
sister Mary Ann Christian I give devise and bequeath all my right
title and interest in and to all that Farm and premises known as
Knights Farm “Bella View” situate
on the old Placentia road near Mount Pearl in the Western suburbs of
St. John’s to be equally divided between them
(7) To
the said Laura Currie I also give devise and bequeath
all and singular my land and Houses Nos 80 and 82 situate on Freshwater
road and also my leasehold interest in Land and Premises situate
on William Street and Hayward Avenue being a part of Tobins Estate
in Monkstown in the Town of St. Johns
(8) To my adopted daughter
Phoenie Chancey Duley I give, devise and bequeath
all and singular my freehold Land with Dwelling House and other erections
thereon known as No 7 Monkstown Road and at present in my occupancy
(9) To Cyril Chancey Duley to Nelson Montgomery
Duley and to Lionel
Thomas Duley I give devise and bequeath all my right title
and interest in and to the leasehold property on Water Street and
buildings thereon
(10) To Heber Parsons and his wife Lillian
I bequeath in trust for their children all my right title and interest
in a leasehold with Dwelling House thereon situate on Boncloddy Street
and the documents that I hold on said property be returned to them
Also any debt or debts due my estate by the said Heber Parsons I
hereby bequeath to him. I do this to save him from trouble with my
(11) To the children of Eldred G. Chancey and his wife Lydia
Butler I give and bequeath the sum of one Hundred
dollars, this amount the said Eldred G Chancey is in debt to me on
Mortgage and I give it to his children to save him from trouble with
my Executors and any documents that I hold is to be returned to him
my Executors may set off this legacy as against the amount due to
me by the said Eldred G. Chancey
(12) To Ebenezer Knight I give and bequeath the
sum of One Hundred Dollars and interest due thereon (he being insolvent
and not finally discharged) I give him the above named amount to save
him from trouble with my executors, my Executors may set off this legacy
as against the amount due to me by the said Ebenezer Knight
To our loving young friends we we bequeath as follows: -
- To
Gladys Mildred Duley we give our Piano Forte
- To
Margaret Iris Duley we give Two Hundred Dollars.
- To
Florence Louise Currie we also give Two Hundred Dollars and
the framed likeness of her Great Grandmother Chancey.
- To Cyril
C. Duley I give my gold watch as a keepsake - I purchased it
from the makers when in Boston and no other person have ever carried
All the rest residue and remainder of my estate of whatsoever
description and wheresoever situate I give devise and bequeath unto my
adopted daughters the said Phoenie Chancey Duley and
the said Laura
Currie to be equally divided between them provided nevertheless
that this bequest as well as the bequest to my wife shall be subject
to the payment of the premium of Life Insurance on a policy in the Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New York on the life of Thomas James
Duley on the fifteen
year endowment plan until the maturity of said policy, the policy being
in favor of the said Cyril Chancey Duley premium $68.30
payable on 30th December.
witness whereof I the said Lionel Thomas Chancey have
hereunto set my hand at St. John’s in the Island of Newfoundland
this 18th day of March A.D. one Thousand nine Hundred and Four.
Lionel T. Chancey Signed by the said Testator as his last will
in the presence of us, both being present at the same time, who
in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses. Wm Martin John Leamon
Codicil to my last will dated
18th March 1904 I think the first two Trustees named in the first
paragraph sufficient if they are alive without troubling Mr.
Paragraph (8)
Strike out my adopted daughter Phoenie Chancey Duley and insert
instead of it young friend and constant attendant Cyril
Chancey Duley - the paragraph will then read “To my young friend
and constant attendant Cyril Chancey Duley I give devise and
bequeath all and singular my freehold land with Dwelling house
and other erections thereon known as No 7. Monkstown road and
at present in my occupancy”
Paragraph (13) the
latter part strike out Cyril C. Duley and insert instead of it
Lionel Chancey Currie - then it will read “To Lionel
Chancey Currie I give my gold watch as a Keepsake etc etc”
also give and bequeath to the said Lionel Chancey Currie the
sum of one Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) which I intend to place
in the Nfld Savings Bank on the first day of January 1908 if
I live to that time - if not my Trustees will please attend to
it - the interest of said one Thousand dollars to be added to
it yearly until he is Twenty one years of age when principal
interest and Book is to be given to him. In witness whereof I
hereby certify that this paper is part and parcel of my last
will and testament Lionel
Thomas Chancey
Certified correct,
D. M. Browning
(Listed in the margin next to this will the following)
Feb. 9/12
C. J.
Feb. 12/12
to Thomas
J. Duley
John S.
sworn at